Best headphones you can get?
Jul 20, 2007 at 7:31 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 53

Albert Einstein

New Head-Fier
Apr 14, 2007

I am looking for best headphones you can get for universal usage - music, movies and so on.. but of course - music mostly.

I've read that Orpheus HE90 are the one of the best you can get, but as far as i know Sennheiser aint producing them anymore, right? The thing is, i'm looking for brand new ones, not used.

Price isn't problem here, because i'm not the one who wants to waste money.

Thanks in advance,
Jul 20, 2007 at 7:40 PM Post #2 of 53
Err... it has to be in production? Because you ARE aware the out of production ones do occasionally go on sale here, and if you post a WTB ad with a high enough price, you are sure to get bites.

But as for in production... The Stax Omega II or the TakeT H2 come to mind (I've heard neither though)... Also the Ultrasone Edition 9, and even though I have not heard that either, I just have this feeling the other two mentioned would be better.

Just curious, what is this for?

Are you just looking for the best headphone, or the best headphone setup (including amp and source as well as headphone).
Jul 20, 2007 at 7:40 PM Post #3 of 53
This is a very subjective topic.
Opinions will be different and you'll get lots of headphones.
Here's a few good one: Grado RS-1, AKG K701, Beyer DT880, Sennheiser HD650, Ultrasone 2500, etc.
You have a headphone amp already? What about sources? Which sources do you have ... ?
Jul 20, 2007 at 7:45 PM Post #4 of 53
"Best", as in highest possible sound quality? ..and in production.
That leave you with these choices (and probably a few more):
* Stax SR-007
* Stax 4070
* TakeT H2
* Ultrasone Edition 9
* ...
Jul 20, 2007 at 7:48 PM Post #5 of 53
What i meant by sennheiser not producing he90 is they aren't developing, but guess i was wrong. Maybe they aren't deving HE60's? Ah, i don't know.

No amp yet, but sources as as Auzentech X-Meridian 7.1 and Audiotrak 7.1 Hi-Fi, and already ordered Auzentech X-Fi Prelude

Edit: Yes, i mean the best quality you can get.
Jul 20, 2007 at 8:03 PM Post #6 of 53
The best headphones I've been lucky enough to hear, and sometimes own, aren't in production, but can be found:


There are others (e.g. Qualia), but those are the ones I've heard. Each of these pretty much requires a rig set up around them to be at their best, and why get one of them and not have them be at their best?

As far as in-production dynamic phones go, I still find the HD6X0 to be amazing headphones, but only after all the other components can support them (they respond well to great amp/source, not so well to mediocre). I haven't heard the Edition 9, but as to the others epaludo mentioned (Grado RS-1, AKG K701, Beyer DT880, Ultrasone 2500), I've heard them all and agree that they're good headphones, but can't come close to the ones listed above.

After hearing a pair of headphiled Lamba Pros with a Woo GES at the Florida meet, I've become interested in the Stax line. I have yet to hear the OII, but think this might be a direction to go for me, or, at least, to investigate.
Jul 20, 2007 at 8:30 PM Post #8 of 53
Of the headphones that are still in production, I would definitely say that krmathis is spot on with his list.

However, if it were my money, the SR-007 is the easy choice (although I have to admit that I haven't heard the TakeT H2s).
Jul 20, 2007 at 8:54 PM Post #9 of 53
If you're talking about the out-of-production headphones, it almost doesn't matter quality-wise. The R10s and L3000s are closed. The others are open. The K1000s are so open the're not even considered headphones, but ear speakers. At some point it comes down to a preference for a certain sound. I prefer my R10s to the HE90, though I acknowlege that the HE90 is maybe the best headphone I've heard (might just be a peference for dynamics vs electrostats, but not sure). I prefer the PS1 to the L3000 and I prefer the K1000 to both. For other people, it's different. As for current-production headphones, I can't think of a single closed one (of those I've heard) that I prefer over the open models. Yet, you'll find people here who prefer the new closed Denon AH-D5000 to most open phones, and who's to say they're not right? It's what they like.

