Audio Power Supplies - PART3 - SMPS, LPS. SuperCap, Battery, DIY route. New devices opens up new options.

Nov 8, 2016 at 10:49 AM Post #31 of 133
I have that Zerozone board earmarked for the PART 5 DIY LPS's. I ordered a MEIYAN, so that'll free up my Breeze LPS for a regulator board swap, first will be the LT3042 0.8uv LDO.

Check this offer:
This item includes PCB with Linear Technology newest 0.8uV ultralow noise regulator LT3042 *All SMT component are soldered, thru-hole component are not soldered.

This is the best ultralow noise power supply regulator for Diyer to enjoy, use of decade old 78xx / lm3xx /lt10xx is simply kidding for audiophiles.

This regulator PCB equiped with high quality hybrid choke coil and CRC input filter to remove the common mode noise and differential mode noise from the input and provide the best sound result from time to time.

It is always a mystery for most people why the same DAC usually sound better at night. The reason is the noise pollution through the AC line from all the other equipment in the same room. In the day time, More electronic equipment turn on and there are more pollution.


1)Linear Technology 0.8uV ultralow noise LT3042 regulator

2)Two individual 1.5A* 3.3V/5V rail switchable with a jumper easily. Please notes 1.5A is the burst value, please read the bottom notes for output usage larger than 0.5A continuously.

3)Panasonic EEUFC low ESR 5600uF capacitor and the red WIMA film capacitor are sourced from authorized distributor Arrow Electronics directly (guarantee no fake product from China)

Nov 8, 2016 at 10:55 AM Post #32 of 133
..for a regulator board swap, first will be the LT3042 0.8uv LDO.

Check this offer:
This item includes PCB with Linear Technology newest 0.8uV ultralow noise regulator LT3042 *All SMT component are soldered, thru-hole component are not soldered.

This is the best ultralow noise power supply regulator for Diyer to enjoy, use of decade old 78xx / lm3xx /lt10xx is simply kidding for audiophiles.

This regulator PCB equiped with high quality hybrid choke coil and CRC input filter to remove the common mode noise and differential mode noise from the input and provide the best sound result from time to time.

It is always a mystery for most people why the same DAC usually sound better at night. The reason is the noise pollution through the AC line from all the other equipment in the same room. In the day time, More electronic equipment turn on and there are more pollution.


1)Linear Technology 0.8uV ultralow noise LT3042 regulator

2)Two individual 1.5A* 3.3V/5V rail switchable with a jumper easily. Please notes 1.5A is the burst value, please read the bottom notes for output usage larger than 0.5A continuously.

3)Panasonic EEUFC low ESR 5600uF capacitor and the red WIMA film capacitor are sourced from authorized distributor Arrow Electronics directly (guarantee no fake product from China)

Nov 8, 2016 at 11:12 AM Post #33 of 133
Good to hear that.  I have to edit the beginning of this thread on the MEIYAN LPS.  I had posted that the DC voltage was not adjustable - it is.  From 5VDC to 24VDC with the small brass screw on the blue box.

I think it is used for fine adjustment (+-1V), to a specific voltage change (5V 9V 12V 15V 18V 24V 30V)
is needed to exchange some element (RA) and changing the voltage at the input, 
S12 Ultra Low Noise linear power supply kit description:
 This kit can built 5V   9V  12V  15V  18V  24V  30V etc. several kinds output votlage. Juse need change the "VA" and  "RA".
And the output voltage can be minute adjustment . it is very easy! add one suitable transformer. you will can built a Hi-end Linear Power supply.

This kit include all the version's components. you can assemble the board as following list:  

VDC=5V Set up: VOUT=VA*[1+10K÷(RA+TA)]            ACIN=12VAC
PCB: VA=4V3      RA=39K or 47K      TA=10K (adjustable resistance)
Maximum current output=Power transformer÷12    Heat (W)=7*Output Current

VDC=9V Set up: VOUT=VA*[1+10K÷(RA+TA)]            ACIN=15VAC
PCB: VA=6V2      RA=20K      TA=5K (adjustable resistance)
Maximum current output=Power transformer÷15    Heat (W)=7*Output Current

VDC=12V Set up: VOUT=VA*[1+10K÷(RA+TA)]            ACIN=18VAC
PCB: VA=6V2      RA=6K8      TA=5K (adjustable resistance)
Maximum current output=Power transformer÷18    Heat (W)=7*Output Current

