Aug 27, 2020 at 11:44 AM Post #166 of 825
hi Jackpot77 - curious which amp module you are using on your N6ii to drive your 1650, and if you would characterize the resulting sound as [dynamic] vs [relaxed]?

I am in the market for DAP having searched for a desktop DAC/Amp for so long. Also wondering what other DAP / DAC / AMP you considered pairing for your 1650?

I am currently driving my 1650 with Apple’s lightning-to-3.5mm while on-the-go, and with iFi Micro iDSD BL IEM Match on my desktop. I find the latter took out some definition, but presents a relaxed sound I listen to for 5-6 hours at a time. Have not had that much time experimenting with a DAP.

Cayin N6ii is def at the top of my list with the versatility and sound; another I am considering is Questyle purist Q2PR. Much appreciate any guidance.

n.b. Your comment on cabling is spot-on.
Hi there

Sadly got rid of my 1650 a few weeks back due to Covid-related employment issues (or lack of). 1657 now in my radar to buy at some point as a replacement.

From memory, I'd characterise the N6ii/E02 as a rich and dynamic sounding combo with the 1650 - it drives it well, with plenty of resolution (at least to the limit of the 1650's driver) and a nice sense of depth and weight. I didn't find it fatiguing in the slightest, so a good combo for my preferences.

As a top-tier DAP, the N6ii/E02 combo is very competitive in my opinion. Also, the 4.4mm out is grounded so that an adapter can be used to plug in single ended cables with the correct adapter, so it does have some flexibility there (you would need to make sure the correct adapter was used, though).

I'm no DAP expert, but the Fiio M11 also drives the 1650 well, and has a nice match tonality wise, although not quite on the same level as the N6ii.
Aug 27, 2020 at 12:01 PM Post #167 of 825
Hi there

Sadly got rid of my 1650 a few weeks back due to Covid-related employment issues (or lack of). 1657 now in my radar to buy at some point as a replacement.

From memory, I'd characterise the N6ii/E02 as a rich and dynamic sounding combo with the 1650 - it drives it well, with plenty of resolution (at least to the limit of the 1650's driver) and a nice sense of depth and weight. I didn't find it fatiguing in the slightest, so a good combo for my preferences.

As a top-tier DAP, the N6ii/E02 combo is very competitive in my opinion. Also, the 4.4mm out is grounded so that an adapter can be used to plug in single ended cables with the correct adapter, so it does have some flexibility there (you would need to make sure the correct adapter was used, though).

I'm no DAP expert, but the Fiio M11 also drives the 1650 well, and has a nice match tonality wise, although not quite on the same level as the N6ii.

Thanks so much for your prompt and insightful response. Just in time before the weekend - def would try out the N6ii/E02 and M11 with the 1650. Non-fatiguing depth and weight sound like a combination I’d been missing. 🙏🏻

Great point on the 4.4mm out <> adapter. Had not considered that. I missed that fine (but crucial) detail since N6ii/E01 has 3.5mm out.

Sorry to hear about your 1650. It is indeed a period with great uncertainty. Hope things turn out for the better (sooner than later) on your side.

Thanks again.
Aug 27, 2020 at 12:08 PM Post #168 of 825
Thanks so much for your prompt and insightful response. Just in time before the weekend - def would try out the N6ii/E02 and M11 with the 1650. Non-fatiguing depth and weight sound like a combination I’d been missing. 🙏🏻

Great point on the 4.4mm out <> adapter. Had not considered that. I missed that fine (but crucial) detail since N6ii/E01 has 3.5mm out.

Sorry to hear about your 1650. It is indeed a period with great uncertainty. Hope things turn out for the better (sooner than later) on your side.

Thanks again.
Actually secured another job fairly quickly so all is well that ends well - the sale of some "extra" audio gear was just preemptive in case I needed the cash. Going to be cautious for a few months then look at something new to replace the 1650 - the 1657 is definitely interesting me.

Details on the E02 adapter can be found in the Cayin threads (posted by Andy Kong, I think) - if you are in the EU, I know a HF member (Skedra) who makes them as well (he's a cable maker).

Edit - never mind, just spotted you were in Indonesia!
Aug 28, 2020 at 1:36 AM Post #169 of 825
assuming when the plague is over and our world is back to normal what do you guys think they'll do with their Acoustune 2xxx series? I don't know if there are still rooms for sound improvement with dynamic drivers.
Aug 28, 2020 at 11:52 AM Post #170 of 825
Actually secured another job fairly quickly so all is well that ends well - the sale of some "extra" audio gear was just preemptive in case I needed the cash. Going to be cautious for a few months then look at something new to replace the 1650 - the 1657 is definitely interesting me.

Details on the E02 adapter can be found in the Cayin threads (posted by Andy Kong, I think) - if you are in the EU, I know a HF member (Skedra) who makes them as well (he's a cable maker).

