Best IEM for Extreme Metal (RE0, S4, ER4S, etc.)
Jan 22, 2010 at 4:48 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 51


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 21, 2010

I need help choosing the best IEM for the type of music I listen to. I listen to Extreme Metal mostly, so that includes Death Metal, Black Metal, Thrash Metal, Doom Metal, Power Metal, Progressive Metal, and tons of other subgenres.

My price range is no more than 100$, but I'm willing for pay 170$ for the ER4S if they really are worth it. What I'm looking for in my IEMs is great sound quality for Metal. As you may know, Metal is very rich music with bountiful layers of instruments, and all of it is very loud. I would like to be able to easily discern all instruments from each other, and I heard that the RE0 excel at this because they're very analytical and neutral IEMs. The only problem though is that they apparently lack bass, which is somewhat important for me. My current IEMs are a pair of Creative EP-630, and I find that bass to be satisfying, but I definitely want some more in my new IEMs. I listen to a lot of old school albums which were badly produced and mastered because of lack of money by those bands back in the days, so take that into consideration. As for new records, I listen to them a lot too, but I find the problem is that sometimes the drums just drown everything else in the music. I want a good balance between all the instruments. Now, about the Klipsch S4, I heard that they were very good and have ample bass, but they're outshined by the RE0 in sound quality. They might be better for Metal though. I read the "multi-IEM review thread", and I saw that the ER4S beats both of the above IEMs, but by a little. I don't know if that justifies the extra cost. I might get an amp too, but it NEEDS to be under 30$, so either an Fiio E1, E5, or something else in that price range. Will an amp fix the RE0 bass issue?

I hope you guys can help me out on making my final decision, I'd appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
Jan 22, 2010 at 5:11 AM Post #2 of 51
The RE0 is good and fast for metal, and it does have enough bass IMO (though there could be more), but it does not have very good instrument separation and positioning.
Also, I feel it needs amplification to be worthwhile, or better said, I instantly grab the amp when I grab the RE0, which attests to the amp making a great enough improvement to make it worthwhile. My amp is the E5, and once you get used to the RE0, using the bass boost just bloats the bass. The amp does increase the bass a fair amount (not a lot but enough for it to be sufficiently present.)
Jan 22, 2010 at 5:26 AM Post #3 of 51
to ans d question, s4 isnt good for metal. it is way too warm and dark and i dont think you will get enough bass on re0 without amping
Jan 22, 2010 at 5:32 AM Post #4 of 51
i thought my er6i's had plenty of bass for metal, though you really should just get some jh-13s
they sound amazing with metal of any kind. I cant even really believe that i listened to death metal prior to getting them, bands like origin, are unlistenable for me with anything else now.
Jan 22, 2010 at 6:12 AM Post #6 of 51
those are jerry harvey audio's earphones. custom piece. at the range of 1000-1200usd i think. out of my reach~
Jan 22, 2010 at 6:26 AM Post #8 of 51
Do try the Hippo VBs as well. They are forward sounding with awesome bass and some sparkling highs. Their build quality is impeccable to boot. It will cost you around $79 shipped to your house from Jaben Singapore.
Jan 22, 2010 at 6:30 AM Post #10 of 51
I'd get the ER4S with an amp. It has the speed you need and with a good amp bass shouldn't be too bad. Otherwise, RE0 + amp is a good way to go. True, there's less bass, but once you get used to it it's better bass than many other phones.
Jan 22, 2010 at 6:31 AM Post #11 of 51
I listen to a lot of metal too. The SF5pro are great despite slightly too colored, uncomfortable and stick out too much IMO. With metal, I think it's timbre in the bass and highs are very important to me. The one instrument that I hear a lot of cans have problems with is the bass guitar.
Jan 22, 2010 at 7:28 AM Post #12 of 51
SoupRKnowva, am I correct in noticing a bit of Mudvayne in your username?
Jan 22, 2010 at 7:32 AM Post #13 of 51

Originally Posted by ethan961 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
SoupRKnowva, am I correct in noticing a bit of Mudvayne in your username?

if only it were that cool...sadly no, my freshman year i came up with this udername for xboxlive, and ive been using it ever since. I really just wanted supernova, but i figured that would be taken, and i didnt want a random string of numbers, so i thought of what i think is a rather unique :p way of spelling it haha but no, though i do kinda like mudvayne, ive got two of their cds.
Jan 22, 2010 at 8:30 AM Post #14 of 51
Just a thought, the Etymotic HF5 is basically a cheaper version of the ER4 line. I haven't heard either of them to be able to compare, though.
Jan 22, 2010 at 10:10 AM Post #15 of 51
I just don't understand how people could recommend Etymotic for 'metal'.

Sure, I have loved my previous er6i and ER4 but they had very very little low end. I would have to image they are going to come off looking really flat for things between Megadeth and Morbid Angel. Etymotics have always been too cold and analytical for my tastes to even come close to a distorted guitar, let alone EXTREME metal. :shrug:

If you want to hear the separation between the double pedal drumming and the Bass Guitar, I really do not think Etymotics are the way to go; not from my experience.

Now Jazz quartets, that is where the ER4s really shine.

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