
  1. Othello3

    Universal fit IEM for jazz– Shure or Aurisonics ASG-1 or Heir 4ai?

    Hi all,   I've been looking to replace my Shure 420 iems for a while now, but the situation has become untenable. I love these phones, at least I love them the way that you love your first real high end anythings. I'm a big jazz fan, and I spend most of my listening time with straight-ahead...
  2. squallkiercosa

    Do you buy used IEMs?

    I was wondering, what do you think about used IEMs? and in case you bought something already, how was your experience? Not going far from the subject, how long last your IEMs normally?  
  3. theblackbird

    Shure SE420 vs Westone 4 or other higher end IEM's

    Hello,   Several years ago I bought a pair of Shure SE420's. While I'm pretty ok with them (lacking some bass imo) I'm considering replacing them with some higher end IEM's. The Westone 4's currently have most of my attention.   But I wonder: is the difference in sound clearly...
  4. thorthor

    se420, great deal?

    I can get a new se420 for 175.00€ on my local craigslist, is this a good deal? He does not have a receipt, but claims they are unused.
  5. baldboab

    SE 535s.....OMG!!!!!!!!

    Hi Folks,   First post here but have visited on and off for ages getting advice on what to buy.  I have a 32GB titanium Cowon S9 and have owned it for a couple of years I think.  I went through the process of re ripping my music into flac and now my S9 is full.  What a machine the S9 is...
  6. julienc


    I have had Westone 3 for 2 years and the cable is already broken. In fact there is a default at the exact point between the end of the cable and the section of the cable that is bigger before entering the earplug. That point is being flex all the point when you listen to your earphone (because...
  7. Quadrophenia

    Dive in straight to the good stuff, or test the waters a bit before buying?

    So, I've been looking around various threads, and see that a lot of people, including me at first I admit, want to go straight from the stock buds they get with their mp3 players to expensive, audiophile-inclined iems. It seems to me that this is a bit of a waste. Isn't it better to try and tune...
  8. 3602

    Shure SE530 short impressions

    Solid aluminium box with sharp edges. That's it. I don't do impressions on packaging. Included volume control is cheap (overly so). The plugs on the airline adapter are already tarnished. 1/4 adapter is fine. The short 'extension' cable is of questionable usability. Great Shure...
  9. jay567

    Looking to buy cable troubled high end Shures and Westones i.e W3~ and SE420~

    Hi guys! I'm new to the forum so if I wrote this in the wrong place or am not allowed to start buying threads, I'm sorry!   So anyways, I've got one SE420 which only the left earphone works. If anyone's got a SE420 with only the right earphone working, I would love to buy it and try to fix...
  10. RS232

    Shure se425: Spotty Sound Quality

    I received my se425s after sending my 6 year old E4Cs into Shure... Awesome CS, BTW. The sound on the SCL4 seems to be better overall. The se425s completely fall apart on cymbals and snares - most of the time you can barely hear cymbals. When you can they sound like fingers-on-a-chalkboard. I'm...
  11. cifani090

    Shure warranty service

    Im having a problem with my left ear piece having significant lower sound from my right ear piece and i need to know if you guys have had any pros/cons of the warranty service at Shure.
  12. rock&rollfrenchfries

    question about Atrio X

    from what i understand these are simply the old model atrios. correct?
  13. kryten123

    Have your High End IEMs failed...or is just me?

    Hi all,   Over the last few years I have owned Shure SE530s and ACS T1s and have had them fail on me a number of times. The failure has been where the earphone goes very quiet over a day or so and then fails completely. Both IEMs have failed in the right ear multiple times with a very recent...
  14. Solude

    Help with choosing an IEM to replace the Shure 420...

    I currently have the Shure 420 which is a good playback IEM but now that I'm playing drums again its not working out.  The recessed treble makes picking out cymbal work difficult.  So I need an IEM with more treble heat than the Shure without dropping bass.  Basically need the IEM most suited to...
  15. GanChan

    Thoughts on Shure IEM cable issues

    I've owned a couple of EC2s as well as an SE115, and like so many other Shure customers I've had to return them for replacement due to tears in the earpiece cable cover. It's nice that Shure is willing to send me new phones with minimal muss and fuss, but it would be even nicer if the damage...
  16. warrenzn

    Good Amp/DAC for Shure SE420?

    I have the Shure SE420 and am looking to upgrade to my first headphone Amp from using just the headphone out on my MacBook Pro and iPod Classic. So would have to be a DAC as well as an amp for portable use.   What would be a good choice in the price range of around $150 - $200? I have heard...
  17. Brooko

    REVIEW : Shure SE315 vs SE425 (+ differences with old SE420) // Shure's mid-tier IEM's

      So far on Head-fi I haven't seen anyone do a direct A/B comparison with these two IEM's, and as I have both (at the moment - but not for long), I thought I'd take the opportunity.   Disclaimer - I have no affiliation with Shure - but I am a fan of their house sound.  I started a couple...
  18. jakis noobek

    Phonak Audeo + Cowon E2 or Nationite N2? (metal music)

    Hi, I'm looking for a new portable mp3 player and in-ear headphones. After reading a lot of reviews and tests I've chosen Phonak Audeo 012, but I don't know which mp3 would be better. Im listening in 90% to metal. Sound quality is more important than design. Price range for headphones is...
  19. R300

    se420 Advice

    I'm trialling a several pairs of iems at the moment, one of which being the Shure se420. I'm an iem newbie btw.   Whilst there is plenty to commend these phones, there are a couple of big problems. I don't know if this is because they need burning in, or maybe I'm not fitting them correctly...
  20. Somnambulist

    Upgrade time... for my mum!

    A few years ago I helped my mum pick her first pair of 'proper' IEMS, as she kept buying cheap Sony ones that kept falling apart and got fed up... which is where I reeled her into HeadFi land. Picked UM1s as they were just about in the price range she was willing to spend and comfort was v...
  21. warrenzn

    Shure SE420 & Total Bithead amp vs SE530?

    About two years ago I purchased the Shure SE210 and a little over a year ago decided to upgrade to the SE420, which I am quite impressed with, using them (unamped) with my MacBook Pro and 80gb iPod classic.   I have been reading about the improvement in sound that is achievable using a...
  22. xpaand

    Best Value IEM's Under $200

    [CLIFF NOTES!] - Looking for the best pair of headphones (long lasting with really high sound quality-to-price ratio) available under $200 (after taxes/shipping to Canada) - iPhone 4 will power the headphones the majority of the time, and a Macbook Pro the rest of the time - Would love to have...
  23. D

    Shure or Westone ?

    Hi Thought I'd made up my mind (finally)to get the westone two's. However been given another option in the shure se420's at a reduced rate (£180 vs £130!). So back to square one. So out of the westone 2 and Shure se420 which would be the better for a)ease of use, b)comfort c)isolation...
  24. fooooom

    Some SE420 questions.

    hey guys, im new to this forum. And i just bought a Shure Se420 :) I want to register my product online but i can't find the serial number, Where is it located? :D 
  25. bmichael

    UE Triple.Fi 10 or Shure SE 420 or Etymotic ER-4P

    Before I get flamed for not searching the archives, let me say I have. The previous posts take into account circa 2007 prices. It's almost 2011! (No but for real, you guys are the best and very nice. I don't think I'd have gotten yelled at.) Anyway, it seemed like the big knock on the SE420 is...