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Dec 18, 2016 at 7:59 AM Post #170,611 of 177,876
  @mahouiku 12
huh.... ending was pretty weak considering all that happened...

why was snowwhite suddenly able to hear was fav was thinking?

Because Snow White's ability is that she's able to listen to people's thoughts when they are in distress.
I have to confess... I'm completely lost.
Scandium? Wardenclyffe? Odd Eye?
My comprehension of foreign terms spoken in Japanese only goes so far with raw releases.....

Yeah like TYG said probably ********, a random element, the unfinished tower planned by Tesla, and what is an odd eye supposed to be rofl.
Dec 18, 2016 at 9:07 AM Post #170,612 of 177,876
  Do I have to play the others or can I just jump straight into Witcher 3?

I jumped right in after reading this nice summary/introduction.
Dec 18, 2016 at 9:56 AM Post #170,613 of 177,876

So... Am I the only one who went through the whole video without feeling sad or forever alone or anything? 
When I first went to live alone my first year at uni I probably would've been really sad watching this vid but honestly after living with some weird roommates and a now-ex, I don't think anything beats living alone and if you get lonely, just going out or inviting some friends over. 

Gigguk's newest video on the Perfect Anime talks about Kimi no Nawa a lot and I agree with him on this.

I agree that it wasn't a perfect anime and in my objective book may have been a 8.5/10 but personally. I loved the hell outta it and would rate it emotionally as a 10

I saw this and it made me sad but also wanted one.
I currently live with roomates at College (who I like and were friends with before moving in) but will be moving out and living by myself after graduation.
This hit my FEELS right in the spot. It kinda hurts that while I inittally went into this video with condenscending attitude towards those that would buy this, I exited the video at the end kinda wanting one.

I totally agree with that review as well. honestly the plot did have some weird points but that didn't stop me from enjoying the heck out of the movie. 
Hmm, so it's your first time living alone eh? Are any of your friends at least staying in the area? 
Dec 18, 2016 at 10:36 AM Post #170,614 of 177,876
Got some stickers for my car poi.


Dec 18, 2016 at 1:18 PM Post #170,615 of 177,876
Interesting points, and I'd agree on that. I couldn't connect to the rather surreal events in Your Name (which left me more like "wat...." rather than being emotionally connected to the characters since it seemed so fake to me), unlike Garden of Words or 5 Centimeters Per Second, which I gave 10s to both, or even Clannad as a 9.

:'( sad face

I guess it connects differently for people. As gigguk noted, it felt like to me as if I was a child watching a long summer day past. So much nostalgia

Completely agree with this. While I really enjoyed Kimi no Na wa it didn't really hit me like Garden of Words or Anohana did. But that was a long time ago and maybe I'm just getting dull.

Its the latter. Jk! Haha. We each have our own tastes and that is OK.

Do I have to play the others or can I just jump straight into Witcher 3?

Rogue One was nice.

I liked the last few scenes and how they tied into Episode 4.

You can pretty much read one of those quick catch up story guides and jump right in. The game is made to cater to established fans and those that are new.

So... Am I the only one who went through the whole video without feeling sad or forever alone or anything? 
When I first went to live alone my first year at uni I probably would've been really sad watching this vid but honestly after living with some weird roommates and a now-ex, I don't think anything beats living alone and if you get lonely, just going out or inviting some friends over. :D

I totally agree with that review as well. honestly the plot did have some weird points but that didn't stop me from enjoying the heck out of the movie. 

Hmm, so it's your first time living alone eh? Are any of your friends at least staying in the area? 

Tso good. (I had panda express for dinner lol)

Not living alone yet but possibly in the near future after graduation. And don't really know.

Got some stickers for my car poi.

Dec 18, 2016 at 5:35 PM Post #170,618 of 177,876
I have to confess... I'm completely lost.
Scandium? Wardenclyffe? Odd Eye?
My comprehension of foreign terms spoken in Japanese only goes so far with raw releases.....
Can someone following the subs help me out with how the "ghost" mechanic is suppose to work?