All I can add is that you might do a little research in all the forums before plopping down big cash. I suggest starting with the reviews sections in this forum (all the stickies up top). Also, ask questions in the other forums as well. It ultimately is about building a rig, not about an individual headphone, even if that's where you start. If you're looking for the best amp for an L3000, you'll get better responses in the amp forum. As for taking advice from any of us, just take your time and don't think we all know what's best for you. Some people make declarative statements without much listening experience on a variety of gear, and others, with experience, have very different tastes and divergent opinions. If you can, listen before buying. What others say is great for them may not be to your liking at all.

Good luck and happy listening.
Jul 20, 2007 at 9:22 PM Post #10 of 53
If he's looking for all-around cans how about Open Darths?

Balanced HD650s are great too. The Stax line is probably the best in production though. Omega 2 I would think.
Jul 20, 2007 at 9:53 PM Post #12 of 53

Originally Posted by cotdt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
if you were really albert einstein, then you'd know it's all relative.

Jul 20, 2007 at 10:04 PM Post #13 of 53
It's a very difficult task to really come up with a good, or even acceptable answer to this question. I could relay my humble experience to you, but at the end of the day what determines the best-cans in production isn't popularity but your own personal preferences. No can is perfect, no new can is even good at 60 percent of things, thus if you are truly looking for the perfect headphone all I can recommend is that you go to different meets and try stuff out.

The Stax Omega II
The stax OII starts at around 1500 dollars. The amp I got to try this out (LA meet, a year ago) was a 4500 Singlepower ES-1. From what I got out of this, I can testify to this can's performance brilliance. It reached higher and lower than any other can i've heard yet. It has a sparkling and beautiful treble. The bass is very well controlled, articulated, "tight" and dry sounding. There is a story that the can was developed to let motor-engineers hear the details of engines, While I don't know if this is true, I would certainly believe it after listening to this can. Beyond this, the soundstage is wide, the resolution is the best in the hobby, and it can convey a great orchestra like no other can. If there is a problem, it is the "problem" it shares with all other electrostatic cans: they do not convey a sense of "being there" the way that the best dynamic cans do, in addition the bass is good, but not quite as satisfactory as an L3000 or Edition 9

The Ultrasone Edition 9. I got only like 30 minutes with this can from a Corda Opera and Gilmore Balanced Reference. I would say it is the quickest, most authoritative can I have ever heard. The soundstage is somewhat nil (to a person who likes K1000/OII like soundstage), but It doesn't really matter if your listening tastes don't include Gustav Mahler. Iron_Dreamer said it has a "sick" bass, and this is certainly true. The sheer texture, reach, power, tone, etc... of the bass makes the listener believe that they are listening to the mixer... the HD650 by comparison sounds rolled off and "one note bass."

the HD650
I've heard it in everything there is. The can "scales like a bitch"- I cannot really put it better than that. When I first heard it, it was nothing really, just a big PX100 out of my ipod. Yet, as I've great heard system after great system I have noticed how much the sound quality of the can can improve as you add better and better components up the chain. Even the cable can make an enormous difference. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the HD650 is the best all around can in production. It won't give you the best bass, treble, soundstage, tone, neutrality or whatever.... but It won't make any mistakes. You can make it into a lush-beautiful/heart-warming headphone that can go toe to toe with the HE90, or you can make it a bright/fast,lean headphone capable of competing with the OII. the options are really limit less, As i've heard different interpretation after different interpretation of the HD650, I always feel inspired to try something new.
Jul 20, 2007 at 10:48 PM Post #14 of 53
Ok seriously I think the best list given here was given by krmathis .... which is the same as mine except is includes a stax 4070. Err, just a quick question, but I thought the 4070 was just a closed SR-404? And the SR-404 is not a "be all end all" headphone... I may be incorrect about it being a closed SR404 though.

Still though I would really say the top contenders for what the OP is looking for would be the SR-007, TakeT H2 and possibly the Edition 9.
Jul 20, 2007 at 10:57 PM Post #15 of 53
I have not heard the top Stax since the old SRX and Lambada, but I would second that the Senn 650's scale up so well with improvements that they are in the ballpark of the best.

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