Anyone see the HD600 for $250 at Newegg?
Dec 4, 2002 at 1:57 PM Post #2 of 5
I will admit to drooling over the very same add
Buy my kids Christmas myself a Christmas gift, I hate hard choices!
Dec 4, 2002 at 2:55 PM Post #4 of 5
That would be a really critical point! If you can't get the 50 dollars back...this is no great deal. How could we find out? I just assumed that if they were showing the rebate link on their ad, it was valid.
Dec 4, 2002 at 5:52 PM Post #5 of 5
I just sent away for the $20 rebate for the 580s I bought from newegg. I really don't think they'd prominently display the $50 rebate for the 600s if you couldn't get it after buying the phones from them. I think the dealers Sennheiser intends to exclude are the grey market resellers and black market types, and non-USA dealers.

But how in the world do you know for sure until you try?
We'll see, I suppose.
I feel pretty confident, but you never know. Plus, these rebate things are always hit and miss, if some clerk in podunk colorado decides you didn't dot your i's and cross your t's, you're screwed. So the general rule for me is if you like the price before the rebate, go for it, and then the rebate is icing on the cake. (This is the case with my HD 580s for $120 before rebate.)


Originally posted by kpfeifle
That would be a really critical point! If you can't get the 50 dollars back...this is no great deal. How could we find out? I just assumed that if they were showing the rebate link on their ad, it was valid.


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