Oct 1, 2016 at 6:49 PM Post #33 of 9,860
I'm eager to know how does it compare to the Omni. Is it a new flagship or below the Omni as far as performance goes?

You should know better. Zach doesn't half ass things.

your so smart
 and cool

Thats a legitimate question. @felix3650
 I am sure you will find out soon enough. 
Oct 1, 2016 at 6:49 PM Post #35 of 9,860
I'm eager to know how does it compare to the Omni. Is it a new flagship or below the Omni as far as performance goes?

Every headphone release @zach915m had done has outdone previous models.
And I'm sure Zach will price them fairly.  He's a headphone fanatic at heart after all...
Oct 2, 2016 at 12:12 AM Post #38 of 9,860
This is quite exciting, and I hope that the pricing is student friendly, though I'm not sure how Zach could pull that off XD

Easy, don't overcharge just because you can like many planar manufacturers have been doing.

Zach has always been awesome in pricing his headphones just right. The Omni is a terrific headphone and a great value proposition at $900. Zach has always struck me as a fellow enthusiast at heart.
Oct 2, 2016 at 2:48 AM Post #39 of 9,860
your so smart:rolleyes:  and cool
[rule]Thats a legitimate question. @felix3650

 I am sure you will find out soon enough. 

Every headphone release @zach915m
had done has outdone previous models.

And I'm sure Zach will price them fairly.  He's a headphone fanatic at heart after all...

Thanks guys :)

You should know better. Zach doesn't half ass things.

I do know Zach's work. I own an Omni. This is based on a different driver type, dynamic with a biocellulose membrane (so less mechanic distortion colouring) and a thermoplastic elastomer driver (good flexibility & higly durable at the same time). So based on these particular drivers these headphones can be flagships of their own. Anyway let's wait Zach's response on that :)
Oct 2, 2016 at 3:17 AM Post #42 of 9,860
Oct 2, 2016 at 5:39 AM Post #43 of 9,860
A soundalike TH900 without the treble hash for the biocell, that would be nice.

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