Dec 1, 2021 at 10:24 PM Post #16 of 46
HD800 is open back btw OP looking for closed back^ and powering with a btr5 so ummmm what is the HD800 doing here? Z7M2 over that by miles just generally speaking yep, and used headphones are not for the holiday season esp not with the sales today. Get a first upmarket headphone with warranty and returns etc etc
Dec 2, 2021 at 9:16 AM Post #17 of 46
HD800 is open back btw OP looking for closed back^ and powering with a btr5 so ummmm what is the HD800 doing here? Z7M2 over that by miles just generally speaking yep, and used headphones are not for the holiday season esp not with the sales today. Get a first upmarket headphone with warranty and returns etc etc
I probably should have mentioned this in my original message but just for the record I do plan on getting a dac/amp stack eventually, I'm just also planning on going with a headphone at/under the 1000 dollar price point and want to hear what the community thinks the best purchase would be!
Dec 2, 2021 at 9:48 AM Post #18 of 46
I probably should have mentioned this in my original message but just for the record I do plan on getting a dac/amp stack eventually, I'm just also planning on going with a headphone at/under the 1000 dollar price point and want to hear what the community thinks the best purchase would be!
My vote would be for one of the Focal headphones. Though I would also get a dac/amp stack at the same time. At least a DAC. Maybe even something like the FiiO BTR5.

I think you could even stay well under $1,000 and come out with $1,000 worth of quality. For example the Elegia and a BTR5. Or the Elegia and a Schiit stack (or just the DAC). Upgrade the Elegias cable to a balanced cable too (ensuring your dac/amp is balanced).

I just think you'll want a DAC in the very least if getting a headphone at this price point.

If you want ope back, maybe the Focal Clear. Though that's going to be closer to the $1,000 mark. I'd still ensure you had a DAC if you don't already.
Dec 3, 2021 at 9:10 AM Post #19 of 46
Very interesting, very interesting. The HD800/800s is a comparison that I still don't quite understand even after watching/reading multiple reviews dedicated to it. Have you tried both? If you have, how would you describe the differences between them (strengths/weaknesses)? Also the Clear was what made me create this thread in the first place, as I know the OG Clears have a reputation for being quite solid, but I wanted to know if the community here on Head-Fi had anything else to say.
800 is brighter, bass doesn't go deep but it's fast. The Q is about perfect (bass damping).

800S has lower bass but its got less damping. But the treble is easier than the 800 too from SS standpoint.

Running an OTL amp i'd say 800 is the call - even though I've only heard the 800S on one.
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Dec 3, 2021 at 10:28 AM Post #20 of 46
Changing up the pace a little bit, I'm seeing a TON of open-back recommendations (mainly a used pair of Sennheiser HD800/HD800S or Focal Clear), what about closed back options? The only closed-backs that I know people like are the Beyerdynamic DT770s (@high impedence) and the DCA Aeon 2 Noire, but are there any others u guys have thoughts/comments about?
Dec 3, 2021 at 10:38 AM Post #21 of 46
Changing up the pace a little bit, I'm seeing a TON of open-back recommendations (mainly a used pair of Sennheiser HD800/HD800S or Focal Clear), what about closed back options? The only closed-backs that I know people like are the Beyerdynamic DT770s (@high impedence) and the DCA Aeon 2 Noire, but are there any others u guys have thoughts/comments about?
I recommend you to visit this thread.
Dec 3, 2021 at 7:40 PM Post #22 of 46
Changing up the pace a little bit, I'm seeing a TON of open-back recommendations (mainly a used pair of Sennheiser HD800/HD800S or Focal Clear), what about closed back options? The only closed-backs that I know people like are the Beyerdynamic DT770s (@high impedence) and the DCA Aeon 2 Noire, but are there any others u guys have thoughts/comments about?
My favorite closed-backs under $1k are Audeze LCD-2CB with the caveats that they are very heavy and the mids are a little wonky until you EQ them.

Generally if I have to sacrifice the airy sound of an open-back then I will just use IEMs instead of a closed-back however. That being said there are really great closed-backs that do have impressive soundstage that will outpace even the most technically proficient IEMs.

Re: the 800/s being too much for your current chain, it would only take about $200-250 of the $1k budget to get any of the respectable $100-150 DACs and pair it with a similarly priced respectable amp. For simplicity let's say JDS Labs Atom DAC+ and Atom Amp+ which combined I believe is $210.

That leaves $800 for a used 800 (probably not 800s unless you find a crazy deal) or a new B-stock Audeze LCD-2CB let alone everything else in the sub-$800 range providing it doesn't need stupid amounts of power. For instance the HE6se, which I'm starting to lean towards being my favorite sub-$800 cans (they are effectively $600 in perpetual sale from Adorama), but the amount of power they need is mind-boggling. Right now I'm running them off a Topping A90 in high-gain, and factoring in EQ they are honestly underamped.

