71 dB
Headphoneus Supremus
Personally, I connect with melodies in music far better than with lyrics, which some research suggests may be common in autistic people.
Oh, that's interesting. I have never cared much for lyrics in music myself. Singing for me is about production of human voice as a biological instrument rather than verbal messaging. A lot of the music I listen to is instrumental. Music that relies heavily on the lyrics (say "singer-songwriter" music with voice and acoustic guitar only such as the music of Bob Dylan for example) typically doesn't appeal to me much.
In fact, even melodies aren't the most important thing in music for me I think. Counterpoint, rhythm and harmony does it for me the most I believe. Music with only root position chords sounds boring to me while inverted chords make me interested. Anticipations and suspensions are delicious to me. I love the dreamy feel of sus2-chords and I seem to prefer the softer IV - I plagal cadence to the "in your face" V - I cadence which might explain why I struggle to enjoy jazz music and its improvised ii-V-I harmonic madness.
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