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Dec 25, 2016 at 9:20 AM Post #171,001 of 177,876
  Goddammit man my little brother wants PS4 and since used ones are cheaper here, maybe I should buy him but use it to play Nier Automata first.
It's too freaking cool and those thighs yo

LOL dat thumbnail ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
and I totally agree~
what's not to love about girls and giant swords?
2B is voiced by the same seiyuu as Mikasa from SnK man!

but I'll probably just watch a LP or something... don't really have the skills to play action games.
they changed the thumbnail :o
Dec 25, 2016 at 9:35 AM Post #171,002 of 177,876
Dec 25, 2016 at 10:55 AM Post #171,004 of 177,876
Melly Klismas friendos!
  In Germany you get your presents on the 24th.
Suck on that, murica.

The ES3 is amazing ♥
Probably my favorite IEM out of all the ones I have tried so far.

Awesome! Not sure if it'd be the case with the ES3, but the S-EM9 gets a huge boost in clarity and "presence" with a silver cable. Not sure if the actual degree of silver matters, but mine was a Norne Therium sliver litz cable I got off of the FS. Probably something to do with the crossover points and impedance of the cable. 

I actually enjoyed listening to that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

LMAO. Is this Captain Beefhart or that hot new Merzbow album?
Dec 25, 2016 at 11:49 AM Post #171,005 of 177,876
メリー クリスマス 皆さん! ^_^

Mapped a button on my mouse to F5, even better than what any of you plebs are doing.

Mouse? Keyboard shortcut efficiency ruined.

Goddammit man my little brother wants PS4 and since used ones are cheaper here, maybe I should buy him but use it to play Nier Automata first.
It's too freaking cool and those thighs yo

Them legs...

That actually looks pretty fun.

1:1 sized....will run you a cool 13 grand. XD

Would buy, but she seems a bit... stiff for me.
Dec 25, 2016 at 12:41 PM Post #171,010 of 177,876
Watched Izetta Xmas Special, lol pretty funny even though they were just revealing present drawing results :D
present from the director: "Don't you think its romantic if Santa actually exists?"

Dec 25, 2016 at 12:52 PM Post #171,012 of 177,876
@NieR: Automata Demo
Just played it on the PS4 and I'm pretty tempted to pre-order..... only problem is that I probably won't have much time to play this.
OST sounds absolutely amazing on the Neps.
tho graphics-wise I would've hoped for a bit more from 2017 but oh wells~
Dec 25, 2016 at 12:58 PM Post #171,013 of 177,876
I use vim full-time and I still use the trackpad to scroll.

I know this guy who -- after using vim long enough -- practically stopped using his mouse when coding or browsing the web.

Which also reminds me, I need to delve back into emacs. Was using it for a while, but it kinda sucks on Windows and stopped using it. Also TeXstudio on Windows is just far superior for writing TeX, unless you're maybe very experienced at emacs (or vim for that matter).
Dec 25, 2016 at 1:06 PM Post #171,015 of 177,876
I know this guy who -- after using vim long enough -- practically stopped using his mouse when coding or browsing the web.

Which also reminds me, I need to delve back into emacs. Was using it for a while, but it kinda sucks on Windows and stopped using it. Also TeXstudio on Windows is just far superior for writing TeX, unless you're maybe very experienced at emacs (or vim for that matter).

mouse is a different story since it's far away from the keyboard but the trackpad is actually in finger's reach.
but who am I to say anything on this matter.... I type at 3x WPM, no where near reaching the limits of finger/hand speed.
I really want to use emacs because I program primarily in LISP now but my vim muscle memory is holding me back and I really can't find a good enough reason to learn a new thing that's only slightly better than what I'm using now....
As for Tex, I'm still just using plain old vim with a hook that re-compiles the PDF on save. I don't write a whole lot of Tex nowadays.

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