Best portables around $50, possibly compared to fullsize?
Jan 10, 2010 at 10:27 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


1000+ Head-Fier
Dec 12, 2009
Hey guys! So I know I posted a thread not too long ago about the Pk3s, but I feel like I'm finally narrowing down my choices. At the moment I'm 99% decided with the Creative Aurvana Lives(almost identical to the D1001s) as my full size can option, but I'm wondering whether I could possibly get more from IEMs/Earbuds.

I'm not a basshead by any means, but I like deep, tight bass. I just want it to be present, and I love bass texture, but being present is enough. Not at all for a noticable sacrifice of the mids though.

I'm a sucker for big, open soundstage, even for genres that should sound more forward and aggressive. It just sounds so epic to me. Width more than depth, but I like both.

Speaking of genres, I listen to basically every kind of music, in equal proportions. Seriously. Jazz, metal, electronic, rap, opera, big band, asian, pop, etc. So my earphones would have to be quite balanced so they could work at least decently for every or most genres. I think I'd be particularly sad if they were bad for classical though.

I appreciate a smooth, clean sound

Isolation isn't really an issue, I could go isolated or not. Leakage, that is. Need to be able to use them in a college library.

Durability is a concern, although a good warranty could make me overlook it.

I think what's making my search for earphones particularly difficult is that they are rarely compared to full size cans, and as such I have no reference point other than cheapo skullcandies. My only good cans have been the JVC RX700s, but I think I can get a good idea of what a pair of iems or earbuds would sound like if they are compared to any relatively popular full size can. I'd be particularly interested in comparisons against the RX700s or the CAL!/Denon D1001 that I plan to buy.

So far my thoughts are with the Yuin PK3 and Maximo iM590s. I was thinking about the Yuin G2A, but it seems they leak alot, so that would be a prob. How do they compare to eachother, and especially to any full size cans, if you can possibly compare?

Anybody think it would be better for me to get IEMs/earbuds? Thanks so much =]
Jan 11, 2010 at 10:07 PM Post #2 of 13
NuForce's NE7M has received glowing reviews. I should also add that if you don't need a microphone, the NE6 is basically the same performance for $10 less. I don't know much about closed portables around this price range - normally I'd recommend the Sennheiser PX100s, but leakage is horrible.
Jan 11, 2010 at 10:13 PM Post #3 of 13
Hmmm, not sure if the bass will be deep enough for you (I'm not a basshead, so don't ask me...), but I would put my vote in for SoundMAGIC PL50.

"I appreciate a smooth, clean sound."

Yeah... that's the ticket.
Jan 18, 2010 at 7:28 PM Post #5 of 13
Hmm thanks guys, anyone know how the newforce and soundmagics compare? And yea tight, fast bass is wayyyyyyyyyyy more important than big slow bass. It just totally kills some kind of music, and I need something that works decently for any genre I throw at it. If anyone could compare the sound to one of the more common full-size phones, it would be much appreciated!
Jan 18, 2010 at 7:35 PM Post #6 of 13
I have used both and prefer the soundMAGICs. Pretty much bests the NuForces in every category except build quality. The PL-50s are insanely small and light so feel quite flimsy, whereas the NE-6/NE-7M are metallic with a slightly thicker cable. The PL-50s are also extremely comfortable. NuForce have great rep for customer care though, if you live in the USA, so that's a factor to consider. I wouldn't really fancy my chances with contacting an eBay seller or whatever if my PL-50s bust.

EDIT: Just remembered, wrt full size cans, neither of the two have particularly impressive soundstage, but I think the NE-6s are probably better than the PL-50s for a wide sound.
Jan 18, 2010 at 7:58 PM Post #8 of 13
You won't find an IEM that sounds like a G2A, CAL!, or RX700 for under $50 as all three are outstanding headphones for the money they cost. If leakage wasn't an issue I'd recommend the G2A wholeheartedly.

Now, as for IEMs, the Cyclone PR1 Pro is the widest/airiest IEM in the price range. The problem is getting your hands on one, and also the durability/warranty (jury is still out on how long they last). The Maximos are superior to the Nuforces in pretty much every way imo, and easily on par with the Soundmagics. They're quite a bit more aggressive and energetic than the Soundmagics so preference enters in there. both the PL50 and iM-590 are definitely tighter and faster than the Nuforces.
Jan 18, 2010 at 8:49 PM Post #9 of 13
Hmm thanks! I see you have the K81dj, how do you think those compare to the RX700s? Would it be more worth it to get the CALs? I'm trying to decide how much SQ I want to sacrifice for portability, if any D:

But I guess anything would be more portable than the RX700! XD
Jan 18, 2010 at 9:02 PM Post #10 of 13
The K81dj has a love-it-or-hate-it type of sound but their biggest drawback is comfort, or lack thereof. Read some reviews to see if the K81 seems like the type of sound for you. Bass can be a little overwhelming on them, that's for sure. I prefer the sound of the CAL!s but of course they are only marginally portable so it's a tradeoff as you said.
Jan 18, 2010 at 9:46 PM Post #11 of 13
Hmm thanks, I guess CAL it would be, then. Love-it or hate-it just gives me the impression it wouldn't be as good for a variety of genres as the Aurvanas. That narrows it down to CAL and PL50 now, and I kind of fear the iM590 due to the more aggressive sound(harsh highs kill me =P) I suppose I might just go with full size though, as durability is a concern.

Thanks guys =]
Jan 18, 2010 at 10:16 PM Post #12 of 13
after burning in trust me based on your description you will love the RX700's far better than the K518DJ's. The 518's are really quite interesting but the bass is just pounding sometimes, and as ljokerl says, they are so friggin uncomfortable.
I'm very happy with my RX700's and Klipsch S2's...consider the S2's...

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