Best Album Ever?
Jul 5, 2003 at 10:15 AM Post #46 of 70

Originally posted by Dusty Chalk
Last ebiteb dy Chalky Stud on 02-29-2003 at 13:13 PM


anyway...your post confuses me....must be Reloaded playing with my mind...
Jul 5, 2003 at 7:00 PM Post #47 of 70
I've never claimed to have good taste in music, But I couldn't live without my Smashing Pumkins "Adore" album. Although I must admit "The Bends" would take the cake if there was a throwdown.

Jul 5, 2003 at 11:09 PM Post #49 of 70
I guess my response would be a good answer for a question like "If you had to pick one album as the best album ever, what would it be?". Cause I mean, It is my favorite album, and I call it the best album ever. But since no one asked that.............oh wait! that was the question!

personal preference.
Jul 5, 2003 at 11:52 PM Post #50 of 70
I am a huge Metallica fan and I would struggle to call any of their albums "The Greatest Album Ever".

This is basically due to the fact all tracks are rather poorly recorded and there is little to no bass and the general quality is poor.

This does not mean i think the albums suck in any way though. They rule
Jul 6, 2003 at 2:25 AM Post #52 of 70

Originally posted by D-EJ915

3: The Transformer Movie Soundtrack

awesome movie! awesome soundtrack. i know every single line from that flick. my fave is when Megatron goes "Such heroic nonsense!" and the songs, you can't get anymore pseudo hair-band heavy metal than that soundtrack. "you got the touch, you got the power... YEAH!!!"

anyway... back on topic. my best album ever is:
Ride - Nowhere.

but also can't live without these:
The Cure - Faith
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
Suede - Suede
Catherine Wheel - Ferment
The Cure - Disintegration
Jul 6, 2003 at 4:26 AM Post #53 of 70
Sinead O'Connor - The Lion and the Cobra

Had to think for quite some time before I decided. Picked this one because of the great vocals, lyrics and mix of styles. The Beatles and Pink Floyd were really close behind with some of their albums. This album just appeals to me for lots of different reasons.
Jul 6, 2003 at 7:21 AM Post #54 of 70
2pac - All Eyez on Me
Gangstarr - Moment of Truth
Outkast - ATliens

I'm also into the Lord of the Ring's Soundtracks, since they are able to offer a broader musical range than what the average hip hop song is able to provide.
Jul 6, 2003 at 12:13 PM Post #55 of 70
Well, I am sure the beatles would probably rank highest in a best album ever contest that was judged with critics and took into account virtosity, popularity, staying-power, and the first to last song quality, but they are not my pick. They are good, but they are not MY music. They are my parents' music. They don't hold the same emotional attachment as some other bands.
Here are MY favorites...and I am only listing contemporary music, as it is in a totally different league than classical:

Radiohead -- The Bends. (I agree that OK computer is very close, except for fitter happier, and I don't really like electioneering either...) Also, the My Iron Lung EP which includes the Bends's b-sides which were as good as any other album I have ever heard. Taken to together, they would certainly be the best album of all time in my mind...
Tortoise: TNT
Nick Drake: Pink Moon
Kelly Joe Phelps: Shine Eyed Mister Zen
Jim O'Rourke: Halway to a Threeway
Stereolab: Dots and Loops
Cake: Fashion Nugget

Those are the albums that have the most emotional impact for me -- they take me to the place I was when I first heard them, which I think is on of the most important functions that music can have.

Pearl Jam's: Ten is also excellent, as was Led Zeppelin Three. 1-4 are hard to separate, but I think I like three the best...mostly because of Tangerine and Gallow's Pole...
Jul 9, 2003 at 3:03 AM Post #56 of 70
The best album, IMO: Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime

1. I Remember Now (DeGarmo) - 1:17
2. Anarchy-X (DeGarmo) - 1:27
3. Revolution Calling (Tate/Wilton) - 4:42
4. Operation: Mindcrime (DeGarmo/Tate/Wilton) - 4:43
5. Speak (Tate/Wilton) - 3:42
6. Spreading the Disease (Tate/Wilton) - 4:07
7. The Mission (DeGarmo) - 5:46
8. Suite Sister Mary (DeGarmo/Tate) - 10:41
9. The Needle Lies (Tate/Wilton) - 3:08
10. Electric Requiem (Rockenfield/Tate) - 1:22
11. Breaking the Silence (DeGarmo/Tate) - 4:34
12. I Don't Believe in Love (DeGarmo/Tate) - 4:23
13. Waiting for 22 (DeGarmo) - 1:05
14. My Empty Room (Tate/Wilton) - 1:28
15. Eyes of a Stranger (DeGarmo/Tate) - 6:39
Jul 9, 2003 at 12:15 PM Post #57 of 70

Originally posted by ekwinix
I am a huge Metallica fan and I would struggle to call any of their albums "The Greatest Album Ever".

This is basically due to the fact all tracks are rather poorly recorded and there is little to no bass and the general quality is poor.

This does not mean i think the albums suck in any way though. They rule

I have the 24K Gold DCC Remaster of MASTER OF PUPPETS and I must say that they pushed the bass up in the mix so that you can actually hear it. And the guitars actually have some nice texture and are pleasing to listen to.. I think the original cd of this always sounded like crap to me, I liked my original vinyl copy better.. the DCC Remaster does a great job of restoring my memory of what the vinyl sounded like the first time I put it on my table back in '86..

I don't know if they could do the same for JUSTICE, I'm still convinced there's no bass there at all!

Jul 9, 2003 at 12:25 PM Post #58 of 70

Originally posted by bong

anyway... back on topic. my best album ever is:
Ride - Nowhere.

but also can't live without these:
The Cure - Faith
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
Suede - Suede
Catherine Wheel - Ferment
The Cure - Disintegration

nice list.

I'm working on a sort of history of shoegazer compilation, I'm including "Vapour Trail" off NOWHERE, though perhaps the best track, or at least my favorite is "Dreams Burn Down." Also including "Black Metallic" - how could I not?

Jul 9, 2003 at 12:26 PM Post #59 of 70
I'll toss in a vote for OK Computer (I must be the only one who thought Fitter Happier fit into that album absolutely perfectly)...Meddle and DSotM are up there too, and in Beatles terms I'd have to list Abbey Road or Revolver...

I'll throw in a couple curveballs by picking Aphex Twin's "Richard D. James Album" and Massive Attack's "Mezzanine" as honorable mentions. And as film soundtracks go, either "Passion" by Peter Gabriel or "Koyaanisqatsi" by Philip Glass. Too hard to pick just one album.
Jul 9, 2003 at 12:29 PM Post #60 of 70

Originally posted by strohmie

I'll throw in a couple curveballs by picking Aphex Twin's "Richard D. James Album" and Massive Attack's "Mezzanine" as honorable mentions. Too hard to pick just one album.

MEZZANINE is so good that I don't really even want to hear their new album, if that makes any sense.


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