「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

Dec 16, 2016 at 1:28 PM Post #170,566 of 177,876
  Am I like the only person who haven't watched Kimi no Na Wa yet?

Maybe I should watch... soon

And off topic a little
Last week that was a doujin and cosplay convention which I was supposed to help out my booth but ended up taking photos the whole two days

Was shooting with a 17-50 f2.8 and a 50-200 f4-5.6, and was like thinking that having a 70-200 f2.8 would be better
Saw a really good deal on the Sigma 70-200 f2.8, so I bought one

No I am waiting for it to hit Bluray and get subtitled, so I wont be watching it for a while yet. I've seen all the other Shinkai movies, most are at least entertaining. I'm good at separating myself from hype so I'll go in with as little bias as possible. I have a feeling Koe no Katachi; the Kyoani movie that came out at the same time (and sold A LOT of tickets for an anime movie), will be the better "film" of the two, it just got overshadowed by Na Wa. Katachi did better at the box office than Madoka 3 and that's pretty good, everyone here should keep an eye out for it.
That's a hell of a lense. Got any pics to share from the con?
Dec 16, 2016 at 5:47 PM Post #170,569 of 177,876
Even if it were in theaters here, it would probably be subtitled in French. Maybe a good way to practice French and Japanese at the same time, but it would also suck.

That's a terrible combination. I watched the Full Metal Alchemist movie in Japanese with French subtitles and it was very difficult. Granted, I don't know French, so I was translating the Japanese I knew and trying to guess how the French subtitles would translate to Spanish and then translate that to English. I think I did pretty well considering I only paused a few times. :D
Dec 16, 2016 at 6:02 PM Post #170,570 of 177,876
It is again time for the only anime season preview that matters:

Dec 16, 2016 at 6:08 PM Post #170,571 of 177,876
Even if it were in theaters here, it would probably be subtitled in French. Maybe a good way to practice French and Japanese at the same time, but it would also suck.

At least it's not French dubbed. Probably mentioned it here already (most likely in conversation with you, since I think you mentioned the channel now operates in the Netherlands instead), but we had Dragonball (and a few other anime at the time) French-dubbed and with a lector reading the Polish dialogue over it. Either it was cheaper, or they didn't even have any translators fluent in Japanese available.
Dec 16, 2016 at 7:00 PM Post #170,572 of 177,876
Question, say if you guys buy a used headphone. The headphone comes in the mail, open the box and it smells like you got falco punched in the nose with a bunch of cigarettes: do you mention that in the public feedback or private feedback of the user?
Dec 16, 2016 at 7:25 PM Post #170,573 of 177,876
  Question, say if you guys buy a used headphone. The headphone comes in the mail, open the box and it smells like you got falco punched in the nose with a bunch of cigarettes: do you mention that in the public feedback or private feedback of the user?

1. If guy didn't mention it in his ads, PM first.
2. Be polite, try resolving without violence.
3. Suggest solution that is fair for both parties (price reduction/return/etc).
4. Keep the feedbacks and be on your way.
If (3) doesn't work continue to (5)
5. Negotiation breaks down, start trashtalking on his ads/etc.
6. Assuming (2) no longer applies, load your gun, go to his place and you know what to do.
7. Give negative feedback and run away from the police.
If guy mentioned it in his ads, then that's your fault so you can just weep the days away.
Dec 16, 2016 at 7:57 PM Post #170,574 of 177,876
  It is again time for the only anime season preview that matters:


I hate that you like that garbage. Implants so much bias into your French-sympathizing German head.
Dec 16, 2016 at 9:29 PM Post #170,576 of 177,876
Question, say if you guys buy a used headphone. The headphone comes in the mail, open the box and it smells like you got falco punched in the nose with a bunch of cigarettes: do you mention that in the public feedback or private feedback of the user?

Sadly, once you own something for some time, you get used to it and forget the complaints. When I got my Q701, used, it did not look new, and it definitely did not smell new. The owner probably tried to take care of it over the years and to the person, they are very new. The crushed foam, the smell of sweat, the broken/cracked plastic and dirty wire with cuts probably seems to be in pretty good condition. However, I almost freaked out when I first saw it.

