Bass, how low can you go?
Jun 19, 2007 at 9:31 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 28


Headphoneus Supremus
Jun 30, 2006
i've been hunting around for some unknown headphones (unknown to me) when i stumbbled on the Reloop RH3500 pro dj headphones.

now the site says they gop down to 3hz. i love my bass but i don't recall any headphones gong this low, or maybe there are headphones that go down to less than 3hz.

can anyone tell me of any headphones that dip below 5hz?

i wanted to get a conparison with my equation audio rp21's (on order) and i was going to go with the sony mdr-v700's biut like i said i love my bass, and at 3hz, they've certainly got my attention.
Jun 19, 2007 at 9:56 AM Post #3 of 28
Anything below 20hz only makes the driver do more work for nothing.
Jun 19, 2007 at 10:01 AM Post #4 of 28
It's fun to feel on the sides of your head if nothing else for the sub 20hz tests. But yeah, I can't imagine a practical use for anything even close to that low.
Jun 19, 2007 at 10:03 AM Post #5 of 28
Yeah i know all that below 20hz is in audable stuff, but tell me if you can't tell the difference between headphones at 15hz (my senn 25) and headphones at 8hz (ultrasone 750) becasue i can tell the differemce.

the same with subwoofers. i've heard REL subwoofers and have own 2 both at 20hz and beleive me you could tell (fell) the difference between 20 hz and another REL subwoofer at 15hz.
Jun 19, 2007 at 10:35 AM Post #6 of 28

Originally Posted by captian73 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah i know all that below 20hz is in audable stuff, but tell me if you can't tell the difference between headphones at 15hz (my senn 25) and headphones at 8hz (ultrasone 750) becasue i can tell the differemce.

the same with subwoofers. i've heard REL subwoofers and have own 2 both at 20hz and beleive me you could tell (fell) the difference between 20 hz and another REL subwoofer at 15hz.

One of the first things you'll learn here at head-fi is that frequency response specifications mean close to nothing. As for your original question, the RP-21 are reputed to do deep bass exceptionally well for their price bracket, but they are also studio oriented so don't expect huge amounts of unbalanced bass from them.
Jun 19, 2007 at 11:01 AM Post #7 of 28
i not 100% with you on the fact that the frequency response means close to nothing, i use it more as a guide.

once again, i could have brought the ultrasone's on nothing but the reviews i read on headfi, and could have been totally disapointed. it's all PERSNOAL opinions that we're dealing with here.

i was dissapointed with the bass from the hd595's for example, and when i aired my concerns to the shop assistant, he just said "no one's complained about a lack of bass before"

the thing is although the 595's are supposed to go down to 12hz, they didn't sound anywhere near as deep as my hd212 also 12hz.

but i was quite peeved off at the assistant. i don't really care about ANYONE ELSE's experience (a bit harsh maybe), it's me that's handing the money over, so i have to enjoy them, hence my appreciation and defence of the Bose headphones. although peoples input might sway my decision, i still have to enjoy them.

i know Bose is a dirty word on headfi, but i have to say although i'm aware of there sort comings, doesn't mean that i can't enjoy them.

anyway b0dhi, i've realised that i've gone a bit off topic and that i might have been a bit harsh on your comments. i don't mean to affend you, and thanks for your input.

regarding to 'studi'o hedphones (which i have no experience of) what differences in sound can i expect? what do you mean by unbalanced bass?
Jun 19, 2007 at 11:32 AM Post #8 of 28

Originally Posted by captian73 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i not 100% with you on the fact that the frequency response means close to nothing, i use it more as a guide.
i was dissapointed with the bass from the hd595's for example, and when i aired my concerns to the shop assistant, he just said "no one's complained about a lack of bass before"
the thing is although the 595's are supposed to go down to 12hz, they didn't sound anywhere near as deep as my hd212 also 12hz.

This is why I say the specifications aren't very useful. It could be -3dB at 12Hz...or it could be -12dB at 12Hz, you never know. As you can tell, even within the same company the specifications aren't consistent. The graphs at HeadRoom ( a better guide (though they have their flaws too IMO).


Originally Posted by captian73 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
anyway b0dhi, i've realised that i've gone a bit off topic and that i might have been a bit harsh on your comments. i don't mean to affend you, and thanks for your input.

Don't worry you made up for it with the HD595 bass comments
I hate those cans...


Originally Posted by captian73 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
regarding to 'studi'o hedphones (which i have no experience of) what differences in sound can i expect? what do you mean by unbalanced bass?

Well for example the Sony MDR-V700 has heaps of (low quality) bass, and it overpowers everything else - good for DJs (especially with their 3W of power handling...). but terrible for studios. With studio headphones you want nothing in the sound to stand out too much. The RP-21's bass goes doesn't stand out as much as the V700, but it is higher quality.
Jun 19, 2007 at 12:33 PM Post #10 of 28

Originally Posted by captian73 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
but would you recommend the sony's as a good comparison to the rp21's?

The only way I'd recommend listening to the Sonys is if your only other option was eating them.
Jun 19, 2007 at 12:46 PM Post #11 of 28
'nough said!

i don't know..... maybe i'll go right ahead and order these Reloop 3500's, I'm going through a strange phrase of trying or ordering headphones i know nothing about. well i brought the ultrasone, and they were a good buy.

i've already order the strange sennheiser MAH40 and MAH80, and i'm thinking of the cheap Citronic hp300 pro headphones

like i said, i'm going though an experimental stage right now! next thing you'll know, i'll be b uying a pair of skullcandy headphones
Jun 19, 2007 at 1:07 PM Post #12 of 28
Sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I had the $$$ to do that. Feel free to write about your impressions with them all, I'm sure a lot of people would find it very helpful.
Jun 19, 2007 at 1:22 PM Post #13 of 28

Originally Posted by Kilane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's fun to feel on the sides of your head if nothing else for the sub 20hz tests. But yeah, I can't imagine a practical use for anything even close to that low.

There is surprisingly lot of stuff going on that deep. For example some ambient music do use subbass regions. While not always audible, it can be felt and do add some tonality. Some bass instruments also have some things going on that deep, like reverbing stuff and such.
Jun 19, 2007 at 1:28 PM Post #14 of 28

Originally Posted by b0dhi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I had the $$$ to do that. Feel free to write about your impressions with them all, I'm sure a lot of people would find it very helpful.

i have to admit i've got to write up about quite a few recent aquasitions including;

audio technica ATH-ON3
grado Igrado
Stax SR-001 MKII system

Senn cx300 (not quite sure about them but they were really cheap)
Pioneer SEMJ3B headphones (my first pioneers which i like for rock and their cheapness)


There is surprisingly lot of stuff going on that deep. For example some ambient music do use subbass regions. While not always audible, it can be felt and do add some tonality. Some bass instruments also have some things going on that deep, like reverbing stuff and such

i was taught that bass should be felt not heard
Jun 19, 2007 at 1:36 PM Post #15 of 28
There are lots of organ pipes that go down to 16 Hz.

I made subwoofers while in college that went down that low. One day I decided to have some fun. I had a 2500 square foot factory with 20 foot ceilings and 16 subwoofers in stock, all the size of coffins. I hooked up a sine wave generator to a bunch of amps and put 16Hz out at a fairly high dB. It was "inaudible" but everyone I took into the manufacturing area made an excuse to get out after a minute or so.

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