Audio Compass Dac/amp vs. Ibasso D10

Aug 23, 2009 at 8:25 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


100+ Head-Fier
Jul 18, 2009
I am really not sure what to do.....

The case is that I need a new headphone amp, since my current amp/dac combo does not have any analog inputs (so i can't use it to listen to my turntable setup). I have pointed out these two products:

Ibasso D10
The great thing about this is the portability. I guess sound quality is good as well...

Audio Compass
Also read a lot of good things about this. These are also able to drive cans like 701 and 650 that i might buy in a couple of months. It is of course not portable.

So, my questions are:
- How different are these in terms of SQ?
- How to they both compare to the Beresford 7520

Right now I am leaning towards this solution:
Buy the Audio Compass, and use my Beresford as my desktop and bedside rig solution. My portable rig will just be Ipod Classic - Sennheiser HD25.

But again, the Ibasso gives much more flexibility....

What would you do? Thanks for all comments!
Sep 7, 2009 at 3:39 AM Post #2 of 5
It looks as though you went with the d10 - great choice. I listen to it with my Grados and ipod as a portable solution (outstanding) and it serves as a dac from my Macbook to my LD mkIII (with k701s) - even better. I love the versatility of this little machine!
Sep 7, 2009 at 4:13 AM Post #3 of 5
I use my D10 with my desktop setup as a DAC, but I've used it with my Shure 530s and my Sennheiser 238s with my iPhone and MacBook Pro. I wouldn't use the D10 as an amp for full-sized cans, as I do not feel the stock config outputs enough juice to power 'em. I was really disappointed when I heard my D2000s through my D10. THEN I heard 'em through the Millet Hybrid, and the Dark Voice 337 and was so RELIEVED! lol

The versatility of the D10 is excellent!
Sep 18, 2009 at 4:42 AM Post #4 of 5
Ibasso d10 or compass for dt880 250ohm version basically its $400 vs 300 and I'm not sure which would be better I like the portability of the d10 but compass might be better for my gaming/at home listening correct grr.

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