Best transportable DAC/Amp to pair with Focal Clear and IEMs
Nov 7, 2018 at 11:24 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


100+ Head-Fier
Nov 7, 2009
Hi Everyone,

Fairly new to posting on this forum but have been reading through it for a long time. What a great resource!

I was hoping to get some advice on a transportable (read, does not need to be pocket portable) DAC/Amp that I can use both at home or in the office as well as take it on the road with me to a hotel or wherever one can sit down and listen to their headphones.

Some considerations I have so far are the Chord Hugo 2 and the Woo Audio WA8. Look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Nov 7, 2018 at 12:40 PM Post #2 of 3
I can't account for the super higher end portable amps, I've been using the Fiio q5 on most of my travels and at work, that and the Oppo ha-2se have decent power and a low output impedance so you get low hiss and a lower noise floor on the IEMs. The Fiio at least lets you swap amp modules so you can kinda fine tune power needs. If I need to power the lcd-x or aeons then I latch(via rubber band lol) the new IFI xcan to my q5 and with that combo I can cram a full watt via balanced to my power hungry headphones.
Nov 7, 2018 at 6:28 PM Post #3 of 3
For he Clears I think the WA8 would be a good choice i like the Clears from my Kenzie and the WA8 is a very nice dac/amp the Hugo I think has a better dac but the Woo gets it on sound for me. Haven’t heard the Clears from either just going on other headphones I’ve heard from both. For IEM’s don’t know as I haven’t heard any from either unit.

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