VDC=15V Set up: VOUT=VA*[1+10K÷(RA+TA)]            ACIN=21V or 24VAC
PCB: VA=6V2      RA=6K8      TA=5K (adjustable resistance)
Maximum current output=Power transformer÷21 or 24    Heat (W)=8*Output Current

VDC=18V Set up: VOUT=VA*[1+10K÷(RA+TA)]            ACIN=24VAC
PCB: VA=12V      RA=15K      TA=5K (adjustable resistance)
Maximum current output=Power transformer÷24    Heat (W)=8*Output Current

VDC=24V Set up: VOUT=VA*[1+10K÷(RA+TA)]            ACIN=30VAC
PCB: VA=12V      RA=6K8      TA=5K (adjustable resistance)
Maximum current output=Power transformer÷30    Heat (W)=8*Output Current

VDC=30V Set up: VOUT=VA*[1+10K÷(RA+TA)]            ACIN=36VAC
PCB: VA=12V      RA=5K      TA=5K (adjustable resistance)
Maximum current output=Power transformer÷36    Heat (W)=8*Output Current

Nov 9, 2016 at 7:29 AM Post #34 of 133
About R-Core transformers offered by MEIYAN in their LPS solutions, they looks good and parameters:
Temperature rise: ≤ 20 degrees Celsius
Efficiency: ≥95%
Operating temperature: -40 degrees Celsius to 60 degrees Celsius

1, Iron core --- Japan Nippon Steel imports of materials, the selection of top-level products for audio.
2, Enameled wire --- oxygen-free copper.
3, Lead-out wire --- US UL1015 standard.
4, The transformer internal materials used in all temperature above 150 degrees Celsius material.
For output 12V DC is needed 18V AC, the current efficiency for 100W transformer is 5,55 A, and for 120W is 6,66 A (Power transformer / 18)
In general, this LPS solution based on AMB project Sigma11 is not current efficient, but with better thermal management it possible much higher peak currents.  
From technical highlights:
High-current MOSFET pass transistors.
Two paralleled high-current, highly reliable MOSFETs (rated at 18A each) serve as the "pass" transistor.
The high current rating provides a very high safety headroom against overcurrent damage.
The use of paralleled MOSFETs divides the heat dissipation, simplifying thermal management. Onboard heatsinks can be used which would allow the this PSU
to supply up to 1A continuous (with much higher peak currents). More sustained currents are possible by using larger, offboard heatsinks.
The negative temperature coefficient of MOSFETs prevents damaging thermal-runaway conditions that may plague conventional BJT devices.

Nov 10, 2016 at 7:19 AM Post #37 of 133
No, all looks enigmatic, especially the chip in the middle, you will need to ask the chinese seller,
I think about purchase LPS offered by MEIYAN (based on project Sigma 11) to feed my DAC Mytek Brooklyn,
this solution has already been checked by one owner - heard a significant difference,

Doesn't look like Sigma 11.
Sigma 11


Nov 10, 2016 at 11:26 AM Post #39 of 133
Doesn't look like Sigma 11.
Sigma 11


Yes it is - see my links and quotes below.


  1. June 26, 2015: σ11 v2.0 is now released. All σ11s shipped from AMB audio shop from this day on will be v2.0. The board dimensions, input/output connections, wiring and setup instructions are unchanged from v1.0, but there are two additional parts on v2.0 (D6 and C20).
  2. σ11 circuit boards are available.
  3. σ22, the dual-rail version of the σ11, has a separate website.


All-discrete topology

  1. Single-pass, series regulator design.
  2. No IC (integrated circuits) are used. This allows complete design control over all operating points and parameters for superior performance.