But anyway - if you're buying a solid entry-level chain too (DAC+amp) then I would say you can safely budget $750-800 for the headphones and there are good options at that price point as mentioned throughout this thread. If you don't want to buy used then there is also the Hifiman Ananda at around that price point.
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Dec 3, 2021 at 8:05 PM Post #23 of 46
My favorite closed-backs under $1k are Audeze LCD-2CB with the caveats that they are very heavy and the mids are a little wonky until you EQ them.

Generally if I have to sacrifice the airy sound of an open-back then I will just use IEMs instead of a closed-back however. That being said there are really great closed-backs that do have impressive soundstage that will outpace even the most technically proficient IEMs.

Re: the 800/s being too much for your current chain, it would only take about $200-250 of the $1k budget to get any of the respectable $100-150 DACs and pair it with a similarly priced respectable amp. For simplicity let's say JDS Labs Atom DAC+ and Atom Amp+ which combined I believe is $210.

That leaves $800 for a used 800 (probably not 800s unless you find a crazy deal) or a new B-stock Audeze LCD-2CB let alone everything else in the sub-$800 range providing it doesn't need stupid amounts of power. For instance the HE6se, which I'm starting to lean towards being my favorite sub-$800 cans (they are effectively $600 in perpetual sale from Adorama), but the amount of power they need is mind-boggling. Right now I'm running them off a Topping A90 in high-gain, and factoring in EQ they are honestly underamped.

But anyway - if you're buying a solid entry-level chain too (DAC+amp) then I would say you can safely budget $750-800 for the headphones and there are good options at that price point as mentioned throughout this thread. If you don't want to buy used then there is also the Hifiman Ananda at around that price point.
Very interesting! To be honest, I would rather not EQ headphones/IEMs/audio gear because I don't even know what I like, but what do you mean "wonky" mids for the Audeze LCD-2CB? I've never actually heard of the headphones, so the recommendation is all the more interesting
Dec 3, 2021 at 8:31 PM Post #24 of 46
Very interesting! To be honest, I would rather not EQ headphones/IEMs/audio gear because I don't even know what I like, but what do you mean "wonky" mids for the Audeze LCD-2CB? I've never actually heard of the headphones, so the recommendation is all the more interesting

Here's a graph since it will help with visualizing some of the problems - that bump at around 100-150hz combined with the scoop around 350hz leads to low-mids that feel simultaneously a little recessed and also a little muddy, and then up around 3-4khz there is another scoop that makes upper-mids sound a little weak too.

It's not the worst thing in the world but generally in EQ I cut around 150 a little, bump 350 a little, do a bigger lift around 3.5khz and then also give them a small bass shelf to give them more slam. To my ears it does sound better, but they are also fine stock, I think with stock tuning the only genre that is a nonstarter is heavy rock and metal because the 3.5khz scoop makes guitars kind of mushy.

If you don't want to EQ at all and don't mind open-backs then I would look at the Hifiman Ananda. They do benefit from some light EQ as well but I think they have an amazing stock tuning and I run the least EQ on them of basically any headphone I own, even some of the higher-end Hifimans.

You mentioned the DCA Aeon 2 Noire, those are also great, are at a similar price point, are closed-backs and imo they don't need as much EQ as the LCD-2CB. If you won't EQ at all maybe that would be a better option.

But to be clear, the LCD-2CB are great headphones even with stock tuning. In fact I think they have one of the better stock tunings of the Audeze I've heard. That being said most headphones do benefit from EQ.
Dec 4, 2021 at 1:42 AM Post #26 of 46
Kennerton Gjallarhorn (and JM version) can be found used for under $1000. I would take that all day over a used HD800 (or S) or a Focal Clear. It is easy to drive and will work well with good amplification as well.

If you get a good powerful amp, you could also go for a used Audeze LCD3 or Hifiman Arya.

Lots of good options …. look at Hyland headphones and Ollo Audio for very good new full MSRP options. These are both easy to drive as well. No crazy amplifier needed.
Dec 5, 2021 at 11:12 AM Post #28 of 46
i think you can find the focal radiance for around 1k and that runs off a btr5 just fine
Maybe this isn't a fair comparison to make since one is closed-back and the other is open-back, but if anyone has experience with them, how would you compare the Focal Clear OG to the Focal Radiance? From the very brief used market searches I've done, it seems like a used Radiance will sell for about the same, if not a little bit less than a used OG Clear
Dec 5, 2021 at 12:27 PM Post #30 of 46
If you are comfortable with buying used, I recommendmaybe getting the Arya non stealth. They are a great pair of planar
Any particular reason why you mention the non-stealth ones? I only know there are two versions of the Arya that have been released to the market (i think) but what makes the non-stealth one better than the stealth one? Or is it a price thing and both are good

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