Audio Power Supplies - PART3 - SMPS, LPS. SuperCap, Battery, DIY route. New devices opens up new options.

Apr 14, 2018 at 2:10 AM Post #121 of 133
Apr 14, 2018 at 2:31 AM Post #122 of 133
I can't get the link to point to the right page but if you go to the link I provided and click on 'Buy Now' it will go there. Basically it says, "New Version of HDPLEX 200W Linear PSU will be available in May. 8pcs of Linear Technology LT3045 Chip will be used for two adjustable rail. More details coming soon for this major upgrade..."
Apr 14, 2018 at 7:19 AM Post #123 of 133
So are these current offerings on Ebay labeled as Zero Zone (like the one a few posts up) legit or are they in some way compromised from the ones you are referring to as Meiyan?
Is the same construction, by the way is very good for such a price, but price is not a good exponent in the matter

....and BTW, did anyone see (or care) where HDPlex is coming out with a new, upgraded version of their 200W LPS?

Just wondering if this would change the OP's opinion of this LPS. Of course it's about $100 more.

Will see, meanwhile the current version is worse - very high DC noise
Jun 30, 2018 at 3:43 PM Post #124 of 133
There's been a lot of recent entrants into this space, some PSU's some just bare boards.

One thing to consider with the LT3045 based supplies is that noise is influenced by the voltage drop and the current delivery. The best case numbers you see for 0.4uV noise is unlikely to be achieved unless you're dropping a couple of volts and only drawing 200-300mA per device. That said you can run the LT3045 in parallel and run the boards in series for better figures.

I own one of Stammheins MSHPULN 3 amp supplies for my Brooklyn (

I'm just waiting for Alexey to get the cases in for his multi-board multi device PSU then I'll be trying one of his new 3x LT3045 psus from

I'll get the scope on it when it lands.
Dec 28, 2019 at 2:19 PM Post #125 of 133
Alright guys. Bumping an old thread in hopes of getting some tips on how to make this work.

So I have my MEIYAN LPS here and it's set for 5V, and when I contacted the seller about it being adjustable they mentioned that it is only FINE tunable around 5V. So, not advised to go much higher or lower than 5V.

When I asked them about how I can adjust it to say, 9V or even 12V, they recommended that I replace the constant current diode, the zener diode and the transformer. Now, I am definitely up for this task but I do not know which diodes to buy and what transformer will work with this. Was hoping somebody out there more technically inclined and with more experience can chime in and give me some tips with some guidance. I have emailed the ebay seller about what they will recommend but I don't think they'll give me the answer that I'm looking for. I'm sure they'll recommend purchasing a whole new LPS haha.

Here's the MEIYAN.
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Dec 28, 2019 at 10:49 PM Post #126 of 133
If I were to hazard a guess, that zener diode (labeled UA) would be the one to change.

But I'd ask for specifics as to which components to change, and with what.
And since we don't have a schematic as a backup, asking for detailed specifics is 'advisable'.

And also know that you'll most likely be killing, as in dead'r than a door knob, your warranty, when you perform this kind of surgery.

Dec 28, 2019 at 11:25 PM Post #127 of 133
Thank you, @johnjen Thankfully the seller got to me super fast and ended up with this message:

You need to use a 9V2 constant current tube. Replace the 6.8K resistor on the circuit (6K8 to 5K). The transformer needs to be replaced with a 28V output transformer. The primary output voltage must be greater than the target value (> 24V). The LED of the push button switch must be open. Or connect a 15K resistor. The withstand voltage of the switch's LED lamp is <12V.
Thank you!

Which transformer? 28V. Check.
Diode? No diode is mentioned.
Constant current tube? 9V2. Check.

One issue I see is there is no 6.8k or 6K8 resistor that I can see here on the circuit. Maybe I need to bust out my DMM, but even still I'm not sure which little bit to check.

Wiring up the transformer should be simple as long as I copy the same layout as the current one.

Thanks for the help and tips! Someday I'd love to build a power supply of my own, and I guess you could say I'm working up to that from a different direction, via trial and error.
Dec 29, 2019 at 12:18 AM Post #128 of 133
Since there are only 6 resistors showing on the board it should be 'easy' to find it.

And my guess is that 9v2 is the zener, but I'd send them another e-mail to verify and get a 'real' part number, not just a part specification.
And don't forget the 15KΩ LED load resistor, that is if you want it to continue to work.

Mar 3, 2020 at 10:04 AM Post #129 of 133
@ rb2013:

I recently bought a Keces P3 to feed my WLAN-router and an attached portable HDD @12v each. As the P3 gets extremely hot, I am thinking of exchanging the P3 with either 2 Meiyans, (or is there a Meiyan that can feed two units?) or with the following PSU that I found on AliExpress and can be ordered @12v/12V:

My questions: Does the S120 PSU look any good to you? Would you rather prefer two Meiyans to one dual PSU?

I'm considering that two single units need two extra (high quality) power cords and an extra power strip, which might double the price.

Thank you for any advice!
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Apr 23, 2020 at 8:22 AM Post #131 of 133
@ rb2013:

I recently bought a Keces P3 to feed my WLAN-router and an attached portable HDD @12v each. As the P3 gets extremely hot, I am thinking of exchanging the P3 with either 2 Meiyans, (or is there a Meiyan that can feed two units?) or with the following PSU that I found on AliExpress and can be ordered @12v/12V:

My questions: Does the S120 PSU look any good to you? Would you rather prefer two Meiyans to one dual PSU?

I'm considering that two single units need two extra (high quality) power cords and an extra power strip, which might double the price.

Thank you for any advice!

Just a heads up, rb2013 left a long time ago, his last post is from January 2017.
May 8, 2020 at 4:14 AM Post #132 of 133
Any thoughts on a good affordable linear PSU for rpi4 and possibly mv89 external clock box?
Jun 9, 2021 at 5:30 AM Post #133 of 133
finally yesterday after sitting on the parts for 6 months, I installed the Uptone Audio MMK Linear Power Supply mod to my Mac Mini 2014.

Instructions are not to my brain anyway intuitive and can be confusing along with using the ifixit 'tear down' and 'repair' guides. I managed to only do one thing 'wrong' and that was completely remove the broadband/wireless card. It took a frustrating HOUR to reattach all three tiny tiny coaxial cables. But I managed and did the install perfectly on first try, total novice at mac servicing, figuring out the tricky stuff practically on my own.

Pretty proud and am floored by the increase in sound quality. Blacker backgrounds, more fine detail, more natural sounding with less ear fatigue, long listening sessions now with familiar material that once sounded a bit bright or edgy, now sound about perfect.

I used a 12v ZERO-ZONE LPS that I saw excellent test for. It is so HUGE compared to the Mac Mini, so its kind-of 'Frankenstein's Monster' comical haha.

But, I could not be more satisfied considering how little this upgrade cost going with the ZERO-ZONE over the more expensive supplies. I am still listening. 5 hour plus session and I am still pulling my jaw off floor.


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