A5's + a Good Sub?

Aug 6, 2009 at 10:08 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


May 23, 2009
I purchased a set of Audioengine A5's and LOVE them! They are phenomenal. Absolutely. I am looking for a tight musical sub that is small. I don't want a wall shaking sound unless the musician expected my walls to shake. Also, I don't have much space because I am in a smallish room, 8' x 12'. My budget is capped at 200, 250... what would you recommend for the A5s? (8" driver? 'ish?)

Aug 6, 2009 at 11:08 PM Post #2 of 18
Polk Audio PSW111
Aug 7, 2009 at 2:33 AM Post #5 of 18
I have the A5's paired with a Velodyne VX-10.

Connected line-in, line-out to keep anything below 80 getting to the A5's.

Really helped the sound of the A5's

Fry's has them onsale for 129.00 dollars all the time.

Probably not as good a choice as the Polk PSW111 MSRP 299.00 or the Polk PSW110 with a MSRP of 249.00.

Thinking about getting the PSW111 to pair with either the A5's or Mackie MR5's.

For 129 bones you can't beat the Velodyne with a bat.
Aug 7, 2009 at 3:45 AM Post #6 of 18
Does the VX-10 sound good, or does it just vibrate alot? And how is the size of the entire enclosure? I think I am leaning towards the higher priced PSW111 because of the 8" driver causing the enclosure to be a bit smaller while hopefully delivering a nice musical set of tones for the deeper frequencies.
Aug 7, 2009 at 4:26 AM Post #7 of 18

HSU STF-1 Subwoofer

Velodyne VX-10

Velodyne VX-10 - subwoofer Subwoofer reviews - CNET Reviews

Polk Audio PSW111

Polk Audio - PSW Series Explosive Performance of Movies and Music

I ended up with the Velodyne because a friend had one sitting in his closet and let me borrow it...Saw the VX-10 for 129.00 at Fry's and jumped on it.

I was always looking for the HSU at Parts Express...Out of stock or backordered.

Now I am seriously considering the the HSU.

Just hard to resist the VX-10 @ 129 duckies.
Aug 7, 2009 at 4:53 AM Post #8 of 18
I'm looking at Fry's and see the VX-10 for $249. You got a link for a $129 VX-10?
Aug 7, 2009 at 12:22 PM Post #10 of 18
You'll probably want a subwoofer with built in high pass filter so filter out low bass from the signal so A5 won't attempt to play it, one of my subs has this feature but it's above your budget and it's fixed at 80hz you may want one with variable.
Aug 7, 2009 at 1:06 PM Post #12 of 18
You don't need to buy a matching sub, unless the sub has high pass filter designed for A2/A5 speakers. You could buy a high end subwoofer and use it.

I've got Kef and Ruark speakers but I don't have Kef & Ruark subwoofers.
Aug 7, 2009 at 1:19 PM Post #13 of 18
I would easily go for the HSU over the Velodyne, Polk or Audioengine. Matching the brand of sub to the speakers makes no sense unless it is the best performing sub (or you value aesthetics over sound quality).
Aug 7, 2009 at 3:58 PM Post #14 of 18

Originally Posted by Lazerboy2000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm looking at Fry's and see the VX-10 for $249. You got a link for a $129 VX-10?

I went to Fry's and they list a Velodyne VX-10C for 249.00...Before they had just a VX-10...No "C" what ever that is.

But...I am looking at todays Fry's flyer that come's in the Houston Chronicle on fridays.

And lo and behold the VX-10 is onsale for...You guessed it.

129.00 Dollars.

Aug 7, 2009 at 4:19 PM Post #15 of 18

Originally Posted by Lazerboy2000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm looking at Fry's and see the VX-10 for $249. You got a link for a $129 VX-10?

Can the VX-10 hang with the HSU, Polk ??? Probably not...My experience using the VX-10 with the A5's is quiet positive.

And everybody who has ever sit at my desk and I do mean everybody is just flabbergasted at how good the A5's paired with the VX-10 sound.

I bought my first Velodyne sub back in the 80's...I do not know about now, but back then they were very highly regaurded in the "audiophile" world...I paid a arm and a leg for it that is for sure.


Great deal for 129 duckies...And the 1 day only deal is just for something on the front page...If you look at the pic you can see where I have the page folded over to show the Velodyne sub for 129.

Shucks...Not even Hammer can touch that.


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