Best Bang for the Buck headphone amp?
Dec 6, 2002 at 7:25 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


May 15, 2002
I'm considering a home headphone amp. Right now I'm looking for something to go with stock HD600s. I know I like the MD Head but I'm hesitant to take the step into tubes.
Which home amp do the enligthtened readers believes delivers the best sound for the money?
Dec 6, 2002 at 9:33 PM Post #2 of 16 the META42.......
Dec 7, 2002 at 2:20 AM Post #6 of 16
For the money spent, say up to $150, there is no better value than a mid-1970s vintage Marantz integrated amplifier or stereo receiver.

Search the forum for the word "vintage" and you will find good information on great sounding vintage solid state gear from Marantz and other brands from the golden age of solid state consumer audio (1970-1980).

To be sure, there are better sounding amplifiers available today. However, in the price range of up to $1,000 or so, the better quality vintage audio gear will sound as good or better than anything made today.

Some of the Marantz receivers are rather large and heavy, but many of the Marantz integrated amplifiers can be quite compact and offer a great sounding headphone amplifier section.
Dec 7, 2002 at 2:28 AM Post #7 of 16
$300 range: META42, Corda HA-1, MG Head

$500 range: Corda HA-2, Kevin Gilmore Headamp

though you could easily spend more with the MG Head with some tube-rolling..
Dec 7, 2002 at 2:28 AM Post #8 of 16
I still say that the MG Head is still the best or one of the best bang for the buck. Even first time listeners will be able to hear the difference.
Dec 7, 2002 at 2:49 AM Post #9 of 16
Taoster about beat me to it.

Under $100
CMOY - better than most component headphone jacks, DIY only (or contract a DIYer), easily made portable or wall wart driven

META42 - just excellent for the price, but DIY only (or contract a DIYer), easily made portable or wall wart driven

Corda HA-1 (ss) - quick, tonally balanced, relatively neutral
ASL MG Head (tube) - sluggish but smooth, nice
SonicAdventure Reality (hybid) - authoritative but somewhat closed in

$400-600 Gilmore (ss) - excellent, also a preamp, but no crossfeed, new one man company
Corda HA-2 (ss) ? - crossfeed, probably worth the risk - not yet heard one myself

Corda Prehead (ss) - my current favorite amp, has crossfeed, also a preamp, going higher without a world class source seems pointless
AudioValve RKV II (OTL tube) - lower priced than the TwinHead, best natural soundstage out of anything I've heard, smooth, authroritative, forgiving, nice
Sugden Headmaster - smooth, fast, articulate, a little bit glossy and not quite as good bass as the others, includes remote, preamp, no crossfeed

ASL TwinHead (OTL tube) - excellent amp with great treble extension
HeadRoom Maxed Out Home (ss) - best bang for the buck HeadRoom amp, relaxed sound, more forgiving and less fatiguing than other solid states, crossfeed and brightness controls

Those are the ones I like most, anyway.
Dec 7, 2002 at 8:43 PM Post #10 of 16
wow, thanks for the detailed post kelly!

do you find yourself using any one of those predominantly?
Dec 7, 2002 at 8:52 PM Post #11 of 16

Originally posted by nanahachi
wow, thanks for the detailed post kelly!

do you find yourself using any one of those predominantly?

I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I own all of those. I don't.

I use a Corda Blue at work and a Prehead in my main system right now. I also have an RKV which I like quite a bit but will probably move to the bedroom if I can ever come up with a DVD player or soemthing for back there.
Dec 7, 2002 at 8:57 PM Post #12 of 16
i will repeat what i often tell myself:

head-fi is the worst kind of candy store...

kelly, i only HOPED you owned all of those, but assumed that you did not, but tried various amps at various times/places....besides, if you owned up to having those, we would have to track you down to "borrow" some

thanks again
Dec 11, 2002 at 5:09 AM Post #13 of 16
rather than start a new thread...i want to continue from Kelly's suggestions

**EDIT:...i changed my mind, am creating a new thread...i need attention, damnit!!

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