  1. Hawaiibadboy

    The Hardest hitting Headphones are.. ( "The EXTREME BASS Club")

    What are the best bass headphones? This is the hunt for the "Top 10" Bass headphones on the consumer market. The list will be compiled and based on identical set-ups (or similar) and tracks with identical Eq sloping/boosting...
  2. Vibe VHBLACKDEATH3-V1 Over-Ear Headphone

    Vibe VHBLACKDEATH3-V1 Over-Ear Headphone

    The brief for VIBE Audio's flagship Black Death Over Ear headphones was "Death By Bass"; by using a huge 50mm driver and noise isolation technology, the Black Death's take it louder and lower than any pair of headphones ever has before. The perfect headphones for Dance, Dubstep, R&B or Rap...