AKG 701
Dec 16, 2009 at 5:18 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Dec 1, 2009
Huntsville Texas.
Being a relative newcomer to the world of headphones (and this site) I am looking for some sage advice respects my system.
The issue at hand is that the AKG 701s that I bought sound too bright hooked up to a Channel Islands VP1. Source is Cambridge Azur 640.
Can anyone advise if there is a lack of synergy between this amp and these phones. I left them playing for at least 10 days before listening so hopefully burn in is complete. I'm just not happy with the sound.
Thanks guys.
Dec 16, 2009 at 8:57 PM Post #2 of 6
take a look here


if you can afford one of these hybrids to pair with your cambridge it might help your brightness... what can were you listening to before? the transition to the akg/701 might be a tough one to get used to coming from a say dt770... just give your brain some burn in time with these cans, they have really grown on me! and i used to be a basshead... i cant really comment on synergy because i have not heard my 702 with enough amps. But the indeed is great at the moment. hope this may help baldeagle
Dec 16, 2009 at 9:11 PM Post #3 of 6
I would have to say that the K701s were one of my more disappointing purchases. Not because they are not great. There are many here that love them and I cannot argue with that. It's just that you kind of need to buy it with an amp that suits it. Your existing amp may not cut it.

In fact I think anyone recommending the K701 must state their amp pairing. I pretty much went shopping around for an amp after I got them. I ended up with the Dared HP-5 or whatever it was. I was not all that enthused. I suppose the Heed Canamp is one good choice. I never got around to buying one but I bet it would have helped these phones. So I look at these phones as their cost + $300-400 to properly use them. I'm surprised your amp isn't cutting it. But remember these phones need some long break in also. I hate the concept of break in and I think it is misapplied a lot but they kind of did seem to need it.
Dec 16, 2009 at 9:23 PM Post #4 of 6
That's a very good amp, but I'm not surprised the sound's a little bright because when I tested my HF-1's with it, they did sound a tad brighter with it. The K701's are very amp-dependent, and personally, I just don't like them, so you might be in the same situation I would have been had I started with AKG instead of Grado. Changing your amp and source are only going to make so much of a difference...you're probably better off getting a different pair of headphones to supplement the AKG's like the HD600's, AD2000's (which are similar to the K701's, but better in every way IMO), or even SR-225i's.
Dec 16, 2009 at 9:27 PM Post #5 of 6

Originally Posted by mmayer167 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
take a look here


if you can afford one of these hybrids to pair with your cambridge it might help your brightness... what can were you listening to before? the transition to the akg/701 might be a tough one to get used to coming from a say dt770... just give your brain some burn in time with these cans, they have really grown on me! and i used to be a basshead... i cant really comment on synergy because i have not heard my 702 with enough amps. But the indeed is great at the moment. hope this may help baldeagle

I have not done very much serious headphone listening at all but do have a pair of Grado SR60s which are of course entry level (but good for the price).
The CIAVP1 is the first headphone amp that I have ever had.
Thanks for the advice.
Dec 17, 2009 at 2:07 AM Post #6 of 6
I love my K701s. They work great with my MAD Ear+HD and even Total Bithead.

To tame the highs and brightness, honestly, these things need 300+ hours of burn in. They are one of my all time favs for sure!

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