Quick cross post for anybody that might be considering the hermit and wonders about the bass versus other AuR sets.
In my experience bass performance and preference is down to specific tuning, probably the specific drivers and ones priorities within musical taste and the specific music being played but I offer the following for comparison purposes.
I just compared my AüR Audio Ascension and my AüR Aurora against my AüR Hermit.
I listened to “Blue Lines” by Massive Attack which has what I hear as relatively low range normal bass without much sub bass and “South of the Line” by Pitch Black which has rumbling sub bass throughout.
In short the Ascension and Aurora get their arses handed to them by the Hermits BA sub bass while the BC make the Hermits mid bass presence equal to the Ascension and Aurora in my estimation.
Overall where bass performance is valued I prefer the Hermit by a decent margin over the Ascension and Aurora simply because of the enveloping sub bass that makes the Ascension and Aurora rather lean sounding by comparison.
In isolation either of the Ascension and Aurora are very good in their own right of course.
Listening to “Five Man Army” by Massive Attack with the Hermit and the sub bass is genuinely akin to a true subwoofer without the punch in the chest. It actually takes some getting used to since I have never had an IEM or headphone that does sub bass anything like as well.
At first listen the sub bass can be a bit overwhelming but once acclimated to it the texture and nuance come through and it is a long way from a one note drone that could overpower the mids.
Yet pop on a female vocal centric track and the mids shine wonderfully with a nice richness rather than what I would describe as warmth. I imagine that is due to the BC.
In my experience bass performance and preference is down to specific tuning, probably the specific drivers and ones priorities within musical taste and the specific music being played but I offer the following for comparison purposes.
I just compared my AüR Audio Ascension and my AüR Aurora against my AüR Hermit.
I listened to “Blue Lines” by Massive Attack which has what I hear as relatively low range normal bass without much sub bass and “South of the Line” by Pitch Black which has rumbling sub bass throughout.
In short the Ascension and Aurora get their arses handed to them by the Hermits BA sub bass while the BC make the Hermits mid bass presence equal to the Ascension and Aurora in my estimation.
Overall where bass performance is valued I prefer the Hermit by a decent margin over the Ascension and Aurora simply because of the enveloping sub bass that makes the Ascension and Aurora rather lean sounding by comparison.
In isolation either of the Ascension and Aurora are very good in their own right of course.
Listening to “Five Man Army” by Massive Attack with the Hermit and the sub bass is genuinely akin to a true subwoofer without the punch in the chest. It actually takes some getting used to since I have never had an IEM or headphone that does sub bass anything like as well.
At first listen the sub bass can be a bit overwhelming but once acclimated to it the texture and nuance come through and it is a long way from a one note drone that could overpower the mids.
Yet pop on a female vocal centric track and the mids shine wonderfully with a nice richness rather than what I would describe as warmth. I imagine that is due to the BC.
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