Breaking News: HE1000 V2

Dec 12, 2016 at 4:36 PM Post #346 of 386
For those who felt that the HEK V1 was "hazy", how does the HEK V2 compare?

This question is only for those who felt the HEK1 was hazy- not for those that felt the HEK 1 was ultra transparent.

This is a very important point...
These headphones being in this TOTL type league, Are very system dependent for synergy,
And In have noted in upgrade thread that the HEK may sound totally fine and even neutral in this aspect you are asking about..
Out of a really strong and upfront amp like the Jotunheim or HeadTrip amp...

Yet to me, HEKV1 was (quoting tour term), a bit hazy,
which led me to modding it...

The Utopia had a bit more micro dynamics over the HD800, but was the most lean sounding as well.


I've never heard anyone say this about the Utopia - especially in comparison to the HD800. IMO the Utopia has great 'body' and tonal balance - and I'm using a chip based SS amp.
I use the Utopias as an alternative to my Harbeth monitors, which have a wonderfully natural, rich tonality - the Utopias aren't far away. 
What source and amp were you using?

Sorry guys I was away...
The thing I forgot to mention to put my comment in perspective,
Was that my comment was very system dependent...

BOTH The HD800 and the Utopia were very system dependent and more so than the HEK...

My comments ONLY apply to using tube amplification for the HD800, while switching in output transformers for the Utopia and HeK..
That specific observation was using a Lampizator Big 7 HeadDac, so it had option to switch over...
There are other tube amps that also have this ability.

Anyways, I also heard the HEK on a EC Studio and it certainly scaled beyond what I heard from Utopia, but I did not hear the Utopia on the EC Studio, so I must only assume the Utopia would scale as well.

Bottom line I see no superiority of the Utopia over the HEKV2 at all.
In fact I am convinced the HEKV2 is the superior can, which to my ears had the most mature and complete sound.

The HD800 truly excells mostly on tubes which gives the voltage power and impedance match that it needs to "fill out", and be truly competitive to the Utopia.
Utopia will always be in same league for when you want the most intimate experience as it has the smallest soundstage...

To me they are all there, are at similar level in "realism",
and so it really is based on preference,
which for me is balance in all areas, not just a few areas..
That's why although I keep my HD800 and do like Utopia sound,
I get it all with the HEKV2.
Dec 12, 2016 at 4:58 PM Post #347 of 386
I've never heard anyone say this about the Utopia - especially in comparison to the HD800. IMO the Utopia has great 'body' and tonal balance - and I'm using a chip based SS amp.
I use the Utopias as an alternative to my Harbeth monitors, which have a wonderfully natural, rich tonality - the Utopias aren't far away. 
What source and amp were you using?

Why? The Utopias are clearly better at detail extraction to my ears than the HD800/HD800S (and so are the HE1000V2s for that matter). But no doubt the Sennheisers are the "leanest" sounding of the bunch!

You are correct in normal scenario, but in a scenario where the 800 is fed by OTL tube, it will Excell and actually have a thicker sound while both the Utopia & HEK remained more neutral to amp output impedance...
So system synergy is really a topic to be addressed when maximizing these cans.
Dec 12, 2016 at 5:03 PM Post #348 of 386
For those who felt that the HEK V1 was "hazy", how does the HEK V2 compare?

This question is only for those who felt the HEK1 was hazy- not for those that felt the HEK 1 was ultra transparent.

For me the V2 totally addressed this problem to perfection,
At the cost of reduction(about 35%) and elimination of the V1 streched out soundstage..

It funny how the 800 remains a forward or agressive type presentation regardless of its soundstage.
The HEKV2 is no longer a laid back can to me, but still has more relaxed or neutral presentation compared to the HD800..
I also found the Utopia to be borderline forward while overall neutral.
Dec 12, 2016 at 9:25 PM Post #349 of 386
You are correct in normal scenario, but in a scenario where the 800 is fed by OTL tube, it will Excell and actually have a thicker sound while both the Utopia & HEK remained more neutral to amp output impedance...
So system synergy is really a topic to be addressed when maximizing these cans.

Been there...done that with OTL tube amps and the HD800s...still no comparison to the HE1000 V1 or V2 for me. In fact, they took away from the detail retrieval and quickness of the HD800s. \
Dec 13, 2016 at 8:46 AM Post #350 of 386
You have a good point...
Also I always prefer the HEK type layout of the soundstage.

There has been a trend for "tube" sound, which is a deliberate choice to have tubes impart their traits in higher amounts.