Edit - never mind, just spotted you were in Indonesia!

Adapters: Thanks. That is very thoughtful of you. I came across DDhifi - supplier to some Chinese audio OEMs whilst browsing some stores here in the region. I don’t reckon there is as much engineering in metal fabrication and selection of alloy for a sub $100 solution; but always curious on “boutique” peripheral makers. Will check that out this weekend, and see how that goes.

Main IEM: I actually tried the 1657, and AB-ed (almost) with my 1650. Amped out of my iFi Micro BL: Significantly better definitions, imaging, sub bass impact. Not sure if they are attributable to the Pentaconn termination, or the new tuning Acoustune did with this iteration of the series. How much better is what I am struggling with given I already have a 1650-type of IEM. Much easier decision with your case. The 165Xs is a must-have in my portfolio to play my “go-to” classic rock, metals, top 40s, and even some less dense piano solos. So visceral, so defined, and so intuitive.

Complementary IEMs: I always wonder how I should pick another pair given my expanding appreciation in other genres. Even the other way around, i.e., picking another pair so I can start appreciating other genres of music. My hypothesis: [refinement], [staging / imaging], [tonal accuracy] for orchestral work, concerts, sophisticated rock (e.g., Dreamtheater) where “correctness” and “placement” could be material in comparison to one’s live-concert/recital experience? I find it most fruitful to ask fellow music-lovers / audiophiles with similar gears / audiophiles versus analyzing as below:
1 by quality: attack, detail, tone, even-ness?
2 by technology: DD, BA, EST?

Jack-of-all-trade IEMs: does one exist within the sub $2,000 price range yet? The equivalent is home stereo is typically in the $100+k categories. I am not yet inclined to head into that direction, yet. That kind of money is better suited for a different purpose 😃
Aug 28, 2020 at 12:54 PM Post #171 of 825
assuming when the plague is over and our world is back to normal what do you guys think they'll do with their Acoustune 2xxx series? I don't know if there are still rooms for sound improvement with dynamic drivers.

Good question. I don’t see how the known Levers can address the Requirement given my limited knowledge of available / commercially-accessible technology for sub$2k IEMs for the time being.

Details as below:
Levers: Seems like the primary levers for improvements have been mostly tapped out
1 membrane material: myrinx, beryllium-infused, alloys —> variations - new alloys, new amalgamation - might bring incremental improvement as seen in Focal, B&W
2 shape: ribbon (yet to be observed in IEMs?), dome-shaped (remains to make the most sense by way of production feasibility, and sound dispersion - I presume)

...with secondary levers being explored on with better micro-production/assembly technology:
3 cross-over / multi-drivers: Sony’s Z1R seems to use 2DD and 1BA —> I am liking the direction IEM assembly is taking, aligned with home stereo speakers albeit on a much more micro scale, hence the engineering challenge.

I also got to thinking about various technologies while “trying” to justify spending my hard-earned dollars on these technologies. Curious what you think on the following (wild) postulates:
1) DD: inherently produces “impact” best following the physicis of the driver movement, however earlier iterations have notable shortcomings:
2) BA: likewise for “micro details” and some “even-ness” across frequency spectrum due to size and tunability of these drivers. 64audio’s use of 12-18 drivers in its IEMs is somewhat equivalent to minimizing the proverbial “dead weight loss / inaccuracy” below the rhieman integral of that “ideal” frequency response spectrum
3) EST: my guess here is most even frequency response by its inherent physics?
Note: majority of non-hybrid IEMs employing any one of the above tech has major compromise with most notable tweaks as follows:
>> BA: (shortcoming: impact) vs (tweaks: chamber shape / size / tunnel, and use of multiple BAs mostly for base)
>> DD: (shortcoming: tonality) vs (tweaks: Acoustune’s breakthru in myrinx amalgamate / particle-setting on membrane / diaphragm)
>> EST: (shortcoming: impact) vs (tweaks: my guess - hybrid with DD) —> not sure why some EST is hybrid-ing with BA on top of DD - do EST drivers have notable tonality implementation challenges?

Requirement: My sense is Acoustune’s myrinx drivers achieves some 80-90% of the benefits of [BA] while retaining the visceral impact inherent to [DD]. What’s next for DD - achievable or otherwise - given there are only so few levers known left untapped, in a sense:
>> [Tonal] Accuracy: that remaining 10% that multi-BA implementation can best achieve
>> [Even-ness] (of) Frequency Response: characteristics of EST? Seen recent iterations of major / boutique IEM makers exploring this territory.
Aug 28, 2020 at 1:16 PM Post #172 of 825
well...95 to me is already pretty balanced and probably the most neutral acoustune i've had.
wonder if they can do an even better job this time :).
Have you listened in to the new 97 by any chance? curious how they compare to the 95.

