Ad500x or Superlux hd668b
Dec 22, 2018 at 9:31 AM Post #2 of 5
I already have ad500x and i looking for 2. headset for gaming.

Is the 668b worth it for gaming ? or whats your suggest for similar price ?

*sorry for my bad English
Why not just use the AD500X for gaming?
Dec 29, 2018 at 2:59 AM Post #5 of 5
500x is better for gaming overall. It does have a smaller soundstage but better imaging. Lacks bass, it has small amount, none in the sub bass, but overall lacks bass. Better mids & highs So this is better for FPS, Im not sure where to list fortnite/Destiny they are kinda MMOFPS or (MO) FPS depends on which reviewer you ask. Works good with Moba & MMO as well.
So as above not the best highs going up (700x/900x) they get better & more detailed, also soundstage gets larger, the 900x seems to have the largest soundstage, when you hit the 1000x you start getting full sound seperation now in gaming it noticeable when you A/B against the 700x but its not a selling point for gaming as the amount of difference & improvement to sound in games just isnt there, but for music is it worth the extra money upgrading. The 2000x is not very accurate for gaming in the imaging its off noticeably, still good to game in but you will be looking in wrong directions when you hear shots a lot of the time! All models depth of sound is pretty accurate for distance of shots with a small exception of the 900x but you do adjust to it easy enough. the 1000x does lack a bit in rear imaging & close range but medium to long distance its great at, good for finding snipers.

The 668B has bass & XL soundstage. Some claim it has highs mine did not! This headphone will only be better for Open World games, RPG/MMORPG. Overall its a crap headphone compared to anything better.

I don't suggest any headphones for (General) gaming at low price other than the ATH-AD700x.
i can suggest headphones for specific genres of gaming.
668B, HD598, AD900x if you want soundstage for open world.
AD700x, HD58X if you want for FPS games.
HD660s if you want End Game for all Games.
DO NOTE: HD58X & HD660X don't sound the same nor image the same! (to many deaf people cut & paste false reviews on them) so HD58X is more left/right due to large imaging so good for fornite/destiny & HD660s is perfect end game accurate for COD/BF/Arma/CD:GO & fortnite, destiny e.t.c. Its imaging is small orbs of sound making it Perfect & Pin Point Accurate. Both have a large soundstage but its not a "LARGE" soundstage to some listeners. (tl:d:Dr expect a maybe medium sounding soundstage if you come from a larger soundstage headphone).
Also while i state the HD58X good with Fornite e.t.c its still ok with other FPS games like Arma, its just not Pin Point accurate like the HD660s is.

There obvious others like AD1000x, AD2000x, HD700, HD800/s, K712, K701, K702, K601 e.t.c. but theres a lot of expaining with faults, sound specifics. why its works better for 1 game in that genre & not another in the same genre.....
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