Hi therehi Jackpot77 - curious which amp module you are using on your N6ii to drive your 1650, and if you would characterize the resulting sound as [dynamic] vs [relaxed]?
I am in the market for DAP having searched for a desktop DAC/Amp for so long. Also wondering what other DAP / DAC / AMP you considered pairing for your 1650?
I am currently driving my 1650 with Apple’s lightning-to-3.5mm while on-the-go, and with iFi Micro iDSD BL IEM Match on my desktop. I find the latter took out some definition, but presents a relaxed sound I listen to for 5-6 hours at a time. Have not had that much time experimenting with a DAP.
Cayin N6ii is def at the top of my list with the versatility and sound; another I am considering is Questyle purist Q2PR. Much appreciate any guidance.
n.b. Your comment on cabling is spot-on.
Sadly got rid of my 1650 a few weeks back due to Covid-related employment issues (or lack of). 1657 now in my radar to buy at some point as a replacement.
From memory, I'd characterise the N6ii/E02 as a rich and dynamic sounding combo with the 1650 - it drives it well, with plenty of resolution (at least to the limit of the 1650's driver) and a nice sense of depth and weight. I didn't find it fatiguing in the slightest, so a good combo for my preferences.
As a top-tier DAP, the N6ii/E02 combo is very competitive in my opinion. Also, the 4.4mm out is grounded so that an adapter can be used to plug in single ended cables with the correct adapter, so it does have some flexibility there (you would need to make sure the correct adapter was used, though).
I'm no DAP expert, but the Fiio M11 also drives the 1650 well, and has a nice match tonality wise, although not quite on the same level as the N6ii.