2016 CanJam @ RMAF, October 7-9, 2016: The Exhibitor List!

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Aug 5, 2016 at 2:03 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 259
2016 CanJam @ Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, October 7-9, 2016
-- September 19, 2016: Exhibitor List Finalized! --
Get your ears ready, because the list of exhibitors at the 2016 CanJam @ Rocky Mountain Audio Fest is bigger than ever, with over 50 companies coming to Denver to showcase the very best in headphone audio and personal audio! RMAF was a success last year, so much that we broke the hotel! While we didn't actually break the hotel, the Denver Marriott Tech Center is undergoing renovations, and CanJam is moving to the front of the hotel (just for this year) in a huge temporary structure measuring a gigantic 210'L x 60'W! If you've been to CanJam SoCal 2015 or 2016, the Rocky Mountain Event Center portion of CanJam @ RMAF this year is going to be similar to the Terrace Pavilion portion of CanJam SoCal, only larger.
Now you can see, listen to, touch, and feel all of the fantastic gear at CanJam, under the carpeted, climate-controlled big top!

The above video only includes some of the exhibitors at this year's CanJam @ RMAF. Below is the complete list of CanJam@RMAF exhibitors:
- The Exhibitors -
(in alphabetical order)​
  1. 1More
  1. 64 Audio
  1. Acoustic Research
  1. ampsandsound
  1. aqua - acoustic quality
  1. Astell&Kern
  1. Atomic Floyd
  1. Audeze
  1. AudioQuest
  1. Audio-Technica
  1. Aune
  1. Base Audio
  1. Beijing Infomedia Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
  1. beyerdynamic
  1. Brimar Audio Labs
  1. Cardas
  1. Cavalli Audio
  1. Cayin
  1. Chord Electronics
  1. Clear Tune Monitors
  1. Comply
  1. DanaCable
  1. Darin Fong Audio
  1. Echobox Audio
  1. Empire Ears
  1. E-MU Systems
  1. Etymotic
  1. Fender
  1. FiiO
  1. final
  1. FLC Technology
  1. Focal
  1. Fostex / American Music & Sound
  1. Ginko Audio
  1. HeadAmp
  1. HiFiMAN
  1. Holo Audio USA KitsuneHiFi.com
  1. iFi Audio
  1. JAYS
  1. JDS Labs
  1. Jerry Harvey Audio
  1. JPS Labs / Abyss Headphones
  1. Kimber Kable
  1. Koss
  1. LabKable
  1. Meze Headphones
  1. Moon Audio
  1. MrSpeakers
  1. Noble Audio
  1. oBravo
  1. Pioneer
  1. Questyle
  1. RHA
  1. Rupert Neve Designs
  1. Santa Cruz Audio, LLC
  1. Schiit Audio
  1. Sennheiser
  1. Sonic Studio LLC
  1. Sonoma Acoustics
  1. Sony
  1. StereoPravda
  1. Ultrasone
  1. V-MODA
  1. Voxx Accessories Corp
  1. Wells Audio
  1. Westone
  1. ZMF Headphones
Click here to see a complete list of exhibitors at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, both inside and outside the CanJam area. Is there a DAC, turntable, CD player, loudspeaker, or any other type of high-end audio component you want to hear?  Chances are it'll be at RMAF. You’ll also be able to enjoy great music, discussion panels and keynotes, and, of course, the camaraderie of having thousands of like-minded audio geeks in the same place for a whole weekend!
Be sure to subscribe to this thread to keep abreast of updates and announcements.
We'll see you in Denver, October 7-9, 2016!
Sep 14, 2016 at 5:06 PM Post #2 of 259
Also, we're still working on finalizing the seminar schedules, but I know of at least two seminars specific to headphone audio that are happening at CanJam @ RMAF 2016:
  1. Headphones: Do measurements Predict Performance?
    How much of a correlation is there between measurements and subjective evaluation? Are measurements important? If so, how and why?
  2. Headphones: The Next Evolution of Products
    Open, thought-provoking discussion on the future of headphones. What is the next big thing? Will it keep growing? New technologies, new applications, price points etc.
More details (panel members, moderators)--and a list of all the seminars--will be posted here soon.
Sep 14, 2016 at 7:11 PM Post #3 of 259
  Also, we're still working on finalizing the seminar schedules, but I know of at least two seminars specific to headphone audio that are happening at CanJam @ RMAF 2016:
  1. Headphones: Do measurements Predict Performance?
    How much of a correlation is there between measurements and subjective evaluation? Are measurements important? If so, how and why?
  2. Headphones: The Next Evolution of Products
    Open, thought-provoking discussion on the future of headphones. What is the next big thing? Will it keep growing? New technologies, new applications, price points etc.
More details (panel members, moderators)--and a list of all the seminars--will be posted here soon.