Low noise, high PSRR

  1. A constant-current source feeds a zener diode as a stable voltage reference. A low-pass filter (with a corner frequency of 1.6Hz) prevents zener noise from being introduced into the error amplifier. This is an effective yet lower-cost alternative to expensive voltage reference ICs. The low-pass filter also provides a soft-start characteristic.
  2. The output noise (unloaded) is less than 10µV at 30VDC output (measured using a Tangent LNMP (low-noise measurement preamplifier) and a Fluke 187 50000-count DMM in ACmV mode). The output noise is even less when the output voltage is lower. This is much better than the noise of an IC regulator based PSU tested under identical conditions.
  3. The error amplifier is a discrete implementation of an opamp with a high open-loop gain of 102.5dB. The voltage supply to the error amplifier is isolated with capacitance multipliers to boost its PSRR (power supply rejection ratio). This greatly improves the line regulation performance of the PSU.
  4. A long-tailed pair differential amplifier with current mirror and constant current source forms the first stage of the error amplifier. The second stage is the voltage amplification stage (VAS), also with constant current source load. The 3rd stage is comprised of the power MOSFET output devices configured as a source follower.

High-current MOSFET pass transistors

  1. Two paralleled high-current, highly reliable MOSFETs (rated at 18A each) serve as the "pass" transistor.
  2. The high current rating provides a very high safety headroom against overcurrent damage.
  3. The use of paralleled MOSFETs divides the heat dissipation, simplifying thermal management. Onboard heatsinks can be used which would allow the σ11 to supply up to 1A continuous (with much higher peak currents). More sustained currents are possible by using larger, offboard heatsinks.
  4. The negative temperature coefficient of MOSFETs prevents damaging thermal-runaway conditions that may plague conventional BJT devices.

No current-limiting

  1. The high-current MOSFETs are not normally the limit of how much current the σ11 PSU could supply, as long as they are adequately heatsinked.
  2. The maximum current limit is determined by the rating of the power transformer, the rectifier diodes (the specified MUR820 devices are rated at 8A), and the AC line fuse.
  3. The AC line fuse rating should be selected to protect the power transformer from overcurrent damage.
  4. There is otherwise no current-limiting circuit in the σ11, which allows it to supply peak currents of many amperes. High transient bursts of current are always available, which some amplifiers require to avoid clipping and distortion.

Wide bandwidth

  1. The all discrete topology allows the σ11 to be optimally tuned for the best combination of wide bandwidth and solid stability. Since the σ11's output impedance is much lower than even the best low-ESR large aluminum electrolytic capacitors, having wide bandwidth allows the σ11 to respond to fast changing current demands better than a large capacitor (or a bank of capacitors) ever would.
  2. σ11's bandwidth extends beyond the audio band, and maintains supremely low output impedance in the µΩ range. (in fact, the hookup wire will dominate the output impedance).
  3. As such, only a 1µF decoupling capacitor is used on each output rail onboard the σ11. The PSU can supply an amplifier with little additional capacitance for very fast response.
  4. σ11 is also stable with a large capacitive load (tested to 10000µF), making it suitable for use in a wide variety of applications.

A constant-current source feeds a zener diode as a stable voltage reference. A low-pass filter (with a corner frequency of 1.6Hz) prevents zener
noise from being introduced into the error amplifier. This is an effective yet lower-cost alternative to expensive voltage reference ICs. The low-pass
filter also provides a soft-start characteristic.
The output noise (unloaded) is less than 13µV at 24VDC output (measured using a Tangent LNMP (low-noise measurement preamplifier) and a Fluke
187 50000-count DMM in ACmV mode). The output noise is even less when the output voltage is lower. This is much better than the noise of an IC
regulator based PSU tested under identical conditions.
The error amplifier is a discrete implementation of an opamp with a high open-loop gain of 102.5dB. The voltage supply to the error amplifier is isolated
with capacitance multipliers to boost its PSRR (power supply rejection ratio). This greatly improves the line regulation performance of the PSU.
A long-tailed pair differential amplifier with current mirror and constant current source forms the first stage of the error amplifier. The second stage is the
voltage amplification stage (VAS), also with constant current source load. The 3rd stage is comprised of the power MOSFET output devices configured as a
source follower.

High-current MOSFET pass transistors

Two paralleled high-current, highly reliable MOSFETs (rated at 18A each) serve as the "pass" transistor.
The high current rating provides a very high safety headroom against overcurrent damage.
The use of paralleled MOSFETs divides the heat dissipation, simplifying thermal management. Onboard heatsinks can be used which would allow the this PSU
to supply up to 1A continuous (with much higher peak currents). More sustained currents are possible by using larger, offboard heatsinks.
The negative temperature coefficient of MOSFETs prevents damaging thermal-runaway conditions that may plague conventional BJT devices.
No current-limiting.

