Beyer fan goes AKG

Jan 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM Post #16 of 28

Originally Posted by Cankin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Other than above suggestions, do not compare K701 to Beyer DT770

Dont think anyone here has compared the two headphones, just me saying that my last headphones were a pair of DT770's and have now got a brand new pair of k702's and was wondering how to get the best of them.
Jan 9, 2010 at 7:34 PM Post #17 of 28
Don't use the term "best" around audiophiles. That can be a shock to the wallet. These crazed bastages could have north of $20k in an amp. Always produce a budget unless wanting to know where others have found their "best".
Jan 9, 2010 at 7:39 PM Post #18 of 28

Originally Posted by Happy Camper /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Don't use the term "best" around audiophiles. That can be a shock to the wallet. These crazed bastages could have north of $20k in an amp. Always produce a budget unless wanting to know where others have found their "best".

ok, thanks for the advice.
Jan 9, 2010 at 9:57 PM Post #19 of 28
I never was happy listening to rock ( hard rock and metal ) with the K702...but loved them for classical. Just didn't have enought bottom amp or not.
Jan 10, 2010 at 12:40 AM Post #20 of 28

Originally Posted by Mannymax /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dont think anyone here has compared the two headphones, just me saying that my last headphones were a pair of DT770's and have now got a brand new pair of k702's and was wondering how to get the best of them.

I'm personally a little concerned that you're not liking them at all really. In the K701 appreciation thread there was mention of your integrated an amp and one poster wondering what it was about it that allowed the K701's to sound so good through it.

Anyway, the only reason I'd recommend with verve going further with getting a better source and amp for them is that whatever cans you end up with, you should be better off running them with better source and an amp which delivers good power.

Were you exaggerating about the K701's in how you described them or is their hope in what you heard? If there is, then you should very much improve their performance with not only good amp'ing, but a hefty burn-in period.

By early next week, I should be able to tell you what I personally think of them.
Jan 10, 2010 at 11:26 AM Post #21 of 28

Originally Posted by aimlink /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm personally a little concerned that you're not liking them at all really. In the K701 appreciation thread there was mention of your integrated an amp and one poster wondering what it was about it that allowed the K701's to sound so good through it.

Anyway, the only reason I'd recommend with verve going further with getting a better source and amp for them is that whatever cans you end up with, you should be better off running them with better source and an amp which delivers good power.

Were you exaggerating about the K701's in how you described them or is their hope in what you heard? If there is, then you should very much improve their performance with not only good amp'ing, but a hefty burn-in period.

By early next week, I should be able to tell you what I personally think of them.

Thanks for your reply, you say it sounds like i'm not liking the k702, well, I do like there dry tight sound, however, the only gripe i do have with them is the way the headband has been constructed with the ribs digging into your head.

Other users have complained about this and have gone to great lengths to rectify this annoyance from using tape, cable ties, and am sure i read someone hacked the ribs off with a knife to eleviate the pressure these phones put on your head lol.

For me it's even worse, I'm totally bald, so the juries out at the moment as they have only had about 12-14 hrs of music through them(am thinking about designing a hourometer that interfaces with the headphone cable, every time the headphones receive current, the device times it and you can see how many hours you have burned your headphones, bit like a mileometer on a car, when you hit 300 hours an alarm sounds to tell you your phones are nicely cooked lol, this time next year i'll be a millionaire lol), so theres a long way to burning them in.

You say about having enough power to drive the 701/702's, well my amp is rated at 150 wpc, so theres loads of power going to the phones, are there different rules for headphone listening? I was always under the impression, the more power an amp has, the better it will drive speakers, especially speakers with a low sensitivity that are hard to drive. The 701/702's are hard to drive.

I am seriously thinking of getting a tube amp for these or any other phone i acquire in the future, maybe a little dot recommended by someone in an earlier post.
Jan 10, 2010 at 1:39 PM Post #22 of 28
Hi Manny,

I love my K 701s (and I'm bald) but I listen mostly to classical, jazz and other acoustical music. I love the spaciosness and detail presented by these headphones. But it is hard to listen to guitar-based rock with them because they are too bright. If that is what you listen to you will be better off in the long run by getting a better suited set of headphones and building your system around those. Burn in and the "best" amp will not turn the K702s into a very good rock headphone.

Good luck,
Jan 10, 2010 at 3:45 PM Post #23 of 28

Originally Posted by V-DiV /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi Manny,

I love my K 701s (and I'm bald) but I listen mostly to classical, jazz and other acoustical music. I love the spaciosness and detail presented by these headphones. But it is hard to listen to guitar-based rock with them because they are too bright. If that is what you listen to you will be better off in the long run by getting a better suited set of headphones and building your system around those. Burn in and the "best" amp will not turn the K702s into a very good rock headphone.

Good luck,

hi vic, thanks for your input, you say your fellow baldy, however, you don't mention any comfort issues with your 701's, do you find they are comfortable? I said I liked rock music, however, when in different moods, like to listen to go down other music avenues, so will be keeping the 702's.

I joined head fi a couple of days ago and was amazed how many sets of headphones some of the other members had, I am begining to now see why lol. Feel another set of cans being ordered for my rock music lol.
Jan 10, 2010 at 5:38 PM Post #24 of 28

Originally Posted by Mannymax /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hi vic, thanks for your input, you say your fellow baldy, however, you don't mention any comfort issues with your 701's, do you find they are comfortable? I said I liked rock music, however, when in different moods, like to listen to go down other music avenues, so will be keeping the 702's.

I joined head fi a couple of days ago and was amazed how many sets of headphones some of the other members had, I am begining to now see why lol. Feel another set of cans being ordered for my rock music lol.

Manny, I don't have a problem with the comfort of the K701 headband. I know that the ribs do bother some though. If you want to keep them I'm sure you could make a cloth pad that wraps around the ribbed headband and velcros to itself on top. The AKGs are great for most acoustic music and they are keepers if you can afford to keep them and get another pair of phones for rock. But you do need to have a powerful, dedicated headphone amp, and let them burn in.

Jan 10, 2010 at 5:54 PM Post #25 of 28

There is a lot of love on these pages for a Heed Canamp/K70X combo. The synergy is great and that amp really brings out the best in AKG. I've a MKIII and the Head Canamp and much prefer the heed with AKG's.
Jan 10, 2010 at 11:42 PM Post #26 of 28

Originally Posted by Luckyleo /img/forum/go_quote.gif

There is a lot of love on these pages for a Heed Canamp/K70X combo. The synergy is great and that amp really brings out the best in AKG. I've a MKIII and the Head Canamp and much prefer the heed with AKG's.

well i have just ordered a canamp, will report my findings as soon as i recieve my amp.
Jan 11, 2010 at 5:10 AM Post #27 of 28

Originally Posted by Mannymax /img/forum/go_quote.gif don't mention any comfort issues with your 701's, do you find they are comfortable?

I found them somewhat uncomfortable, until I discovered that when they start bothering me, all I need to do is stick my thumbs under the headband and my other fingers over the two head-wires, and exert very slight upward pressure. It's somehow enough to get them to stop digging into my head for the rest of the session. Never had any comfort issues after that. Try it, it may work for you too.
Jan 11, 2010 at 5:22 AM Post #28 of 28

Originally Posted by apatN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
A dedicated headphone amp will surely help in giving you better sound. The K70Xs are a beast to drive properly!

Agreed, they are very hard to tame. If the OP goes for an amp later get something with high current and a high voltage swing. This gives you what the K70* want.

EDIT: Ooh, a Canamp, huh? Those are supposed to mate very well with the K70* series. Please do give us impressions of the set-up will you, when it arrives that is.

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