Any chance of putting these seminars up on Head-Fi's youtube channel after RMAF?
Sep 14, 2016 at 7:31 PM Post #4 of 259
  Any chance of putting these seminars up on Head-Fi's youtube channel after RMAF?

RMAF maintains a channel on YouTube, and they traditionally post them up as these are their seminars.  That said, there is usually a delay of 4-8 weeks before they get posted, IIRC.  

Sep 14, 2016 at 7:32 PM Post #5 of 259
Wow that's one impressive exhibitor list. I'm curious to know just how much that giant temporary structure is going to impact the amount of parking available at the Marriott. At least there's an ample number of parking lots around the hotel that have been mostly empty the past few years. The lot directly across the street did have some kind of paid event parking happening for 2015, maybe that'll be happening again this year.
Sep 14, 2016 at 8:06 PM Post #7 of 259
So looking forward to it!  It will be my first CanJam! 

Sep 14, 2016 at 8:15 PM Post #8 of 259
Some how we didn't make it on that list...We did register and this will be our first show! Maybe since we are sharing a booth we were overlooked?
Sep 14, 2016 at 8:19 PM Post #9 of 259
Wow!  Thanks again to the Head-Fi Global Team for putting this on!
For those that may want a little extra fun during CanJam, there is a place for people to unwind, eat some yummy food, drink some scrumptious drinks, play some ping pong, and share in the camaraderie of others!
The location is:
Ace Eat Serve & Ace Juice Bar, 501 East 17th Avenue, Denver, CO 80203
This location is about 11 miles away from CanJam RMAF, which is located at the Denver Marriott Tech Center, 4900 South Syracuse Street, Denver, CO 80237.
Here are a few photos of Ace Eat Serve & Ace Juice Bar (had to use some computer language to get some photos!)







I'll add a rule that's not mentioned, but is a tournament/official rule with regards to serving (from Table Tennis Official Rules and Quick Guide - PongWorld):
"The ball must rest on an open hand palm. Then it must be tossed up at least 6 inches and struck so the ball first bounces on the server's side and then the opponent's side."


I will post more about the Showdown a little before it happens.
Looking forward to seeing everyone who can make CanJam RMAF this year!
Sep 14, 2016 at 8:20 PM Post #10 of 259
Yep, I'm a little concerned about the parking and other Arrangements, also.

Oh and... Delta says 20 days till I can check-in. :D
Sep 14, 2016 at 9:24 PM Post #12 of 259
  Sorry to sit this one out guys - have a great one! 

Sorry you won't be attending.  Hopefully next time!
I'll bring along your awesome BLU-200 (only Brainwavz IEM I own, currently) for people to listen to if they so choose! 
regular_smile .gif
Sep 14, 2016 at 9:42 PM Post #14 of 259
Sep 14, 2016 at 11:07 PM Post #15 of 259
Really looking forward to attending -- this will be my first ever audio show/first ever CanJam/first ever everything. Can't wait to try all the things I keep reading about on here! I'll be there Friday, as soon as it opens to the public (which I believe is noon).
Hopefully meet/see some of you folks there. I'll be the strikingly handsome fellow with impeccable style.*
*according to me
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