Jul 3, 2007 at 11:04 AM Post #181 of 310

Originally Posted by exec_ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You've borrowed these from a friend? The engraving seems to be made for this purpose.

But nice color combo indeed.

Well, I guess it worked, because I got my own pair. :wink:
A black and blue DT990-32.
Also a great headphone.

Here's some pics.
Jul 3, 2007 at 11:22 AM Post #182 of 310
You made a statement above that seems to have gained little scrutiny: "The Deep Cup Darth Beyers are my favorite headphone ever."

Since few have had access to the them - what is it about them that turns you on? My initial reaction is physically too big, too heavy. What is your reaction to that as a wearer? What is it about their sound as opposed to "traditional v.3's" that you find to be preferable?
Jul 3, 2007 at 1:02 PM Post #183 of 310
They really aren't an issue at all to wear, BushGuy. They are more balanced through the mids and upper bass than the normal DBs, but they still have very impactful bass, and deeper bass than the normal DBs. So they are just an even better Darth Beyer.
Jul 3, 2007 at 11:41 PM Post #184 of 310
Skylab - as a followup to your post re x-deep above. Given what you've said - how about x-deep Screened? I hate to use the word - but I'd think you'd then probably describe them as ultimate-Darths (I think you landed a pair or have I gone senile)?
Jul 4, 2007 at 12:09 AM Post #185 of 310
Slightly off topic, but can anyone tell me how the DT770 pro 80 ohm impedance compares to this DT770 32 ohm impedance, strictly for gaming (positioning in FPS games)?

Very cool idea by Beyerdynamic btw, I was gonna get myself a pair of the older dt770 pro but this is very tempting.
Jul 4, 2007 at 12:34 AM Post #186 of 310

Originally Posted by BushGuy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Skylab - as a followup to your post re x-deep above. Given what you've said - how about x-deep Screened? I hate to use the word - but I'd think you'd then probably describe them as ultimate-Darths (I think you landed a pair or have I gone senile)?

I slightly prefer the closed deep DB's to the open ones - the open ones are a little darker sounding. They do have a wider soundstage, though.
Jul 4, 2007 at 7:31 PM Post #187 of 310
Jul 5, 2007 at 1:28 AM Post #188 of 310
Dark to me means a shelved down treble response versus the rest of the spectrum.
Jul 5, 2007 at 3:34 AM Post #190 of 310

Originally Posted by grndslm /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ahhh.... It took me awhile just to realize what bright and warm were.

Now that I know what dark means, I can guess what dark means!!

Are there "nicknames" for the mid-range frequencies at certain dB levels?

Perhaps not quite like for the bass and highs, but you may often hear people say things like:

"The mids are present", "The mids are forward"
"The mids are distant", "The mids are recessed"
"The mids are neutral", "The mids are balanced"
Aug 24, 2007 at 6:46 AM Post #192 of 310

Originally Posted by cooperpwc /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I should post a pic here to keep this thread complete. These are my Annapurnas: DT880/600s. More pics linked from my sig.

Any more photos cooper? I never knew orange can be soooo sexy.
Aug 24, 2007 at 11:22 AM Post #193 of 310
They're NOT orange or even orangey. Beyer terms them as Cognac, and more normally in the Leather industry they'd be called London Tan.
Sep 22, 2007 at 9:17 PM Post #194 of 310
Oh yeah!

I just got home from a road trip, and what do I find waiting for me? Apackage from Germany...

My brand new 600 Ohm DT 880's!
Aug 8, 2008 at 11:44 AM Post #195 of 310

I notice the DT880's are available in three impedances, (from memory) 32ohm, 280ohm and 600ohm (..thinking of the DT880's in all-silver with a crimson headband

There's talk that the 600 is the way to go, but I'm interested in the other end of the spectrum, the 32's as I will be wanting to also use these from portable sources, eg iMod and iQube, which is geared for <200ohm.

Has anybody heard the 32ohm versions, and have a sound (sic) judgement?

I am very serious about ordering a pair, as I've owned a pair of the older DT880's and still miss them somewhat (you neverknow how good a pair of 'phones are until you sell them, same in relationships, if you grow to take them for granted all you can think of are their bad points, but when they are gone all you can think off is waht was very special about them), whoops, getting distracted there..

I guess I'm worried that the SQ on the 32's might be a little thin sounding, with an unwanted increase in top-end brightness, and brightness overall.

And another (related) question. I have some mini-jack adaptors with built-in resistors I bought from Jan Meier which if I remember right were rated at 120ohm ea (and can be piggy-backed). If you don't know what I'm talking about viz the Ety ER4P>S resistance cable. My question is if I buy the 32's and add two 120ohm adaptors (for a total of 272, ie ~ 280 ohm) will this make these DT880's identical to a pair of 280ohm DT880's for all practical purposes, or is that not the case?

Kind regards

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