APRIL FOOLS! Astell&Kern AK480 Music Player!

Mar 31, 2014 at 9:55 PM Post #81 of 395
I think the review units should go to current users of the AK-240, being we've spent a lot of time with the units, and would be the first to notice a difference in SQ over this new AK-480.
Mar 31, 2014 at 9:56 PM Post #82 of 395
I can just see my wifes face...".Honey I sold the car......eeeerrrr but look what i bought with the money....."

Mar 31, 2014 at 10:04 PM Post #87 of 395
Sorry, I could find away to afford this, but the point of diminishing return would be passsed quite quickly with this type of investment. Not to mention, the way technology leaps forward in about a year everybody will be lamenting the once leading edge specifications that have now mostly been met by DAPS a 1/4 of the price. Can't see this being a good investment. I think we are programed to believe that the higher the price the better the sound, and to an extent that is often true, but consider these:
1) Small scale of economy = high R&D production costs that have to be recouped quickly
2) Small units offering full sized functionality = expensive to design and implement hence higher price simply for form factor issues
3) Small scale production run = higher per unit cost
Does exclusivity matter? I can't imagine anybody really caring that much, after all this isn't a collector item, it is a piece of audio kit that will seem like trailing edge in a few years time, and by then as owners try to sell them as exclusive items after they get used to the sound signature, potential buyers will have access to far less costly and equally performance capable units, that you can bet on. I know I have just described the fate of all good audio gear, but that much money for a portable device, easily lost, stolen or damaged? Just can't imagine it, but I guess if you have plenty of money you wouldn't really care would you?
Mar 31, 2014 at 10:09 PM Post #89 of 395
Just found out I could be one of the lottery winners. Not sure I want to carry around a $5000 DAP and the Roxanne's I have on order. It would be horrible if I got mugged. Does anyone know if they will start including kill switches along with gps locators if stolen like the newer smart phones? I'd think it would be possible with the cellular radio but wouldn't that also add noise?

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