Let see.
Ghosts, what they call "Astral Bodies" are basically beings that live as EM and bodies are their containers. When you die the astral body leaves the physical body and is now out in the open.
Supposedly the living world and dead world are on two different EM frequencies (this sounds dumb as ****) and if whichever one you're attuned to can communicate with them (Ex. tuned to the dead, can communicate to the dead. Tuned to the living, can communicate with the living) or something like that. And the Wardenclyffe gun majigger tunes you closer to being human frequency or something like that? Odd eye is a bigger version of that?
Basically stop watching because this show is pretty mediocre. The way they stretch science feels kind of awkward, the fanservice in the character design looks more like cancer, the terms and plot are confusing (somehow I kept up...kinda?) and it feels really rushed near the end now. It took 8 episodes or so for the plot to get interesting and now they're rushing the end which makes the plot more difficult to follow because they shove in terms and other new information left and right.

Izetta was an..interesting end. That plot armor is so thick for Izetta. Poor Sieg though. The show feels like a 6-7/10 though. Felt pretty average. At least it didn't go with the 100% happily ever after ending though. They tried pretty hard to mimick some aspects of WW2 though like Germany's (Germania in the show I guess) leader committing suicide.

Feel like the only 2 great shows this season were Drifters and 3gatsu no Lion. I guess some people here would say Flip Flappers but I personally haven't seen it so I can't say anything about it. I heard it was kind of Space Dandy esque so it sounds pretty decent.
Dec 18, 2016 at 7:50 PM Post #170,619 of 177,876

  Izetta was an..interesting end. That plot armor is so thick for Izetta. Poor Sieg though. The show feels like a 6-7/10 though. Felt pretty average. At least it didn't go with the 100% happily ever after ending though. T
hey tried pretty hard to mimick some aspects of WW2 though like Germany's (Germania in the show I guess) leader committing suicide.

Feel like the only 2 great shows this season were Drifters and 3gatsu no Lion. I guess some people here would say Flip Flappers but I personally haven't seen it so I can't say anything about it. I heard it was kind of Space Dandy esque so it sounds pretty decent.

Yeah, I agree on this show as well. I'm still glad I saw it as it was a decent show with an interesting premise but that's about it. Highly rushed last 4 minutes with what you were talking about too. I thought they would go more into the Emperor and his man servant...but nope. 
It was a one-off original anime so probably made to fill a slot anyway. Interesting show but about it.
Other points:
I'm currently watching/watched
3Gatsu (ep 5. But I read the manga)
Ajin 2 (will be marathoning when it all releases on Netflix)
Drifters (still on episode 2, will marathon)
Keijo!! (on ep 3, will finish later)
Girlish Number
Flip Flappers
Hibike Eupho 2
Gundam IBO S2
Yuri on Ice!!!
I'm all caught up with the series in the second list. And for me, the best/most hype series this season for me is the continuing Gundam IBO S2. I also like Girlish #, Hibike, Flip as possible 8s and Yuri on Ice as a 7.
Dec 18, 2016 at 8:58 PM Post #170,621 of 177,876
  Well, believe it or not, the ES3 is exactly the IEM that I was gonna buy next!
75% of the performance you get with the S-EM9 but for a third of its price? Count me in!
Well, and if it turns out to not be to my liking, there is still this In Ear Stagediver SD4 in the For Sale section...
I kind of gave up on the Audeze iSine. I really really liked it when I tried it at CopyrightInfringementJam earlier this year, but the poor isolation is most likely just too poor for me :-/
I'll try them again as soon as my local shop has them, but ES3 has priority. Will order this week.

I never want off of Mr. Flip Flap's wild ride!
My favorite show of this season for sure and hot candidate for AOTY.

Heh, I knew it. Luckily for you, it should be a superb set if the SEM9 relation bears out. The EM9 is definitely one of the more analogue/DD feeling BA based sets I've heard. Sort of similar to the FAD LAB but not as much note weight, and closer to neutral since it's note quite as dark as that phone. It's a very, very well tuned phone IMO and extracts a great amount of detail without resorting to treble tomfoolery. 
Only saw two eps of Flip Flappers but it had me smiling like an idiot during both eps. Papika is adorable!  Reminds me of Edward from Bebop in a way. Also dig Cocona's yellow Chucks. Anything else good this season?
Dec 18, 2016 at 9:14 PM Post #170,622 of 177,876
I did it!!! I finally managed to squeeze out some time to play the game! I accumulated another hour after 9 months!!! The game is beautiful too... ;-;


