Aug 14, 2011 at 8:22 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 134


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May 30, 2009
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I personally believe that BA can crank out a ton of details, but its naturalness and ease at producing music cannot reach that of a dynamic driver.
Aug 14, 2011 at 8:43 PM Post #2 of 134
Well, when I got my JVC FX700, I could hear more details in my music with them than with any BA I previously tried, including multi drivers such as the SE530, SM3, UM3X,, Westone 3, ES3X, DBA-02, Q-jays, etc.
Aug 14, 2011 at 8:56 PM Post #4 of 134
BA's and DD's both have their pros and cons. Neither is the better than one another really. Like the OP said, BA's are a great choice for detail and clarity while DD's are a great choice for naturalness and coherency. When we approach the top of the line IEM's the faults in either the BA or DD speakers are amazingly reduced and it all comes down to overall sound preference.
Aug 14, 2011 at 8:57 PM Post #5 of 134

Aug 14, 2011 at 8:58 PM Post #6 of 134
FX700 also has the largest soundstage of any IEM I've heard, including all the BAs I tried. It doesn't always sound big - it depends on the recording - but when it does, it sounds HUGE! When I listen to it on a subway train, on some music the sound seems to fill almost the entire train - it extends really far to the left and right and has very good depth as well. It almost gives a surround sound effect. Very impressive. BAs can't sound as airy because FX700 actually has vents so the sound physically comes out of the IEM, whereas with BAs the sound is trapped inside the housing and they just cannot provide the same sense of airiness that the JVCs can.
Aug 14, 2011 at 9:01 PM Post #7 of 134
not ALL BA's are sealed. there are a few that are vented and sound big and airy. 
FX700 also has the largest soundstage of any IEM I've heard, including all the BAs I tried. It doesn't always sound big - it depends on the recording - but when it does, it sounds HUGE! When I listen to it on a subway train, on some music the sound seems to fill almost the entire train - it extends really far to the left and right and has very good depth as well. It almost gives a surround sound effect. Very impressive. BAs can't sound as airy because FX700 actually has vents so the sound physically comes out of the IEM, whereas with BAs the sound is trapped inside the housing and they just cannot provide the same sense of airiness that the JVCs can.

Aug 14, 2011 at 9:08 PM Post #8 of 134
not ALL BA's are sealed. there are a few that are vented and sound big and airy.

Well, yeah, but they can only have small vents and I don't think they can sound airy to the extent dynamics like FX700 can. I am not saying BAs cannot provide a convincing illusion of air, but it's not the same as the sound of actual open back dynamics IMO. Each presentation has its pros and cons of course, but I personally prefer the soundstage of open back dynamic headphones, which I think provides a more natural sense of air.
Aug 14, 2011 at 9:14 PM Post #14 of 134
I know the Sleek Audio SA6's are vented with the "bass+" bass chamber plug. I'm sure there are a few others as well. The SA6's sound pretty **** nice for a single balanced armature. A little more sparkle wouldn't hurt, but I like them just about as much as my HD650's. 
which BA's are vented?


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