Amazon Music and Qobuz problems on the FiiO M11
Oct 9, 2019 at 3:38 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 102

Richter Di

1000+ Head-Fier
May 11, 2003
Hi, opened a new thread since this will otherwise get lost in the mega FiiO M11 thread.
Es geht um das leidige Thema der nicht funktionierenden Amazon App auf dem FiiO M11.

I installed the latest version from APKpure
but amazon music doesn't seem to play anything.

All the app is doing is buffering with nothing playing. Offline or Online mode. Nothing plays. Just buffers.

Is the new version not supported?

16.2.2 is the HD version. That’s the version I’m having issues with. The app will not play any music, and will just buffer.

I installed 16.2.2 yesterday on my Moto g5.
And that does exactly the same thing...just rolls through my music and doesn't play anything.

Possible issues with Amazon app itself

Have the same issues!

I tried that as well, no luck :frowning2:

updated firmware this morning
uninstalled amazon music
uninstalled apkpure
reinstalled apkpure
then installed amazon music from apkpure

same issue, just buffering

Have tried some of the same steps with no result.

Dear friend,
We checked again and found that it may becuase of the failure for connecting to the server of Amazon Music. You could try to contact the Amazon support and we will keep following this issue.
Best regards

@FiiO I have my FiiO M11 and my Samsung A8 (2018) side by sie. On the FiiO M11 only wheel spinning on the Samsung A8 direct play back.

I'm not convinced it's the amazon app. As the exact same version works fine on my phone. @FiiO can you please help?

I agree with you.

First up, just to say thanks for all the input and feedback on this thread as it has led to me being the happy owner of a Fiio M11.
Regarding the Amazon music app (v16.2.4) downloading (best available in settings) and then playing HD and Ultra HD tracks works (they play). Streaming just seems to buffer as previously mentioned.

This is fascinating. I downloaded whole playlists and I still get the circling play/pause button. It also does not work independent if the playlist or songs are HD or Ultra HD.

Do not know if this is helpful. On my FiiO M11 also on Qobuz when I start my first song of a playlist which is completely downloaded (CD quality) it takes incredible long to start. Often like 30 seconds. This is not the case with the FiiO M9 or any other device.

Other thought my FiiO M11 is not shown in the device list of my amazon music settings. Might this be the reason?

To add to this, for me so far, the playback of the downloaded files initially worked well for a while and then became erratic, sometimes they would play, often not. I then tried the potential workaround mentioned by Fiio (post #6662), this so far seems to work. So for me within the Amazon Music App I initially select and play a hi res flac file already on the sd card (An old Onkyo purchased Led Zeppelin Custard Pie @ 96K). I then navigate to the already downloaded HD and Ultra HD files and they playback fine (again so far!). Can't check if streaming works or not as I live in rural Scotland where fibre broadband hasn't been invented yet.

After a long time of analysis, currently,we think that this problem is caused by Amazon Music itself, but we will still follow that problem.
1. In Amazon music v16.2.4 version, a sampling rate less than 88.2k cannot be played , while v16.1.10 version can.
2. When playing sampling rate 48K in amazon music v16.2.4, the parameters are not set correctly, which lead to the crash of libOpenSLES library
W libOpenSLES: Leaving BufferQueue::Enqueue (SL_RESULT_PARAMETER_INVALID)
AmznMusic_DMPPlayer: [audiodriverimp.cpp :289] Failed to enqueue next frame, enqueue result code = 2
The final result is that the application has no data for the underlying playback. So the underlying mixer programme enters standby mode.

3. When the third-party app starts playback first (the sampling rate is higher than or equal to 88.2k), the underlying will use the previous parameter to set track if you turn on the Amazon Music app after that. And the Amazon Music app could work fine now.

Therefore, this issue with sampling rate less than 88.2k is required to fix by Amazon Music. And we have reported to them as well.
Please also contact Amazon Music if you have the same problem in order to get their attention for fixing this problem in sooner time.

