Best DIY amp?
Jun 6, 2003 at 5:03 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 26


New Head-Fier
May 27, 2003
Which DIY amp (such as on headwize) do you think is the absolute best? I've given up on the idea of buying an amp since I'm already spending a good amount on the headphones themselves, so I figure I can build one instead. I know the META42 is popular, but I've also seem some all-tube amps, and I'm wondering which of them would be most worth my time and effort (and money). The headphones I plan to drive will most likely be either the HD580s, or the DT880s. Which of these would sound best with a great amp? Maybe the HD600s come into play?

I hear many people say that the 580s and 600s are great, except they are too "laid-back" for rock. Would a good amp alleviate this and make them great rock phones? Better than the DT880s? Anyways, I'm open to anything that you can build yourself. I don't mind buying parts or anything, as long as they don't turn out to be insanely expensive. So I'd say 200 or less, not including an enclosure (which might be more practical to build). Anyone who's had any personal experience with the tube amps mentioned on headwize or elsewhere, I'd love to hear your response. Thank's to anyone who responds.
Jun 6, 2003 at 5:27 PM Post #2 of 26
I've heard the DT880s are good for rock although I've never heard them myself...

I would say a solid state amp would be best for your application as they, generally speaking, give more punch than a tube based amp, although I would dearly love to build a tube amp and they look so good as well!

the Aren Van Waarde amp on HeadWize is an excellent and simple tube project if you are still interested, just be sure to check up on the high voltages encountered in tube construction!

Jun 6, 2003 at 8:29 PM Post #4 of 26

Each amp has personality and sometimes it is incompartible with some headphones or types of music you listen to. Knowing what you want in your amps is very important as well. I recommend auditioning many amps.

Another thing, if you are thinking about saving money, look elsewhere. Commercial amps are as good and they come with warrentees. DIY amps require money and effort while Commercial amps require only money.

Jun 6, 2003 at 9:17 PM Post #5 of 26
yeah but a really good commercial amp can be in the thousands or upper hundreds, and a DIY amp can be done for much less. Unless tubes suddenly cost 300 dollars a piece. As for the effort, it isn't a problem.
Jun 7, 2003 at 12:37 AM Post #6 of 26
But unless you already have a bunch of tools laying around (soldering iron, DMM, etc.) you have to lay out a lot of cash up fromt to build an amp. In that regard you may end up spending more money than you save...

Jun 7, 2003 at 3:03 AM Post #9 of 26

Originally posted by lifeonaplate1791
People, people, I have every tool you can imagine lying around. Again, I'm not asking what you think is a good beginner project or what is simple to build. What is the BEST.

It's hard because few people have a very wide range of DIY amps. Just based on PinkFloyd's praise, the Chiara looks formidable, and the Gilmore Balanced Bridge Dynamic, if properly maxed out(Try matching every part in Dr. Gilmore's prototype), could be one of the best, if more expensive than any DIY SS headamp I can think of at the moment.

The only category that's relatively easy to name the top amp for is electrostatics. Check out weebl, one of two existing "Blue Hawaii"s.
Jun 7, 2003 at 4:36 AM Post #10 of 26
Gracias. I suppose I should've said which do you prefer or something along those lines, since of course "best" is a subjective word to use. Anyways...I suppose I should just make a few and see which one I like, hehe. Maybe sell one of them to that sucker friend of mine... Thanks for your input though.

Although I assume that any amp I could find on headwize would be at least as good as one of those META42s or a cheap (~$300) amp from headroom or Meier audio.
Jun 7, 2003 at 11:33 AM Post #11 of 26
the META42 isn't an amp, it's merely a PCB for the Apheared #42 amp, and the sound of that is determined completely by your component choice for it, and for the money it takes to build one, it is an exceptionally competent amplifier
Jun 7, 2003 at 12:27 PM Post #12 of 26
Hum ...

I think if you stuff the Meta Board with "real" parts and get yourself a "real" chasis, it will cost over 200 USD total. ... This does not include your "labor."

Unfortunately, because transducers are right at your ears, this "labor" makes a load of difference.


Although I assume that any amp I could find on headwize would be at least as good as one of those META42s or a cheap (~$300) amp from headroom or Meier audio.

That is true, if you build it "right." (And building it right is hard)


P.S. Hard problems turns me on ... Hey! Don't look at me like that!
Jun 7, 2003 at 11:25 PM Post #13 of 26
Well ok, if it makes you feel any better, it's not actually me building the amp, it would be my dad, and I would be an assistant. And he is incredible with all things electronic, so I have no doubts as to its quality. He started building radios when he was 6, so yes...good man. As for the money, the reason that I want to build one is that A) I think with someone as competent as dear father, it would turn out to be very good, and B) He has this thing about buying VS. building things. He will be reluctant to spend 100 on a commercial amp. But, if I were to build it with him, he'd probably spend upwards of 3 or 4 times that. I guess it's because I learn things from the actual assisting of the construction. Or maybe it builds character, who knows. So yes, there you have it.
Jun 8, 2003 at 10:44 AM Post #14 of 26
my money would be on a maxed out meta42 or a tube one.

however i'm not familiar with the various meta42 amps, and even less familiar with tube ones. my opinion here simply reflects what i have read over the past 3 months or so.

if you do choose the meta42 route, a simple search for 'maxed' would find you those people who possess such amps. you could then choose from amongst the various 'maxed' versions (based on feedback and your sound preferences) and obtain a parts list from their owners.

then i guess your dad will be a little busy.
Jun 8, 2003 at 3:44 PM Post #15 of 26

Hey there. Just about this time last year, I was also looking into getting my first "better" amp. Like you, if I chose the DIY path, my father would help me. Like your father, mine also would rather spend $200 building something than $200 buying something. My dad and I chose to build the meta42. Not only because it seemed to be the "amp du jour," but also because it promised to be a relatively simple construction that would offer great rewards sound-wise. For this project, I would agree with some of the recommendations here: go with the meta42. Currently, I also have an mg head sitting next to my meta. Neither amp sounds necessarily "better" (though if I had to choose one, it might be the meta). Both amps offer a different perspective on the music. For rock, deffinitely go with the meta42. It gives me hd580s a much more forward sound in fact, check out my original review of the amplifier for more impressions of the sound.

You will find that the meta offers many opportunities for the two of you to "bond." My father, being VERY handy with a soldering iron, gave me many opportunities to learn. I could solder some resistors or caps, while my dad soldered the more sensitive parts: for example the transistors and those darn tiny smd chips. Both of us helped each other by offering a "third pair of hands," holding the solder, wick, etc.

Remember to have fun with it, and good luck. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a pm or email me.


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