Jul 17, 2011 at 11:12 AM Post #62 of 66
Just would like to add my input. I own both the DT150 and the DT250 (both 250 ohm version), which I bought at the same time.
  1. Very detailed: a great tool for looking into your mixes.
  2. Great sound isolation
  3. Long cable included
  4. Looks (and is) professional
  5. All parts replacable
  6. Very rugged construction with high quality materials
  7. Large ear cushions will accommodate large ears without problems
  1. Very balanced sound, flat sounding across the spectrum
  2. Good sound isolation
  3. Comes with a coiled cable
  4. High quality 3.5mm jack plug and 6.35mm screw-on adapter, both gold-plated
  5. Looks more like DJ headphones (less conspicuous)
  6. Some parts replaceable
DT150 weaknesses:
  1. Drivers too far from ears owing to extra thick ear cushions, resulting in bass not being as loud as it actually is, which means you end up cranking up the bass to compensate and then your mixes sound to bassy. If I push the cups towards my ears the bass sounds louder. I now use DT100 ear cushions (see note below) which are slightly thinner than the original DT150 cushion, thus allowing the drivers to sit closer to my ears. DT250 ear cushions are thinner as standard so no such problems.
  2. I find the high-end detail fatiguing and I need to take breaks, whereas I can listen to the DT250 for long periods of time without getting tired.
  3. Pressure of ear cushions on area of head around ears uncomfortable after a short while.The DT250 apply less pressure thus trading isolation for comfort. Note, however, that the DT150 headband is entirely made of metal, and so you can bend it slightly out of its original shape to adjust pressure as required. Because it is made of metal, it will retain its new shape.
  4. DT150 ear cushions are only available in softskin material, which is uncomfortable as it does not breath (although it arguably provides better sound insulation). However, you can use DT100 cushions which are available in a variety of materials such as cotton, plus and velour. DT250 cushions are available in both velour (standard) and softskin.
  5. Heavier than the DT250, which means that the headband applies more pressure on the top of your head. However note that the extra weight is due to the higher-quality materials e.g. steel headband, thicker plastic, etc).
  6. The shape of the headband is not round, unlike the DT250, which means that the headband does not distribute the weight of the headphones uniformly around your head but rather rests entirely on a small area around the top of your head. This, combined with the greater weight, becomes uncomfortable after minutes. By contrast, I can wear my DT250 for long periods of time and not feel any discomfort.
  7. The ear cushions break too easily, I have gone through 2 pairs in 4 years. My last pair split apart at the seam. By contrast, my DT250 ear cushions still look like new! However you can fit a pair of DT100 cushions which are more durable, so this is not really a weakness.
  8. Cable feels cheap and jack plug even cheaper, with cheap silver contacts, it's like one of those plugs you would buy from your local radio shack. The DT250 comes with a much nicer (coiled) cable and a much higher quality gold-plated 3.5mm jack and 6.35mm adapter, also gold-plated.
  9. Coiled cable for DT150 is available as a spare, but Beyerdynamic bizarrely only supply it without a jack plug, which means that you need to buy a third-party connector and use a soldering iron etc to assemble it yourself. The resulting assembly will be somewhat substandard because nothing beats an injection-moulded connector for such a thin, flexible cable.
DT250 weaknesses:
  1. Feels cheaper than DT150, which is built to last.
  2. Not all parts replaceable, unlike DT150.
  3. Isolation not as good as DT150 although using softskin ear cushions may improve isolation.
  4. Headband is internally made of a plastic strip and a thin steel strip that run parallel to each other, which means that went you deliberately try to deform it in order ot adjust ear cushion pressure it will usually return to its original shape.
  5. Ear cushions may be small for people with large ears (my ears are fairly big but it's not a problem though)
Overall I find the DT150 useful for looking into my mixes BUT I tend to minimize their use because they are not comfortable. 90% of the time I use the DT250 headphones and I get good mixes out of them.
I generally use the DT150 for tracking vocals while recording, owing to its better sound isolation properties. Surprisingly many studios use the DT100 for tracking vocals. Having owned the DT100, personally I find the DT150 a much better option because it has all the virtues of the DT100 and sounds better. The price is a little higher though but it's definitely worth it.
Note: Although Beyerdynamic don't explicitly state in their website that DT150 and DT100 ear cushions are cross-compatible, they actually are cross-compatible! As a matter of fact, before I bought mine I contacted Beyerdynamic Germany tech support who told me that the actual plastic cups are the exact same shape and size in both models, therefore their respective ear cushions can certainly be used interchangeably. This is good news because DT150 cushions are only available in softkin material, while DT100 cushions are available in softskin, velour, jersey and plush.
Jul 17, 2011 at 11:26 AM Post #63 of 66
Scoox, welcome to Head-Fi!
Thanks for the input. I never owned the DT250, so can't commend on that.
I agree with most of your DT150 findings, although to my ears the highs weren't fatiguing (found them even a bit rolled off), and the bass with the stock pads was more than enough (too much sometimes). I think the more distance between the drivers and my ears, the more bass I perceive.
For comfort I preferred the DT100 velour pads as well,
Jul 17, 2011 at 5:30 PM Post #64 of 66
Interested in the finding of Scoox - similar to my impressions when comparing in the shop
It was not easy to make a quick decision - but my wife pointed out that I kept commenting
on the better tonal accuracy when ever I listened to the DT250
I went in expecting to get the DT150's based on previously listening to the DT100, then reading what
was said about the DT150
The DT 150 is very good - howerver I felt like I could hear the additional distance inside the earpeice
kind of like a slight box like sound . The DT250's are more comfortable for sure and have apparently got a much flatter response.
After I got mine - a friend who is quite discrning listened to them and shortly after got a pair for himself (a birthday present) and has loved them ever since.
If you don't mind not being able to change every composnent but still want the quality and comfort - these are great (the 250's)
Jul 18, 2011 at 12:36 AM Post #65 of 66
Sorry if my post seemed an anti-DT150 rant for it is not. It was too late last night when I submitted it and forgot to include some observations which I have now edited into my original post (I've only added, not removed).
Mar 25, 2012 at 12:18 PM Post #66 of 66

DT250 weaknesses:
  1. Isolation not as good as DT150 although using softskin ear cushions may improve isolation.

Unfortunately the softskin do not add much to some pretty basic isolation (insufficient for portable IMHO).
This is not a fatal weakness for the can though. After 2 weeks the 250-250 are fighting off all-comers for head time. Just tried them with the Cyber-20 valve amp and the results are very encouraging. Vocals are still front and centre in their own space and generally readily audible with good ambient detail but just a little less 'in your face' in a good way.
Still in the honeymoon period but likely to be highly recommended for all the reasons already stated in this thread.

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