Best regards

Okay, I tried all ways described here but with no positive outcome.
It makes no sense for me at all that Qobuz on the FiiO M11 also needs most of the time a minute to start playing (it did not on the FiiO M9, it does not on the Sony NW-ZX2 and it does not on my iPhone, iPad or Samsung A8!
And in addition the amazon app does not working in anyway. Please @FiiO sort it out with Amazon. Thank you.
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Oct 9, 2019 at 3:43 PM Post #2 of 102
I think it has something to do with the version of android the M11 has.
I have no issues on my DX220 since it's a newer version.
Oct 9, 2019 at 3:56 PM Post #4 of 102
I have the same issue on my Astell&Kern Sp1000. It works on the Kahn Cube and the SR15 model.

Astell&Kern think the issue is to do with the Octa-Core Processor in these devices.
Oct 10, 2019 at 12:51 AM Post #6 of 102
I have to say that I am very dissapointed with the @FiiO M11. I bought this as an upgrade to my M9 in order to finally have a player I can use for all my streaming platforms. And now Qobuz stalls for a over a minute before it starts (using the app FiiO preinstalled) and Amazon Music does not work at all.
Oct 10, 2019 at 12:55 AM Post #7 of 102
To add to this, for me so far, the playback of the downloaded files initially worked well for a while and then became erratic, sometimes they would play, often not. I then tried the potential workaround mentioned by Fiio (post #6662), this so far seems to work. So for me within the Amazon Music App I initially select and play a hi res flac file already on the sd card (An old Onkyo purchased Led Zeppelin Custard Pie @ 96K). I then navigate to the already downloaded HD and Ultra HD files and they playback fine (again so far!). Can't check if streaming works or not as I live in rural Scotland where fibre broadband hasn't been invented yet.

I tried this trick but it did not work. As i understand @FiiO (post #6662) you have to play a hi-res song with another app.
But neither works for me. The Amazon music player does not play music which is already on the SD card and it also does not play after started an hi-res song with the FiiO player and then change to Amazon Music.
Oct 10, 2019 at 6:40 AM Post #8 of 102
I tried this trick but it did not work. As i understand @FiiO (post #6662) you have to play a hi-res song with another app.
But neither works for me. The Amazon music player does not play music which is already on the SD card and it also does not play after started an hi-res song with the FiiO player and then change to Amazon Music.
I tried initially with Poweramp then with Amazon music that didn't work. That's when i rebooted and tried the Hi res file within Amazon music itself, it played, then I tried the downloaded HD files etc and they were and still are playing ok. Took me a while though to find a flac file with the required > 88.2k sampling rate.
Oct 10, 2019 at 9:21 AM Post #9 of 102
I tried initially with Poweramp then with Amazon music that didn't work. That's when i rebooted and tried the Hi res file within Amazon music itself, it played, then I tried the downloaded HD files etc and they were and still are playing ok. Took me a while though to find a flac file with the required > 88.2k sampling rate.

Can't believe that the solution was to have 88.2 exactly. It did not the trick with others but 88.2 does. Thank you so much!
For all the ones who want to try here is a link to a free 88.2 Sample Track from eClassical:
Oct 10, 2019 at 5:23 PM Post #12 of 102
I now have tried to test the SPDIF and USB out of the FiiO M11 with the Amazon Music App. Independently of HD or Ultra HD the FiiO M11 and/or the Amazon Music app only puts out 48 kHz16 bit. Nothing else.
Qobuz does output exactly the file kHz but only in 16 Bit and only when it finally decides to work.
In comparison the FiiO App does output exactly the file kHz and correct bit.
Oct 12, 2019 at 4:45 AM Post #13 of 102
Problems are back! Magic switch is gone
Uninstalling the Amazon Music App does not delete the files on the SD card!
Deleting the files and folders with the M11 explorer is not really easy but it worked.
Will let you know if I get it going again.

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