The LPS Board:

This is a high-performance single-rail linear regulated power supply (PSU). It is basically half the  dual-rail PSU σ22, and possesses the same low-noise, high-current, excellent line/load regulation, wide-bandwidth, and stability characteristics. S22 is ideal for DIY stereo headphone amplifiers, preamplifiers, DACs, network media players, and other applications requiring a single-rail regulated PSU. 

The circuit uses all discrete components (no integrated circuits), and features high-current MOSFETs as the output "pass" devices. 

this PSU is derived from the σ22, which is the result of a community service project for the audiophile hobbyist. The schematic diagram is open source. The circuit design, as well as the printed circuit board layout are the work of AMB with participation from the DIY community. It is designed to be relatively easy to build, but it is not recommended as a first-time project for the beginner.

They are both half the dual-rail PSU α22:

Technical highlights

All-discrete topology

  1. Single-pass, series regulator design.
  2. No IC (integrated circuits) are used. This allows complete design control over all operating points and parameters for superior performance.

Complementary regulators

  1. The negative regulator is a complementary mirror image of the positive regulator, except for the voltage reference (see "Tracking rails" below).
  2. Thematic resemblance to the topology of the β22 amplifier.

Low noise, high PSRR

  1. A constant-current source feeds a zener diode as a stable voltage reference. A low-pass filter (with a corner frequency of 1.6Hz) prevents zener noise from being introduced into the error amplifier. This is an effective yet lower-cost alternative to expensive voltage reference ICs. The low-pass filter also provides a soft-start characteristic.
  2. The output noise (unloaded) is less than 10µV at ±30VDC output (measured using a Tangent LNMP (low-noise measurement preamplifier) and a Fluke 187 50000-count DMM in ACmV mode). The output noise is even less when the output voltage is lower. This is much better than the noise of an IC regulator based PSU tested under identical conditions.
  3. The error amplifier is a discrete implementation of an opamp with a high open-loop gain of 102.5dB. The voltage supply to the error amplifier is isolated with capacitance multipliers to boost its PSRR (power supply rejection ratio). This greatly improves the line regulation performance of the PSU.
  4. A long-tailed pair differential amplifier with current mirror and constant current source forms the first stage of the error amplifier. The second stage is the voltage amplification stage (VAS), also with constant current source load. The 3rd stage is comprised of the power MOSFET output devices configured as a source follower.

Tracking rails

  1. The positive regulator's output voltage is based on the reference zener voltage and the gain of its error amplifier.
  2. The negative regulator's voltage reference is the output voltage of the positive regulator. Its error amplifier has a gain of -1, so that its output voltage is the inverse of the positive regulator's output voltage. The negative regulator dynamically "tracks" the positive regulator -- any small voltage fluctuations on the positive rail also appear inverted on the negative rail, improving the CMRR (common mode rejection ratio) of the amplifier being powered.
  3. The tracking behavior means that the voltage on both rails rise and fall equally. When used to supply a fully-complementary amplifier such as the β22, no "thump" noise is heard as the power is turned on or off.

High-current MOSFET pass transistors

  1. Two paralleled high-current, highly reliable MOSFETs (rated at 17A each) serve as the "pass" transistor of each rail.
  2. The high current rating provides a very high safety headroom against overcurrent damage.
  3. The use of paralleled MOSFETs divides the heat dissipation, simplifying thermal management. Onboard heatsinks can be used which would allow the σ22 to supply up to 1A continuous (with much higher peak currents). More sustained currents are possible by using larger, offboard heatsinks.
  4. The negative temperature coefficient of MOSFETs prevents damaging thermal-runaway conditions that may plague conventional BJT devices.

No current-limiting

  1. The high-current MOSFETs are not normally the limit of how much current the σ22 PSU could supply, as long as they are adequately heatsinked.
  2. The maximum current limit is determined by the rating of the power transformer, the rectifier diodes (the specified MUR820 devices are rated at 8A), and the AC line fuse.
  3. The AC line fuse rating should be selected to protect the power transformer from overcurrent damage.
  4. There is otherwise no current-limiting circuit in the σ22, which allows it to supply peak currents of many amperes. High transient bursts of current are always available, which some amplifiers require to avoid clipping and distortion.

