Apr 2, 2015 at 8:48 PM Post #1,952 of 4,223
Not yet. Have to cut some more up. Waiting for another user to decide whether he wants one or not. I did grab some padded envelopes tho so that's something. :-P

Ah, no worries! I do not mind my head feeling like there is a brick sitting on top of it. 

Apr 2, 2015 at 11:00 PM Post #1,953 of 4,223
quote name="thomascrown" url="/t/691151/audeze-lcd-xc/1935#post_11470163"]The hdva 600 output impedance is 40 ohm on balanced,  I'm afraid this would give to the lcd a muddy and bassy sound... but this is just my concern

You might definitely want a lower Z amp. I've used the Schiit Mjolnir almost all the time with the Audez'e HPs. Another amp that is versatile and very good is the Project Ember. Good luck.

Problem with Schiit is the missing universal power supply, if there is the chance I would like to try the ha-1 or the liquid carbon. I sold my Taurus for the same reason.
Apr 8, 2015 at 12:09 PM Post #1,954 of 4,223
Updated my LCD headband mod. Got one with a stitched cushion and a leather cushion cover.
These are just progress shots for now. If you're wanting one just let me know and I'll hook ya up at cost. Takes some work but it's easy.
I know this is an LCD-2 but it's what I'm testing them out with right now. I don't pull the XC out as much but I'll take some on the XC if anybody wants.
This is essentially what I'm working with. A stretch belt and the leather cushion removed:
Here is the same setup with knitted cushion:

Same setup but with a leather cushion. I cut slits and removed the foam and ran the belt through:


I'm constantly working on it but think I've settled with the leather cushion. It looks the best. Main point is to use the stretch belt and further prevent the stretch belt from stretching directly on your head and create stress points. The leather cushion cover allows it to freely stretch without putting any stress from the stretching directly on your head/hair. 
I put them on my XC and took this video. Here is what the suspension does when you stretch it out and put it on your head and also how it actually fits to your head. You can see better if you watch the middle of the headband. Like I say the stretch belt does have give in it so it will sink with some give as it's stretched out plus the added foam padding makes it very soft and giving. 

Sorry if I'm not supposed to be posting this stuff here. I could make my own thread but it is directly related to the XC and improving its comfort so...
Apr 9, 2015 at 1:08 PM Post #1,955 of 4,223
Looks very cool.  I'm excited to get them and try them out too.
I think that it would be good to move it to its own thread, not because it doesn't belong here, but because it is applicable to all the LCD series headphones, and people on the LCD-2/3/X threads might not see it here.
Apr 13, 2015 at 3:57 PM Post #1,956 of 4,223
Hi guys,

After a lot of research I have decided to purchase a set of LCD XCs and a Cypher Labs Duet to run off my A&K 120.

Does anybody have any advice as to cables as I see the Duet has balanced inputs and outputs but looking at their site, I can't figure out whether the stock cables will connect to the A&K balanced mode, nor to the headphones as it says a mini 4pin connection to the amp and I have never seen that before.

Thanks in advance and sorry if I'm asking a stupid question!
Apr 14, 2015 at 3:08 AM Post #1,957 of 4,223
Hi Guys,
Thought I'd drop a post here to see if I can have any luck: I'm after a pair of LCD-XC's as my 11 month old son is a very light sleeper and apparently the volumes at which I listen to my X's wakes him up.
If anyone has a pair of XC's and you're willing to let them go let me know. I'm based in Sydney, Australia and would be happy to cover postage fee's etc.
Apr 14, 2015 at 1:42 PM Post #1,958 of 4,223
  Hi Guys,
Thought I'd drop a post here to see if I can have any luck: I'm after a pair of LCD-XC's as my 11 month old son is a very light sleeper and apparently the volumes at which I listen to my X's wakes him up.
If anyone has a pair of XC's and you're willing to let them go let me know. I'm based in Sydney, Australia and would be happy to cover postage fee's etc.

