Dec 3, 2024 at 2:14 PM Post #9,856 of 9,860
I never heard of Eikon suede. But if those pads are really suede, almost certainly they're adding to your "spicy" treble. I'd try pretty much any solid lambskin pads (my Eikon had stock Eikon lambskin pads).

You could also go the Brainwavz or Dekoni route, as well. If memory serves the pads are 110mm diameter.
Agreed, suede pads would be the wrong direction imo.

My Eikon Classic has the solid lambskin Eikon pads fwiw...
Dec 3, 2024 at 6:21 PM Post #9,857 of 9,860
I decided to take a break from my newly added Tungsten and join the Eikon party today. It's just so much fun, and quite the contrast with Tung.

If Tungsten and Eikon were characters from this Disney movie, can you guess which is which? :laughing:

Dec 3, 2024 at 8:05 PM Post #9,859 of 9,860
There are a couple of nice marblewood demo sets left. You've got me looking at them now and considering another ZMF November (December) purchase - ugh!
For me it's one of the few woods I actually dislike the look of or would have jumped on one of them myself. $1199 is a great deal!

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