Wide bandwidth

  1. The all discrete topology allows the σ22 to be optimally tuned for the best combination of wide bandwidth and solid stability. Since the σ22's output impedance is much lower than even the best low-ESR large aluminum electrolytic capacitors, having wide bandwidth allows the σ22 to respond to fast changing current demands better than a large capacitor (or a bank of capacitors) ever would.
  2. σ22's bandwidth extends beyond the audio band, and maintains supremely low output impedance in the µΩ range. (in fact, the hookup wire will dominate the output impedance).
  3. As such, only a 1µF decoupling capacitor is used on each output rail onboard the σ22. The PSU can supply an amplifier with little additional capacitance for very fast response.
  4. σ22 is also stable with a large capacitive load (tested to 10000µF), making it suitable for use in a wide variety of applications.


  1. Configurable for rail voltages up to ±36V. The voltage is selected by using an appropriate reference zener diode, and choosing the value of a resistor. No further adjustment is needed.
  2. Typical output voltages are ±5V, ±9V, ±10V, ±12V, ±15V, ±18V, ±24V, ±27V, ±30V or ±36V. These are popular voltages specified for many headphone amplifiers, preamplifiers, and class-AB power amplifiers up to around 20Wrms power output into 8Ω.
  3. Multiple onboard capacitor footprint options.
  4. Four sets of output terminal blocks.
  5. Can be used with dual-secondary or center-tapped secondary power transformers.
  6. σ22 is the default power supply for the AMB β22 stereo amplifier, α10 stereo pre-amplifier and the analog section of the γ3 high resolution DAC.
  7. Other popular applications include power supply upgrades for the Kevin Gilmore Dynalo, Dynahi and DynaFET headphone amplifiers, various stereo preamplifiers, etc.

Versatile heatsink options

  1. The default is to use onboard heatsinks for ease of building.
  2. Offboard heatsinks for higher powered applications.
See the Board & heatsinks section for more details.

High performance but modest cost

  1. Higher performance than IC regulators (such as LM317/LM337 or 78xx/79xx): Dramatically lower noise, lower output impedance, wider bandwidth, superior transient response, better line and load regulation.
  2. Does not use expensive, hard-to-source parts.

High quality printed circuit board

  1. Glass epoxy 6"x3.5" printed circuit board, double-layer with plated-through holes, silkscreen and solder mask.
  2. Heavy duty 2oz. copper layers provide lower trace impedance.
  3. The layout of all parts and traces have been carefully considered for maximum performance.

Double ground plane

  1. A ground plane on both sides of the circuit board, covering the entire board area (except under the heatsinks on the top side) provides a low impedance ground reference, shields against interference and allows optimized component arrangement on the board.

Nov 10, 2016 at 3:46 PM Post #40 of 133
Found this on AMB website:
"There are "σ22" clone boards being offered for sale on ebay and elsewhere. They are inferior in quality, made without permission and a violation of the terms set forth on this website. AMB urges not to patronize those unscrupulous vendors."
Let's wait for rb2013 to get his Meiyan. :)
Nov 10, 2016 at 7:32 PM Post #41 of 133
Found this on AMB website:
"There are "σ22" clone boards being offered for sale on ebay and elsewhere. They are inferior in quality, made without permission and a violation of the terms set forth on this website. AMB urges not to patronize those unscrupulous vendors."

Let's wait for rb2013 to get his Meiyan. :)
The Chinese cloning interesting designs, first I've heard of that. Get'm before the Trump 35% tariff
Nov 10, 2016 at 9:47 PM Post #43 of 133
How much is the sigma 11 board kit?

It doesn't look like a vulgar copy the oryginal AMB kit, it rather looks to a new develop, so the arrangement elements on board is different,
some differences in the selection of components, for example: heatsinks, main capacitors: 4700uF (AMB) vs 10000uF


Nov 10, 2016 at 10:17 PM Post #44 of 133
It doesn't look like a vulgar copy the oryginal AMB kit, it rather looks to a new develop, so the arrangement elements on board is different,
some differences in the selection of components, for example: heatsinks, main capacitors: 4700uF (AMB) vs 10000uF

'Vulgar'? I've had great success with Chinese gear, some times just needing a few component upgrades. The Singxer F-1 XMOS XU208 DDC for example. Everyone who has heard this USB bridge has been blown away by it. Cheap too...

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