Imma go to zepp and try them out tomorrow. Not sure how I would like them coming from the 50, and with my iFi micro BL.
Sep 5, 2020 at 8:30 PM Post #174 of 825
Adapters: Thanks. That is very thoughtful of you. I came across DDhifi - supplier to some Chinese audio OEMs whilst browsing some stores here in the region. I don’t reckon there is as much engineering in metal fabrication and selection of alloy for a sub $100 solution; but always curious on “boutique” peripheral makers. Will check that out this weekend, and see how that goes.

Main IEM: I actually tried the 1657, and AB-ed (almost) with my 1650. Amped out of my iFi Micro BL: Significantly better definitions, imaging, sub bass impact. Not sure if they are attributable to the Pentaconn termination, or the new tuning Acoustune did with this iteration of the series. How much better is what I am struggling with given I already have a 1650-type of IEM. Much easier decision with your case. The 165Xs is a must-have in my portfolio to play my “go-to” classic rock, metals, top 40s, and even some less dense piano solos. So visceral, so defined, and so intuitive.

Complementary IEMs: I always wonder how I should pick another pair given my expanding appreciation in other genres. Even the other way around, i.e., picking another pair so I can start appreciating other genres of music. My hypothesis: [refinement], [staging / imaging], [tonal accuracy] for orchestral work, concerts, sophisticated rock (e.g., Dreamtheater) where “correctness” and “placement” could be material in comparison to one’s live-concert/recital experience? I find it most fruitful to ask fellow music-lovers / audiophiles with similar gears / audiophiles versus analyzing as below:
1 by quality: attack, detail, tone, even-ness?
2 by technology: DD, BA, EST?

Jack-of-all-trade IEMs: does one exist within the sub $2,000 price range yet? The equivalent is home stereo is typically in the $100+k categories. I am not yet inclined to head into that direction, yet. That kind of money is better suited for a different purpose 😃
I’m using 1655 with pentacon upgrade cable and n6t01 as my setup for streaming. I’ve sold all my ba and hybrid IEMs, as for me they give very artificial sound. I’ve stayed with dd iems. Jvc 10000 are great iems below 2k$ but they lack isolation.
Sep 8, 2020 at 11:26 AM Post #175 of 825
I’ve sold all my ba and hybrid IEMs, as for me they give very artificial sound. I’ve stayed with dd iems.

Bold and decisive move!

I love a dynamic driver setup too. Had a 1650cu which I quite enjoy when I had it. Sold it and recently got curious again with what Acoustune has to offer.

Decided to pick up a 1697ti. Once again, for me the immediate wow factor is "How is this a single dynamic driver?".

Off the cuff and initial impression, the 1697ti has a coherent tuning. Well executed. Based on memory (which is sketchy really as I've sold my 1650cu quite some time ago), 1697ti is more resolving and is crispier. Tight bass and no-bleed dynamic driver rumble when called for. Get the right ear tip and comfort-wise nothing to complain.

Just a few cents worth...
Sep 8, 2020 at 12:14 PM Post #176 of 825
The titanium chamber magic.
It absorbs any reverts, it sounds as if the sound is purely output from the driver alone direct into your ears without any chamber.
Sep 26, 2020 at 12:56 PM Post #177 of 825

Enjoying my HS1697ti.
Oct 13, 2020 at 4:04 AM Post #179 of 825
Any impressions?

I'm no good at impression, but I've sold my Noble Encore and stuck with both the 1697ti and 1657cu. Music felt more open, wide, holographic on the ti, on the cu vocals felt more intimate. Don't get me started on coherency, these two are pretty godly when it comes to coherency.

Upgraded the cable with pure silver 8 braid with ofc pentaconn plugs for the 1697ti, these are my TOTL for now.

Let's just say I was surprised when I first auditioned these two IEM. I bought 1657cu first then a week after sleepless nights thinking about the 1697ti, I pulled the trigger again.
Oct 13, 2020 at 7:47 AM Post #180 of 825
I'm no good at impression, but I've sold my Noble Encore and stuck with both the 1697ti and 1657cu. Music felt more open, wide, holographic on the ti, on the cu vocals felt more intimate. Don't get me started on coherency, these two are pretty godly when it comes to coherency.

Upgraded the cable with pure silver 8 braid with ofc pentaconn plugs for the 1697ti, these are my TOTL for now.

Let's just say I was surprised when I first auditioned these two IEM. I bought 1657cu first then a week after sleepless nights thinking about the 1697ti, I pulled the trigger again.

:beerchug: Thanks for sharing. Impresssion, however presented is always a good data point as reference.

I'm curious as to what choice of drink you're holding while listening to the Cu and what other drink would that be if you're listening to Ti. :ksc75smile:

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