Advice Please! Monster Beats vs Denon AH 2000 vs my IE7s?
Dec 26, 2009 at 1:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


New Head-Fier
Jul 17, 2009
Hello there everyone, hope you all had a great Christmas.

I was just looking for a little advice regarding the above headphones

I currently own Sennheiser IE7s, which I really love, but I'd quite like to buy a set of full size headphones for use mainly at home but with the possibility of taking them on my morning commute in London.

Are there advantages to buying a set of full size headphones? Would I actually notice a lot of difference between them and my IE7s?

I have read fantastic things about the Denon AH 2000s, the only thing putting me off is the fact that they may not be a great choice for taking out and about with a 3m cable and no noise reduction.

The reasons Monster Beats by Dr Dre interest me is because I like their styling, the fact that they have noise cancellation and shorter cabling which would be more practical when taking them away from home.

So, would I get more out of my music with those headphones over my IE7s?
I'd also like to use them when I get home for games and movies.

Any other headphone suggestions would be great, with a max budget of 250 pounds. I listen to a variety of music genres, but mostly Rock and Pop.


- Ashley
Dec 26, 2009 at 1:48 PM Post #2 of 2
The IE7s are pretty fantastic. IMO the phones you posted could be downgrades.

It would be pretty hard to displace the IE7 as a commute partner so I'd advise you to look at a more stationary pair. In that spirit maybe some Grado SR225 or Audio Technica AD900.

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