Feb 23, 2010 at 6:35 PM Post #46 of 71

Originally Posted by jtsai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Last night I found the reason why these sounded so off to me -- the polarity of my cables was reversed the entire time. Taught me to be wary of posts that tell people the "right way" to align the cables for earphones with detachable cables. Soundstage, mids, and highs are back. I can't imagine how I could listen to these before.

Anyone who does the flip mod and finds their TF10s extremely lacking should double check the cable polarities, as this could mean the difference between giving these up or keeping them.

Maybe that was my problem? I, along with many others it seems, are bothered by the TF10's bass "honkiness" with the large hump. It literally sounded like I took my PFEs and added +10 dB of EQ at 150-250 Hz. It was almost sickening that a top-tier IEM sounded that bad.

I'll try to borrow them from my friend I gave my pair away to and see if the polarity switch works. What's the correct configuration? Where does the logo face?
Feb 23, 2010 at 9:40 PM Post #47 of 71

Originally Posted by loopsider /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Maybe that was my problem? I, along with many others it seems, are bothered by the TF10's bass "honkiness" with the large hump. It literally sounded like I took my PFEs and added +10 dB of EQ at 150-250 Hz. It was almost sickening that a top-tier IEM sounded that bad.

I'll try to borrow them from my friend I gave my pair away to and see if the polarity switch works. What's the correct configuration? Where does the logo face?

Feb 23, 2010 at 10:13 PM Post #48 of 71
they dont sound muddy to me with silicon tips on,with foamies all phones sound muddy to me though,thats why i never use them, but if the op is using silicon tips i can only think maybe he is stuffing them to far into his ears
Feb 23, 2010 at 10:35 PM Post #50 of 71

Originally Posted by loopsider /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'll try to borrow them from my friend I gave my pair away to and see if the polarity switch works. What's the correct configuration? Where does the logo face?

With the Westone ES2 cable AND flip mod which I use, the cable plugged into the "right" earpiece (left driver) has the red dot facing away from you. The cable going into the "left" earpiece has the blue dot facing towards you.

With just the flip mod on the stock cables, the L and R logos should both be facing outwards, away from the nozzles. See http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f103/t...-found-472555/

As I mentioned in my previous post, don't take this guide as the final word. This is just what finally made my TF10s sound correctly. I don't know if the polarities in the phones/cables differ from unit to unit (they shouldn't), but on the off chance that they do, trust your ears. Just because someone says that using a certain configuration gives you the better sound doesn't mean s/he can't be mistaken.
Feb 23, 2010 at 10:45 PM Post #51 of 71
Are Grados supposed to be wet?
Feb 24, 2010 at 4:45 AM Post #53 of 71
Well, I've been listening to the TFPs prety extensively in different situations and from different sources. Here's a few notes:

- Concerning the muddiness... it seems that my brain has acclimated to the sound signature of these phones. I don't think they are muddy anymore. I noticed the "muddiness" the most in Thom Yorke's vocals on Radiohead recordings. I think coming directly from listening exclusively to Senn 580s for about 3 years is to blame. When I switch from the TFPs to the 580s or even my Klipsch ProMedias I notice an emphasis on treble. Almost harsh. Then switching back to the TFPs, vocals sound a little muffled, but only slightly, now. So my perception ebbs and flows according to the phone.

Now having multiple cans, I can appreciate the differences and what each phone brings out in the music.

- Concerning the isolation... I've been doing a lot of listening via my Blackberry while drawing at Barnes and Noble. One thing I was trying to accomplish by buying IEMs is alleviating the pain of hearing peoples' sibilance. OH MY GOD I can't stand sibilance. Sad thing is, though I hate it, I have a slight lisp. Such is life. Anyway... My attempt at accomplishing sibilance eradication is mostly successful with the TFPs. When the music is playing, almost all outside noise is non-existent. However, when there's a quiet passage in the music, outside noise filters in. Example: when I was sitting across from a couple, I could somewhat hear the man's muffled voice even when music was playing. He did have a deep voice and was talking somewhat above what I consider a normal conversation voice... perhaps as one would speak to try to get the attention of the person at a distant table. So the isolation could be better, but it works in 90% of the situation for which I need them.

- Concerning the sources/amps... I don't like these phones with my Woo Audio WA6. The sound is way too warm, for me. I very much like to use them with my Corda MOVE, though. I've listened via both amps while connected to my CI Audio DAC and the MOVE satisfies every time. Consider this in light of having listened to Senn 580s exclusively for three years.

For me, the Blackberry (BB) is fine for portable use. I have not heard any other portable source. But the MOVE is about a must while listening via the BB. It just sounds more smooth, to me.

Would I buy the TFPs again? Hells to the yes! I love the detail I am now afforded with increased sound isolation. And the bass via the TFPs is so much more present, engaging, and detailed than my 580s (to me). I am also understanding more lyrics.

SQ, isolation, whatever the cause may be, I really like the TFPs. I just had to get used to them.
Feb 24, 2010 at 6:50 AM Post #55 of 71

Originally Posted by d.o.p.e. /img/forum/go_quote.gif

When I tried reflipping my tf10s so that the L and R were readable with the nozzle facing away from you, everything sounded maybe slightly more cluttered/busy, depending on the track. Every other source (including youtube) on the matter claim the wires should be facing the opposite direction - L and R readable while nozzle is facing you.. so I dono. YMMV
Feb 24, 2010 at 2:34 PM Post #56 of 71

Originally Posted by MGLDyson /img/forum/go_quote.gif
- Concerning the muddiness... it seems that my brain has acclimated to the sound signature of these phones. I don't think they are muddy anymore.

Would I buy the TFPs again? Hells to the yes! I love the detail I am now afforded with increased sound isolation. And the bass via the TFPs is so much more present, engaging, and detailed than my 580s (to me). I am also understanding more lyrics.

SQ, isolation, whatever the cause may be, I really like the TFPs. I just had to get used to them.

Feb 24, 2010 at 4:54 PM Post #57 of 71

Originally Posted by lucozade /img/forum/go_quote.gif
they dont sound muddy to me with silicon tips on,with foamies all phones sound muddy to me though,thats why i never use them, but if the op is using silicon tips i can only think maybe he is stuffing them to far into his ears

I've never had much luck with the Triple Fi silicon tips, preferring instead the Comply foamies.
Feb 25, 2010 at 6:12 AM Post #58 of 71

Originally Posted by mnagali /img/forum/go_quote.gif
just curious which tips you've settled on?

I have been using the Comply 400 (grey) tips. I have not tried the Sony Hybrids, yet. Would they offer more isolation? The isolation with the Complys and no music playing really is sh'tae. But that may be what should be expected. When music is playing, the isolation is sufficient as long as no one is talking loudly.
Feb 25, 2010 at 6:27 AM Post #59 of 71
I found the isolation pretty much the same. I didn;t use the comply tips for very long however. The hybrids to my ears at least have good isolation and comfort.

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