Many months later, after some washing, some pads replacement, some scratchs and broken pieces falling off later, I also feel like the headphones look pretty new even though they are in worse condition than when I originally complained about it.

Try to communicate about it if you can. That might solve the problem moi than just talking negative about it publicly, as the person might not even realize that something is wrong, simply because the person is so used to the headphones.
Dec 16, 2016 at 9:58 PM Post #170,577 of 177,876
Sadly, once you own something for some time, you get used to it and forget the complaints. When I got my Q701, used, it did not look new, and it definitely did not smell new. The owner probably tried to take care of it over the years and to the person, they are very new. The crushed foam, the smell of sweat, the broken/cracked plastic and dirty wire with cuts probably seems to be in pretty good condition. However, I almost freaked out when I first saw it.

Many months later, after some washing, some pads replacement, some scratchs and broken pieces falling off later, I also feel like the headphones look pretty new even though they are in worse condition than when I originally complained about it.

Try to communicate about it if you can. That might solve the problem moi than just talking negative about it publicly, as the person might not even realize that something is wrong, simply because the person is so used to the headphones.

Solved! He lives with smokers so he became immune to the smell of smoke. You were right about the last sentence in regards to publicity. I gave him a good rep anyways since he's a good guy.

HD600 caters to my music playlist much better than the Q701's actually. I have piano, violins, renaissance, jazz and lots of jpop all over the place. The Q701 does better with techno but I just grab bassier closed-backs for that now.
Dec 16, 2016 at 10:28 PM Post #170,578 of 177,876
Am I like the only person who haven't watched Kimi no Na Wa yet? :beyersmile:

Maybe I should watch... soon

Nah, I haven't watched it yet either, which is kinda crazy given how much buzz is riding on it, and the plot seems appealing to me. 

Tom Yum Goong

Funny that you should be selling your SM64s, cause I just nabbed me a pair of these LOL. I think they are a straight up excellent set of phones and on par/exceeding the best of the best stuff I've heard such as the Campfire Andromeda, UERM, etc.. Apparently the ES3 is very similar sounding/performing for a very reasonable price. If that's true, that should be your next set of phones.

Finally, started watching Flip Flapper a second ago. I'm sure the appealing art style and mind ****ery is pulling the wool over my eyes, cause I should be hating this cute girls doing cute stuff ****, but I think I kinda love this?
Dec 16, 2016 at 10:57 PM Post #170,580 of 177,876
Hey guys, need a bit of help regarding laptops, as I haven't been following them at all.

Need a new laptop for work as my old one is malfunctioning and will probably die soon. The main things I'm looking for are colour accuracy and no eye fatigue first. My eyes are very weak and need to take frequent breaks, even from just reading on paper. Screens that flicker are a big no no for me as I will get headaches and blurry vision at the end of the day, and I need serious rest in order to recover. I also work on things that require colours to be somewhat accurate. I'm mainly looking for something that covers above 95% sRGB. I can calibrate my screen if needed.

Aside from that, I'll be playing games and trolling people on Head-Fi. Maybe some video editing for fun. Maybe I'll consider adding on some more mods to my 300+ list of mods for Skyrim. My budget is 1000 to 1100 dollars USD. Looking for an i5 or above, 1TB of storage, 8+ gigs of ram (self upgrade is fine), and a GTX 960m.

Any recommendations? :p


On something related to audio... Planning to build an O2. Some people mentioned that the volume pot has a bit of channel imbalance at low levels. Anybody have recommendations on what to replace it with? If I sound like an idiot, I probably am, as I've never soldered anything before. :(

...halp a noob please!


Last Christmas I got my parents the AD700X from Audio Technica.


...checking at their house, it seems they never used it... ;o;

I feel like stealing it from them since it's probably a waste, and I love their sound with an amp I have. However, it is still their headphone...I wish I can get another pair so both my parents can use headphones at the same time... But I don't know now. :/ Wat to get them this year... Questions questions questions...

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