Best Amp for Denon 5000 AND Senn HD650/Zu
Aug 3, 2007 at 5:51 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 46


Jul 7, 2007
I've been reading these threads for some time and have seen some pretty diverse (and numerous) recommendations on the 650s, but little to no recommendations for the D5000s. What would be the best desktop amp, sub $1k, that might work well with both (non-balanced, for now)?

I want to favor the needs of making the HD650 sound its best, but I'd like it to work well with the D5000's too. . . .Thoughts?
Aug 3, 2007 at 6:13 PM Post #3 of 46

Originally Posted by splawren /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've been reading these threads for some time and have seen some pretty diverse (and numerous) recommendations on the 650s, but little to no recommendations for the D5000s. What would be the best desktop amp, sub $1k, that might work well with both (non-balanced, for now)?

I want to favor the needs of making the HD650 sound its best, but I'd like it to work well with the D5000's too. . . .Thoughts?

The recommendations I'm about to make will soon be flamed and overtaken by Head Fi group-think, but here it is anyway.


The home-made tube-amp creations of Head Fi darlings have a cult following on these boards, but make no mistake: Tubes are subliminal tone controls. If you like tone controls, use an EQ of some sort.

The solid state amps I have heard that easily power both the Denon D5000's and HD650's are as follows:

1. Benchmark DAC1 USB (my favorite) - although its $1275 new, I can point you in the direction of a dealer who will get it to you for $1175 with free shipping. It doesnt have any analog inputs however, so that is a downside.

2. PS Audio GCHA - I like this amp a lot, but it doesnt work for me for two reasons: (1) I don't use the analog inputs, and (2) it is physically quite large and I don't have the deskspace. But for $650 used (see my sig
), it will take you everywhere you want to go...and it has a built in USB DAC that will allow you to access any tunes you have on your PC.

3. Any NAD integrated amp. These things, amazingly, have very nice headphone sections.

The amps I have just suggested are in no way a comprehensive list. My suggestion to you is to think long and hard before you buy into the tube thing. Tube amps offer lower power and greater distortion at any given price level as compared to solid state. They are less reliable, more fragile, and require upkeep. If you get anything out of this post it is this: Give a decent solid state amp a long hard look. (try the Eddie Current stuff...its in your price range and supposedly does a fine job at amplifying the signal.)

All other Head Fi'ers: You may now commence flaming!
Aug 3, 2007 at 6:17 PM Post #4 of 46
I forgot to mention the Headroom SS amps...I heard 4N6's Headroom Desktop and it was very nice. Clean and Powerful.
Aug 3, 2007 at 6:29 PM Post #5 of 46

Originally Posted by xenithon /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Having heard both: the Headamp Gilmore Lite with DPS; or if budget permits the GS-1.

Great suggestion.

BTW Benchmark DAC1 onboard amp is not its strong suite and it shouldn't be as first of all it's a DAC, amp is more like a freebie addition.
Aug 3, 2007 at 6:41 PM Post #6 of 46

Originally Posted by Andrew_WOT /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Great suggestion.

BTW Benchmark DAC1 onboard amp is not its strong suite and it shouldn't be as first of all it's a DAC, amp is more like a freebie addition.

Andrew, you are correct in that it is a DAC first, but I gotta disagree on it being a "freebie". That's just not so.

The DAC1 amp section is super clean and super powerful. The THD is down into like .000045 or something like that. A figure unheard of in full sized SS amps (lets not even talk about tubes).

Benchmark goes to great lengths in their literature to explain the significance of the internal HPA2 (headphone amp). Calls to the Benchmark engineers find them gushing about the performance of the internal amp sections for both headphone and preamp use..they don't consider it to be an afterthought, and neither do I.

By the way, for several weeks I ran the Benchmark's DAC section directly into the likely superior amp section of the PS Audio GCHA...bypassing the DAC1 amp. I couldn't hear a difference...both setups sounded AWESOME.

Just my take.
Aug 3, 2007 at 7:02 PM Post #8 of 46
PS Audio GCHA put me to sleep. It is neutral but lifeless. The GLite is neutral but still retains sparkle. Two others worth considering, though more costly:
- Graham Slee Solot (preferably with PSU1)
- Lehmann Audio Black Cube Linear
Aug 3, 2007 at 8:02 PM Post #10 of 46
My amps are all very good with your named cans - HeadRoom Desktop w/home module, Meier HA-2 MKII SE, HeadRoom Max.
Remeber the source makes an amazing difference in SQ, also, once you have a decent amp to handle the better SQ.
Aug 3, 2007 at 8:05 PM Post #11 of 46
Rudistor NX-33 is very good too, has anyone (besides 6moons) compared the Nx33 vs the HR Desktop Balanced?
Aug 3, 2007 at 8:12 PM Post #12 of 46

Originally Posted by Andrew_WOT /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Did they change it in the new DAC1, as amp in the old one was getting pretty bad rep?

First of all, whether or not something gets a "bad rap" or "good rap" on Head Fi means less and less to me each day. There is a TON of group-think in here... I'm honestly not trying to be hostile at all, I'm just saying that opinions that stray from the "company line" tend to get pounded in this place. Being a staunch supporter of tweaky cables, tube amps, and vinyl is the safest way to steer clear of controversy...the only way to disprove the effectiveness of such contraptions is through blind testing, and we all know that discussion of such goes over "like a fart in church" in these parts.

Back to the question at hand: There has been one "change" to the DAC1's amp in the USB version (quote from the DAC1 USB Manual): "Because of the variations in headphone sensitivity, the DAC1 USB features two gain ranges for the headphone outputs. Our experience with the classic DAC1 showed us that most users cannot use the full output of the HPA2™. These users benefit from a reduced maximum gain. Internal jumpers reduce the input to the HPA2™ by 10 dB and place the Volume Control near 12 O’clock at a comfortable listening level with most headphones. These jumpers are factory installed, but can be removed if a user needs more output. Removing the jumpers increases the gain to a level that is equal to that of the classic DAC1."

The bottom line is that they have tweaked the presentation of the amp in the USB version, and that may be what sounds so nice to me, but it does not appear that the HPA2 amp has changed in any way topologically.
Aug 3, 2007 at 8:23 PM Post #13 of 46

Originally Posted by silverrain /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My amps are all very good with your named cans - HeadRoom Desktop w/home module, Meier HA-2 MKII SE, HeadRoom Max.
Remeber the source makes an amazing difference in SQ, also, once you have a decent amp to handle the better SQ.

Another vote for Meier amps! I have the D2000 and HD650 (just got the HD650 yesterday) and they both sound phenomenal with my HA-2 MKII SE.
Aug 3, 2007 at 9:17 PM Post #14 of 46
Thanks all for the suggestions! I was particularly tickled by the "like a fart in a church" metaphor, which has added happy color to the discussion, and I do appreciate the note on SS amps v. tubes, and reiterate the "no-flame" request. Of course, more suggestions welcome! I'm beginning to research the list, seeing what is auditionable and what isnt. . .
Aug 3, 2007 at 11:00 PM Post #15 of 46

Originally Posted by ecclesand /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Another vote for Meier amps! I have the D2000 and HD650 (just got the HD650 yesterday) and they both sound phenomenal with my HA-2 MKII SE.

The Corda Opera works well with my HD650s/Silver Dragon and D2000s. And Ultrasones for that matter. The Cantate is a step down from the Opera but still has the balanced ground technology of the Opera so that will probably be a lower cost option with similar qualities.

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