Anyone in NYC area want to do a shootout between your Wyred4Sound DAC2 vs. my Benchmark DAC1 Pre?

May 19, 2011 at 4:15 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


1000+ Head-Fier
Oct 12, 2005
Title kind of says it all.  I have the Benchmark, but I've heard so many good things about the W4S that I'm curious to compare one to the other.  So this is an invite to a head-fi'er in reasonable driving distance to Stamford, CT to bring their W4S DAC2 over for a test drive in my system:
Transport:  Bolder Cable digital-modded Squeezebox Touch with Welborne Labs power supply.
Preamp/Headamp:  Eddie Current Balancing Act w/ KR PX4's and Tung Sol BGRP 6SN7.
Cans:  HD800's and LCD2's, with a Double Helix Molecule balanced cable.
Power amp:  Krell KAV-2250
Loudspeakers:  Late '80's Polk SDA 1C's with updated tweeter and rebuilt crossovers (Sonicaps and Mills)
Balanced interconnects, power cords, digital cable, and speaker cable by Signal Cable.
Looking to swap the Benchmark and the W4S back and forth listening to a variety of music (redbook and 2496 flac) through the different cans and the speakers.
I also have a Brimar CV1988 and a ShuGuang Treasure CV-181Z that we can roll in for the Tung Sol.
Let me know if you have any interest.
May 19, 2011 at 7:18 PM Post #2 of 3
I'm from Norwalk and I own the W4S DAC-2 but now I'm too far away. 


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