8/19/07 Headroom coming to SoCal
Jul 24, 2007 at 12:54 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17

Jon L

For him, f/1.2 is a prime number
May 20, 2003
LA and Orange County Audio Society is having Headroom over for one of their meets. If you're reading this, Tyll, what gear are you bringing? I'm a member of this audio society, so I may be there, but they welcome any new prospective members!!

"Dear Members and Friends,

Coming Sunday, August 19: HeadRoom Comes to LA just for our Society! www.headphone.com

Hear the Very Best in Headphone Amps in the World! And Meet Tyll Hertsens, CEO HeadRoom, IN PERSON!

Truly the quietest event in our history! Lots of headphone setups to try! Learn alot about headphone technology and listening!!

Incredible "vacuum tube" HeadRoom Amplifier RAFFLE, TOO! Wonderful HeadRoom Raffle Prizes: $650 HeadRoom Desktop Millett Hybrid Amp. A tube rollers' delight, this sweet little amp comes with three pairs of differently-toned tubes!! Plus, HeadRoom is also giving The Society a pair of top rated Sennheiser 650 Headphones that retail for $600 as second prize!! $1250 in prizes! Thank you HeadRoom!!!

Bring your CD's to try! Lunch served. Free Parking. New members and guests most welcome!!! What a summer!!

It's Sunday, August 19, 1-4pm!!! Holiday Inn, Beach Blvd., Buena Park. At the 5 and the 91.

More Big News from Eastwind Import!
Hajime Sato, VP&Secretary of the Society and owner of the online CD shop Eastwind Import, will bring ALL of his inventory to the August event! Japanese pressing CDs, SACDs, XRCDs and more! He'll even bring classical XRCDs and some other "surprise" CDs that are not even on his website! Go to www.eastwindimport.com now to see his catalog, and make sure to bring extra cash or your checkbook for this direct purchase opportunity! Play your purchase on one of the fabulous HeadRoom systems!

HeadRoom comes to LA! Not to be missed!!!! I've heard the presentation they do and it's amazing!!!
Great listening to all and see you on August 19th,
Bob Levi
Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society
America's Premier Audio Society
P.S. Fall Season Kickoff with MBL, Dali, and Harmonic Technology at Bel Air's Top Highend Dealer: Weinhart Design, Sunday, September 23rd, 2-5pm! Please save the date! Incredible raffle prizes, too, including DALI Speakers!"
Jul 24, 2007 at 1:31 AM Post #2 of 17
Is tyll driving down? (if so, can you stop by Berkeley for a mini meet?)
Jul 24, 2007 at 1:56 AM Post #3 of 17
Does it cost money to go? Would you have to join the Audio Society?
Jul 24, 2007 at 2:12 AM Post #4 of 17
what kinda meet is this exactly?
Do the members also bring their gear for others to try,
or is it more of a showcase for eastwindimports and headroom?
I checked the LA and Orange County Audio Society's website but was not able to find much information regarding the event.
Jul 24, 2007 at 4:55 AM Post #5 of 17
It doesn't cost anything to attend as a guest. After attending, IF you want to join the LA/OC audio society, you can sign up to be on the mailing list. Then, there is a small annual membership fee, but it's really to cover the expenses of meetings like this for the space and lunch.

This is the first time I ever recall having a headphone manufacturer come to one of their meetings. Usually, they have speaker setups with several companies in cooperations, which people listen to, chat, etc. I'm pretty sure Tyll will get to talk about headphone listening and have many gear for people to try out themselves...
Aug 8, 2007 at 11:36 PM Post #11 of 17
I just posted here in this thread, but this thing is turning into a friggen eeevent! PLEASE feel free to come. FREE FOOD! (I know that will get a couple more to show up.)
Aug 9, 2007 at 1:32 AM Post #12 of 17
oh man.... all the more reason to go home.
Aug 9, 2007 at 11:26 PM Post #14 of 17

Originally Posted by velogreg /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sure, the visit is free, but the slippery slope is costly.

Yeah ... well ... you know ... sorry about your wallet. At least this time we might be able to rope in a few newb Head-Files from amongst the Audiophile traditionalists to dilute the pain.

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