Soapy, you got PM
Apr 15, 2015 at 1:17 PM Post #1,959 of 4,223
So yesterday I received my LCD XC, I couldn't be more happy, at the point that after a few minutes I was thinking "Now I need an open one", but unfortunately my budget is  close to 0 at least for the next whole year.
I used my HifiM8 as source, I just sold the hdva 600 to finance the liquid carbon, but the impression I had was that the small amp was driving the headphones really well. After the last months using only  sennheisers I was kinda concerned about the weight and clamp, but I felt the xc headband more comfy than what I remember was my old lcd2f  while the clamp force is maybe stronger. Anyway I put my  trusty seatbelt strap and it helped a lot. Music wise of course is a different beast from my hd800 but in a good way, what surprised me was that during the listening I felt like I had to reduce the volume more and more, while usually I do the opposite with the hd800. Now I have to place the order for the leather and wood products, I wonder why they are not offering them in the box anymore.
Apr 18, 2015 at 6:10 PM Post #1,960 of 4,223
I'm considering to change my XC with a pair of x, as I'm kinda missing a wider soundstage. My question is, to anyone who has tried both: is it worth it? What about the weight, can you feel the difference? Would you consider the x superior if you don't consider the close design as a priority? Thanks
Apr 18, 2015 at 7:16 PM Post #1,961 of 4,223
I'm considering to change my XC with a pair of x, as I'm kinda missing a wider soundstage. My question is, to anyone who has tried both: is it worth it? What about the weight, can you feel the difference? Would you consider the x superior if you don't consider the close design as a priority? Thanks

Hi Thomas,
I own both the X and XC, and prefer the X.  The sound is better overall.  I'm bad at describing this, but the bass punch is better and mids/treble are more full and open.  The XC sound closed - maybe because they are closed.  They leak significantly less sound than do the X, but they do not block incoming sound very well.  Hope this helps you -
Enjoy the music,
Apr 18, 2015 at 7:20 PM Post #1,962 of 4,223
I'm considering to change my XC with a pair of x, as I'm kinda missing a wider soundstage. My question is, to anyone who has tried both: is it worth it? What about the weight, can you feel the difference? Would you consider the x superior if you don't consider the close design as a priority? Thanks

I have to say...I may be in the minority, but I like the XCs more than the Xs, at least when it comes to classical music, which is what I almost exclusively listen to.  Moreover - and this is kind of weird - I feel that the soundstage is more realistic with the XCs than the Xs.  Also, the Xs are a bit too warm for my taste...they homogenize the sound too get a wave of warm sound and it is, at least for me, difficult to tell where the instruments are placed in real life.  I have no such problems with the XCs.  I have to say, the XCs are for people who dislike the Audeze house sound.
Apr 19, 2015 at 1:32 AM Post #1,963 of 4,223
Thank you very much for your feedbacks, I've read some comparisons and reviews and they mostly confirm what RCBinTN says, the X is generally considered superior to the XC, more I already have the hd800 for my classical music, so I was looking exactly for the audeze sound (I always regretted to have sold my lcd2/f).
The reason why I firstly decided to go for the xc was to not disturb my wife and my son when they are asleep, but I recently realized that It was more my concern than a real problem, as my wife just confirmed me (1600$ too late) that she can barely hear the hd800 at loud volume, so this solve the open/close choice issue (I will never bring those expensive cans outside my apartment anyway).
Both of you haven't mentioned the weight, so I assume the difference it's pretty much minimal.
In my research I've read again Tyll's review on innerfidelity, now the lcd-xc is the only model missing but it's mentioned later in the comments here:  
Now, I usually keep in high consideration Tyll's opinion and I must admit this comment just gave me a reason more to consider the change. I wish I could have both at the same time to make a comparison myself but unfortunately I have to decide quickly. 
Apr 19, 2015 at 1:50 AM Post #1,964 of 4,223
I'm considering to change my XC with a pair of x, as I'm kinda missing a wider soundstage. My question is, to anyone who has tried both: is it worth it? What about the weight, can you feel the difference? Would you consider the x superior if you don't consider the close design as a priority? Thanks

I have both & I prefer the X over the XC mainly because of one reason. For me an open HP will always trump a relatively similar sounding closed HP , I am a sucker for open sound. But there are times in life when you require a closed HP & that's when I use the XC. Weight wise not a big diff for me, as I listen to music in my easy chair & not on a desk.
Apr 19, 2015 at 3:25 AM Post #1,965 of 4,223
I have to say...I may be in the minority, but I like the XCs more than the Xs, at least when it comes to classical music, which is what I almost exclusively listen to.  Moreover - and this is kind of weird - I feel that the soundstage is more realistic with the XCs than the Xs.  Also, the Xs are a bit too warm for my taste...they homogenize the sound too get a wave of warm sound and it is, at least for me, difficult to tell where the instruments are placed in real life.  I have no such problems with the XCs.  I have to say, the XCs are for people who dislike the Audeze house sound.

You might be right. I prefer closed cans in general and wasn't fond of the LCD2. That's why I'm going to try an XC for sure when I'm going to the UK. As well as an 8C, one never knows how good a new model can sound.

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