ATH W-5000,New Contender for Top Headphone

Jan 29, 2010 at 3:37 PM Post #106 of 120
I need to get a set of closed cans to use in lieu of my HD800's because my wife complains of their noise. She reads and I listen to music before bed. I have a Donald North amp. Listen to Jazz, rock, folk, etc... very little classical. What 3 cans or so should be on my short list? AT's, Denon, Lawton Audio modified Denon, others....
Jan 29, 2010 at 3:37 PM Post #107 of 120

Originally Posted by grokit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks, I looked it up in the FS forum and the last guy to find one used said it took him a year; then I found a 3-year old thread where some supremus said they had no resale value, things change quickly I guess LOL!

Someday soon I hope; I seem to be sucked into IEM acquisition mode at the present, the big amps are next but may be awhile as I have my eye on both the HA5000 and the new Little Dot MK VIII balanced!

It is in Price Japan, linky, it cost around $1400 shipped to US.

I'm the guy that took almost a year to find one used, they don't have much resale value due to not too many people tried to owned one. I can say it is better than Gilmore Lite and on par to GS-1. I compared it to my maxxed WA6 and I do prefer HA5000 paired with my W5000 and JH13 Pro. It is not as good when using HD600 but not far behind. (HD600 and tube are perfect match)
Jan 29, 2010 at 3:38 PM Post #108 of 120

Originally Posted by bizkid /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The W5000 and AD2000 are being heavily sold off in japan. Price are way down, half of the MSRP about now. Both saw another ~10000 off Yen around December. One obvious move to clean their stock. Also the AD2000 got released in 2004, W5000 in 2005. If you know Audio-Technicas product cycle it's extremly obvious/fact that both are getting an replacement/upgrade or an advanced model this or next year. I think it will come down to an improved W5000(x) or a limited variant (next year is ATs 50ths birthday) or/and an improved AD2000 (AD5000?) since both Sennheiser and Beyerdynamic came out with highend open headphones. You can be sure Audio-Technica doesnt want to leave that field to these companies alone.

Hopefully we'll see prices drop here as well. Last I've checked on pricejapan ATH-AD2000: 47,499 Yen and W5000: 69,597 Yen.
Jan 29, 2010 at 3:40 PM Post #109 of 120

Originally Posted by jfkbike /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I need to get a set of closed cans to use in lieu of my HD800's because my wife complains of their noise. She reads and I listen to music before bed. I have a Donald North amp. Listen to Jazz, rock, folk, etc... very little classical. What 3 cans or so should be on my short list? AT's, Denon, Lawton Audio modified Denon, others....

I did not tried LA Denon but I do prefer Jazz and classical on W5000 and rock with D7000.
Jan 29, 2010 at 3:42 PM Post #110 of 120

Originally Posted by francisdemarte /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hopefully we'll see prices drop here as well. Last I've checked on pricejapan ATH-AD2000: 47,499 Yen and W5000: 69,597 Yen.

Try used one, AD2000 is around $400 mint and W5000 is around $500.
Jan 29, 2010 at 3:58 PM Post #111 of 120

Originally Posted by XXII /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I thought 2012 is the 50th anniversary? They released the W2002 on the 40th anniversary...

I'm not sure I agree with your reasoning. But it would be very interesting if they did.

Well the W2002 hit the market in 2001 but their anniversay was 2002. AT always releases their headphones by the end of the year.

Just wait and see, and when it happens feel free to link back to my post in 1-2 years
AT is releasing new headphones every year. The W1000 was oldest one in their lineup and that got a facelift last year. Before that it was the A900 line. Not much left to renew besides their open headphones and the W5000.

Also the info leaked that AT will release the ATH-M60 this year, but that is their studio line and not even made in japan. More of a "mass market" product.
Jan 29, 2010 at 4:19 PM Post #112 of 120

Originally Posted by jfkbike /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I need to get a set of closed cans to use in lieu of my HD800's because my wife complains of their noise. She reads and I listen to music before bed. I have a Donald North amp. Listen to Jazz, rock, folk, etc... very little classical. What 3 cans or so should be on my short list? AT's, Denon, Lawton Audio modified Denon, others....

JH13 will sound just as good and give you much more flexibility since you can use them on the go in a portable rig.
Jan 29, 2010 at 4:28 PM Post #113 of 120

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
JH13 will sound just as good and give you much more flexibility since you can use them on the go in a portable rig.

I really would rather not have an in ear model. I know they sound great but the ones I have used have always bothered my ears. I have not tried any of the custom fit one though to be fair.
Jan 29, 2010 at 8:41 PM Post #114 of 120
ED 8/DX 1000 should be a nice different approach than the HD 800.

DX 1000 is a LOT cheaper of course but not really portable. Fashion police will arrest you in no time and they are huge and bulky and with wood that can scratch.
Jan 29, 2010 at 9:03 PM Post #115 of 120

Originally Posted by bizkid /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just wait and see, and when it happens feel free to link back to my post in 1-2 years
AT is releasing new headphones every year. The W1000 was oldest one in their lineup and that got a facelift last year. Before that it was the A900 line. Not much left to renew besides their open headphones and the W5000.

You'd better not disappoint then.

It'd be intersting to see if AT contius with the lively, Treble heavy W5000 sound sig or return to a mellower approach as with previous W models. I'd much prefer the former of course.
Jan 29, 2010 at 10:31 PM Post #116 of 120
Almost on cue with this thread I see the ATH-AD2000 on sale at various places for $499. You can probably price match and get a lower quote.
Jan 30, 2010 at 8:28 AM Post #117 of 120

Originally Posted by Piotr Ryka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The truth is a very old, very important and very controversial idea. There are many thousands of pages about what the truth is and not much less about that, there is noting like the truth at all. Being philosopher I’m obviously conscious of that, but on the other hand in common language the truth is quite simple and useful conception, which St Thomas after Aristotle describe as “adequatio rerum et intellectum”. So, when I’m writing something like “The truth about ATH-W5000”, that is some kind of metaphor and partly some kind of provocation (in rather innocent way). However I’m also good familiar with many of high-end headphones – including Orpheus, Omegas, PS-1000, HD 800 etc. – so when I’m describing W5000, I rather know what I’m talking about. Of course in deep philosophical way of thinking you are right – that is only my truth, only my ears, my hi-fi system, my system of values, my point of view and so on. But I thing, that will be heavy and unnecessary to mention about it all times.
(Please forgive me my language limitations.)

Perhaps "The fact about ATH-W5000" might have been a more useful title for the prospective reader who does not ruminate upon the difference between a truth and a fact for a living. The fact being that the ATH-W5000 has been "In production since 2005."
Feb 3, 2010 at 8:33 PM Post #118 of 120
Personally, I feel the w5000 have not much resale value, that was one reason I didn't bother to get them in the end. However AD2000 can be considered...if I can find a cheap price around 400 should be ok.

I'm on my road to giving a try to the denons, as many have written very good reviews about them. This, though might just be another overvalued can by head-fi members.
Feb 4, 2010 at 2:30 AM Post #119 of 120
Well, I placed my order for a new pair today so I hope to receive it within one week. I will update this thread with my impressions and a separate thread for my review.
May 15, 2010 at 4:34 PM Post #120 of 120


Originally Posted by Emooze /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Furthermore aren't they being replaced by the W1000X?

Still, I haven't seen a whole lot of talk on the W5000 around here.

No, W1000X is not a replacement, W5000 is still the top model of the current ATH line. Many, myself included, consider them the best in production dynamics.
Yep! Yep

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