Auditioned Sennheiser HD-26 PRO

Feb 25, 2014 at 10:57 PM Post #106 of 141
  They are very good. Now after some more listening all I could wish for is a bit tighter bass. I like my bass tight as a Camels ... in a sandstorm. I'm borrowing a friend's NAD Viso hp50 at the moment and they are quite a bit more controlled in the bass department than the HD 26.

I agree the bass is a little loose. Still love 'em.
Feb 28, 2014 at 11:48 AM Post #108 of 141
Yeah but it's so ugly and big...HD26 looks like professional Tron headphone.
  Mids and highs are wonderful but I think the somewhat boomy bass disqualifies it as a monitor. The NAD VISO HP50 is an overall better sounding headphone (to my ears).

Mar 5, 2014 at 10:10 AM Post #110 of 141
Short comparison between the Sennheiser HD 26 Pro and the NAD VISO hp50.
I have been comparing these for some days now and I actually prefer the sound of the hd 26 pro in most cases (Yes I have changed my mind...).
Bass: The HP50 is more controlled and tight whereas the HD 26 is fuller and a bit elevated in this region. This might partly be caused by the better seal I get from the Senns. PLEASE Sennheiser - Make velour pads for these headphones (on my HD 25s the velour pads tightened up the bass a bit - Controlled leakage lowers the Q)
Mids: I find the Senns to be the more balanced and clear sounding headphone in the midrange. According to the measurements I have seen on the HP50, they have a slight tilt through most of the midrange making the lower mids stronger than the upper mids. I suspect that the Senns are flatter in this area. This looks to be the case if Sennheiser's own measurements are reliable.
Highs: Not a big difference in overall treble level, but the Senns sound more distinct and clear to my ears.
Comfort: Both headphones get hot and none of them are perfect for my head/ears. I think the Senns would almost be perfect with velour pads if you don't mind supraaural headphones. The HP50s would be more comfortable for me if the pads were a bit bigger, deeper and softer.
Portability: HD 26 all the way. They are small, light and ruggedly built. Less cable noise from the HD 26s and they come with the best engineered cable clip I have seen. The HP50s are big and even though they come with a very nice soft case I would not put them in it without unplugging the cable first for fear of bending or breaking the plug.
Mar 5, 2014 at 4:34 PM Post #111 of 141

Mar 12, 2014 at 3:26 PM Post #112 of 141
I love these things. They are very much like a portable Ultrasone Pro 900. They seem *a bit* less energetic on the high-end than the 25s which make them appear as though they have more mid-bass and darker. My new favorite phones. My wife won't use anything else so I had to buy another pair.
Mar 13, 2014 at 2:13 PM Post #115 of 141
Mar 21, 2014 at 12:09 PM Post #116 of 141
  They are very good. Now after some more listening all I could wish for is a bit tighter bass. I like my bass tight as a Camels ... in a sandstorm. I'm borrowing a friend's NAD Viso hp50 at the moment and they are quite a bit more controlled in the bass department than the HD 26.

Do they drive well straight out of a portable?
Mar 27, 2014 at 3:39 PM Post #118 of 141
They have as much bass as a Pro900?

Very similar. I would put these at an 8.5/10 with the Pro 900 at 10/10 (impact). For a portable they're incredible. They just get better and better as they burn-in. They seem a bit easier to drive than the 25s, even with the higher imp.
Mar 27, 2014 at 6:35 PM Post #119 of 141
Wish these were fully modular like OG 25s...theyd have to be to justify the extra $100,IMO.

I just wonder why they didn't update the drivers in the old reason to lower the bar with plastic and lack of replaceable parts except yo save money...on a more expensive product...lame move, Sennheiser.
Mar 27, 2014 at 8:38 PM Post #120 of 141
They are arguably a better aesthetic and I don't think they are as tough, but still seem like they will take a beating. A lot more complex in build, but no cables sticking out of the headband. I think the SQ is a major step up. i like them more than my 650.

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