I greatly appreciate all the feedback from my query, a lot of interesting amps have been mentioned, Sonett, Decware csp-2 among others, but once again, the woo special version of the WA6SE is $1050 a modest $400 over the WA6, but they also offer another $900 of upgrades that is already supposed to be a special edition of an already good amp, the WA6, soooooooo they have a WA6 ($620) or (950) the WA6SE (1050) or ($1975), so they have a WA6 for less than $700, but if you want what they consider the best version of the same amp starting with WA6, it's almost $1300 more. I just don't see it, don't get it, find it somewhat dishonest, or at least misleading, and I find it somewhat irritating. I would much prefer to buy from someone else who makes no illusions as to what they are selling, Woo just seems way to complicated a choice for me, because I would just have to have the best version. Than again the WA5 LE is only $500 more than the jazzed up WA6 SE with all the upgrades