Yet the best tube amps are clear as a bell and always have more liquid, realistic and with grand holographic stage.
This equates to me as a more accurate rendering.
Edit: the best, meaning not most...
Reality is, most tube amps are skewed for tube sound,
So much solid state gear free if this problem and obviously more convenient .
* Sigh *

The problem is that rolling tubes creates conditions of tubes being in non-optimal and non-linear bias points, hence "tube sound",
In which tube amps "can" impart some more low order Harmonics which add a fullness or decay to transient.
Yet the leading edge of sounds, and the speed of transients/impact can still be there to impart realism.

Regardless, there is always a better holographic stage in tubes,
which silicone amplification does not fully capture,
so part of the recording experience is lost(or compressed).

And just like tubes, we also have this differences in sound with the silicon variety...
mosphet,Fet,jfet, bipolar, etc,
All with their own choice of silicone mixture/matrix.
I have not noticed any weaknesses with my limited experience of a few tube amp hybrids,
so my guess is that in the transition from low level stages to higher,
The tubes help out as better driver stage choice, in amplifiers....

Anyways my point is that your correct in your experience,
Yet that is the tip of the iceberg to the can of worms we enter,
And my point of system synergy being important, and the ability if the HEK V1 to give back what is missing with some forward solid state gear...

I wonder if they turned V1 with midfi gear,
And tuned V2 with better gear...
Jan 21, 2017 at 2:43 PM Post #352 of 386
Has anyone found a light weight rechargeable battery option for the IFi micro iCan SE TO MAKE IT TRANSPORTABLE? I travel and really think this amp has amazing synergy wth my QP1R DAP when paired with the HIFIMAN HE1000. In fact, it sounds as good as my home system using much more expensive DAC and amps. Has anyone else discovered this synergy??
Jan 25, 2017 at 1:12 PM Post #353 of 386
Actually I'm still waiting for Tyll's measurements of the V2, anyone who knows Tyll please tell him if this is possible (thank you). It helps us seeing things clearer.
Jan 25, 2017 at 11:04 PM Post #354 of 386
If it's like the move from the Edition X to Edition X v2, then I suspect distortion measurements have gone up with the HE1000V2 in exchange for slightly raised mids and reduced peakiness in the highs.
Feb 4, 2017 at 3:26 PM Post #355 of 386
I just received a pair of HE1000v2's and am very pleased with what I hear....I liked the original v1 but ultimately sold them because I found the sound a bit soft and distant.....the v2's are more dynamic and focused and a far better HP IMHO....
Feb 6, 2017 at 3:43 AM Post #356 of 386
I just received a pair of HE1000v2's and am very pleased with what I hear....I liked the original v1 but ultimately sold them because I found the sound a bit soft and distant.....the v2's are more dynamic and focused and a far better HP IMHO....

I am pleased with what I hear too, but the SQ is inconsistent as they 'break in'. Are you finding the same?
Feb 7, 2017 at 1:49 PM Post #357 of 386
mine are broken in as i bought them from a gentleman who had already broken them in...they are a step up from the v1 and challenge to the utopia's IMHO...
Feb 19, 2017 at 10:53 AM Post #358 of 386
Maxx134 what kind of amp, in terms of general characteristics, would pair well with the V2?

The V2 is most neutral vof the TOTAL cans, so it does not need an amp to help it like the V1, or an hd800, or a Utopia.

For example,
The V1 works great with Jotenheim because the Jot is a forward, dynamic, clear amp that makes the laid back slightly distant V1 come alive.

Meanwhile, both the Utopia and HD800 benifit from tube gear.
HD800 gets tonally better with the higher output impedance, as well as some solidness to its bass.

The Utopia gets it much needed boost in holography/Soundstage , and it's transparent mids become musical.

The V2 is not laid back or distant, but very neutral and well composed.
It needs nothing in terms of help.
It is excellent to me and so works great with more amps.

As for me, I am a convinced tube amp owner .
Every tube and hybrid amp I ever tried or owns always performed larger and more musical than solid state amp, with few exceptions like the Opportunity HA1 amp I had also was pretty spacious in sound.

Anyways, that's my experience,
Yours may vary..
Feb 19, 2017 at 12:18 PM Post #359 of 386
I use the Chord Dave with my Utopia and my V2...the Utopia is far more dynamic and forward than is the V2...the V2 has a wider soundstage.....the V2 is more dynamic and alive than is the V1 but it is a very different sound than the is a matter of preference

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