After a year of GPU wars, I almost forgot how powerful my 390 is. I guess all the Polaris vs Pascal debate featuring all the cool new things each can do gave me inferiority complex.
The Radeon Relive update is pretty cool. My only gripe is that you cannot downclock the memory. Before I can downclock as low as 150 mhz. I set it from 300 to 600 mhz when I am not gaming. This keeps the temperature low and the fans off. Stock profile only has two power state: Max or min (150 mhz), and even scrolling up and down a web page will ramp the memory clock to max, making temps idle at 60 degrees (which is when the fans kick in to cool it down).
Now, you cannot set the max clock speed at anything below 1500 mhz, which is sad. My GPU used to idle at high 30 degrees Celsius to low 40s (depending on ambient temps). Now I can always hear the fans faintly spinning when I'm pulling all-nighters to troll people on Facebook/Head-Fi.
So sad, so sad... :(
Dec 18, 2016 at 9:17 PM Post #170,623 of 177,876
Only saw two eps of Flip Flappers but it had me smiling like an idiot during both eps. Papika is adorable!  Reminds me of Edward from Bebop in a way. Also dig Cocona's yellow Chucks. Anything else good this season?

I'm a big fan of Gundam IBO S2. But of course this is S2 so you had to have been following. I'm also enjoying Hibike Euphonium S2 as well. Past that, you can try 3Gatsu no Lion or Yaoi on Ice!!! and the popular show Keijo!
  I did it!!! I finally managed to squeeze out some time to play the game! I accumulated another hour after 9 months!!! The game is beautiful too... ;-;


After a year of GPU wars, I almost forgot how powerful my 390 is. I guess all the Polaris vs Pascal debate featuring all the cool new things each can do gave me inferiority complex.
The Radeon Relive update is pretty cool. My only gripe is that you cannot downclock the memory. Before I can downclock as low as 150 mhz. I set it from 300 to 600 mhz when I am not gaming. This keeps the temperature low and the fans off. Stock profile only has two power state: Max or min (150 mhz), and even scrolling up and down a web page will ramp the memory clock to max, making temps idle at 60 degrees (which is when the fans kick in to cool it down).
Now, you cannot set the max clock speed anything below 1500 mhz, which is sad. My GPU used to idle at high 30 degrees Celsius to low 40s (depending on ambient temps). Now I can always hear the fans faintly spinning when I'm pulling all-nighters to troll people on Facebook/Head-Fi.
So sad, so sad... :(

Another hour! lol
That is unfortunate that you can't set your speed :( but hey. Think of it this way. What are PCMR Kings without pesants?
Dec 18, 2016 at 9:23 PM Post #170,624 of 177,876
I'm a big fan of Gundam IBO S2. But of course this is S2 so you had to have been following. I'm also enjoying Hibike Euphonium S2 as well. Past that, you can try 3Gatsu no Lion or Yaoi on Ice!!! and the popular show Keijo!

Oh dude... had no idea IBO S2 had started LOL. I remember following that and RE:Zero awhile back. Will have to consider ducking back into IBO. I did like the first season a lot. That Orphan's Tears ED by Misia was so damn good. Never heard of 3 Gatsu. Saw Yowy Zowy on Ice on MAL and wasn't sure if it was good or if everyone was just going bonkers for BL **** lol
Dec 18, 2016 at 9:26 PM Post #170,625 of 177,876
Oh dude... had no idea IBO S2 had started LOL. I remember following that and RE:Zero awhile back. Will have to consider ducking back into IBO. I did like the first season a lot. That Orphan's Tears ED by Misia was so damn good. Never heard of 3 Gatsu. Saw Yowy Zowy on Ice on MAL and wasn't sure if it was good or if everyone was just going bonkers for BL **** lol

Season 2 of IBO is pretty good. It keeps up with the hype that the finale of S1 gave us and goes on and on.
3Gatsu no Lion was a very popular manga that got an anime this season. Fairly popular anime that is currently airing. 
I'm watching Yaoi on Ice and its an ok show. Def above average and a decent watch but nothing amazing. I still don't know if it is full BL with an undertone or just false inneuendos. but oh well.

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