8 years ago . . .

Mar 27, 2014 at 4:00 AM Post #241 of 286
  Stat mafia, cmiiw
Kgbh: Kevin Gilmore blue Hawaii 
Bhse: blue Hawaii special edition 
Blue Hawaii circuitry was invented by Kevin Gilmore. 
My logic,  Sq wise is the same

Not quite true from what I understand.  The BHSE has considerably better parts on both audio & power supply sections.  This alone will produce better sound given the same circuit.  The BHSE also sport better heat dissipation compared to the original KGBH.  Not sure if the circuit was also tweaked to produce better voltage swing.  The BHSE is the closest thing to the Stax DIY T2 IMO.  
Mar 27, 2014 at 5:50 AM Post #242 of 286
  Not quite true from what I understand.  The BHSE has considerably better parts on both audio & power supply sections.  This alone will produce better sound given the same circuit.  The BHSE also sport better heat dissipation compared to the original KGBH.  Not sure if the circuit was also tweaked to produce better voltage swing.  The BHSE is the closest thing to the Stax DIY T2 IMO.  

Actually I think the original BH had a lot of parts that are unobtainable now- which were of higher quality. Someone more qualified than me might want to chime in here but quite a few friends told me the same thing. I think a KGBH (with the original parts) tweaked to SE standards might sound better than a current production BHSE.
Mar 27, 2014 at 6:33 AM Post #243 of 286
Actually I think the original BH had a lot of parts that are unobtainable now- which were of higher quality. Someone more qualified than me might want to chime in here but quite a few friends told me the same thing. I think a KGBH (with the original parts) tweaked to SE standards might sound better than a current production BHSE.

I have the option of routing the amp to Headamp first, since it hasn't yet been shipped.  I could certainly ask Justin to give the amp a routine check-up.  Anything else I should ask him to do (like possible upgrades)?
Mar 27, 2014 at 9:35 AM Post #244 of 286
I have the option of routing the amp to Headamp first, since it hasn't yet been shipped.  I could certainly ask Justin to give the amp a routine check-up.  Anything else I should ask him to do (like possible upgrades)?

You should pm/email Justin ~ but from what I hear he's quite busy atm with the current batch of GS-X/BHSE (which are about to be finished). Also I have never heard of him giving upgrades, you could pm KG/Spritzer and see if they know someone who would be willing to do the work.

Personally I would take it home, and give the rig a listen. Then when Justin has the time (and if he's willing) send it to him for upgrades. When you get it back you will be able to discern for yourself what differences there are.
Mar 27, 2014 at 12:06 PM Post #245 of 286
Sending it through Justin right now would probably result in a several month delay.
Mar 27, 2014 at 1:11 PM Post #248 of 286
Sending it through Justin right now would probably result in a several month delay.

But, IIRC, there may well be a three or four month delay in the arrival of the 009s (I'm ordering them through Justin).  I emailed him earlier today, just waiting to get his opinion on the issue.
Mar 27, 2014 at 1:49 PM Post #249 of 286
Unless you find a used pair soon ;)
Mar 27, 2014 at 2:07 PM Post #250 of 286
Actually I think the original BH had a lot of parts that are unobtainable now- which were of higher quality. Someone more qualified than me might want to chime in here but quite a few friends told me the same thing. I think a KGBH (with the original parts) tweaked to SE standards might sound better than a current production BHSE.

From what understand they may have ran out of some parts but replacements are just as good. The revised heatsink also allow the amp to run at higher temperature. From what I understand the BHSE should sound better but not sure by how much.
Mar 27, 2014 at 2:35 PM Post #251 of 286
Maxvla - I'm committed to buying them new. Justin has been good to work with, however briefly it's been, and I'd like to remain a customer to show my appreciation.
Mar 27, 2014 at 9:29 PM Post #253 of 286
Just rechecked some emails I got from Justin last week. Yes, there is a 4 to 6 month wait on the 009s. I guess patience is a virtue.
Mar 28, 2014 at 12:15 AM Post #254 of 286
Ouch, so you're saying that even the US dealers, such as Justin, are also back ordered on the 009s? I bought mine from justin partly to avoid the wait since he had several in stock. I feel for you Bahamaman

Everyone has been like this for at least a few weeks. I think maybe Elusivedisc has stock but with the accompanied price.

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