Member of the Trade: Aya Workshop
Yes, after having tried 2 1670ss (one was mine, other was from my friend), My overall feeling was that the treble is sparkly, detailed but not overly bright or thin, while retaining an unique "solidity" characteristic in it, that means certain instruments in the upper frequency have weight in the sound, and have good decayBright & full bodied, not thin.
Thank you. They are custom designed Litz 3 Japanese OFC copper to give more body on the mids.
Shielding from Teflon and braiding materials from Norme Audio.
Computation, design and build by NWZ, the model range is the Taekyo for 1670ss...

Seeing you have quite a big list of gears, both used in the past and in present yet for a long period of time 1670ss is still in your inventory, I can say that you really admire the sound quality of it! I haven't listened to the "xxx7" series or the "55" series from Acoustune, but aside from that all the Acoustune i've heard are pretty amazing.