
  1. Hun7er

    Amps recommandation for HE800

    Hello everybody,   I'm going to buy a Sennheiser HD800 and probably a Audeze LCD 2.   I want to know what amp can fit the best with HD800 and others cans like LCD 2, HE6.   I have read numerous topics and several amp win suffrage :   WA22 seems to be a bit too tubey sound DNA...
  2. cired

    Violectric V200 Versus Apex Peak/Volcano

    Wondering if anyone has compared the two side by side. I've been using the V200 for almost a year now with the V800 for a dac and the LCD-3 headphones. I am curious if the Apex Peak/Volcano would be a significant upgrade. Thoughts? Thanks
  3. Violectric HPA V200

    Violectric HPA V200

    The HPA V200 was developped with the target to enable ultimate transmission quality for low- , medium- and high-impedance headphones. Due to its specific, variable, low-noise and low-distortion circuit design especially optimised for dynamic headphones, the HPA V200 fulfils even most...