
  1. HDGabe5636

    Looking for a pair of HD580 Jubilee’s (95)

    I’m looking to buy a pair of HD580 Jubilee’s
  2. HDGabe5636

    Are the HD580 Jubilee better than the HD600?

    My HD600 died today so I was looking into getting a replacement HD600 but I was wondering If the rare HD580 Jubilee (1995) sounds better? I heard that the Jubilee is flatter and more clear than the HD600 but I've never heard them myself. Also, the jubilees are one of the best looking set of cans...
  3. MoonAudio

    Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 4 Earphones

    Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 4 Earphones $299.95 Learn More Take it to the next level: With MOMENTUM True Wireless 4 from Sennheiser, you can experience the new benchmark for incredible wireless audio that let you step into the future. Immerse yourself in thrilling audio, that’s tuned to...
  4. Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 4

    Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 4

  5. Sennheiser

    CanJam NYC 2024: Listen to the HE 1

    We're bringing the HE 1 back to the Big Apple for CanJam NYC '24! You can sign up to listen to it here, but don't forget to chime in on the official CanJam NYC thread and get acquainted with the show schedule, vendors, attendees, and location. See you there!
  6. Audio46

    Pre-Order the Sennheiser MOMENTUM True Wireless 4 at Audio46

    Audio46 is an Authorized Dealer of Sennheiser Sennheiser's legendary MOMENTUM True Wireless series is back with the MOMENTUM True Wireless 4. Thanks to the Sennheiser sound signature powered by TrueResponse driver technology and highly acclaimed sonic signature, the sound is refined with the...
  7. NKkrisz

    Hello everyone. Yesterday I entered the "midrange" with my "new" HD580, but I have some questions.

    I finally entered the "midrange" with my "new" HD580 for 170$ which is from a guy who apparently used it for 15 years. He almost sold it for 17$ as a mistake (I had to pay for it when it got delivered) but I corrected him later and he got the full asking price after I noticed him about the...
  8. N

    Do I "need" a Sennheiser HD600/650/660S(S2) series headphone?

    Hi all. When I got into this hobby, the legendary headphone that I always kept hearing about was the Sennheiser HD600. Well, that was expensive, so I started with some more cheap headphones. I often found some great deals and my current better ones in my collection are: - Sennheiser HD599 -...
  9. tjkohli

    Sennheiser HD 490 PRO just announced

    Just announced! Sennheiser 490 PRO
  10. Groundhog

    Sennheiser HD 490 Pro Plus coming?

    Just seen Jason's video about the Sennheiser HD490 Pro Plus: It seems that Sennheiser silently replaced their HD600 line for their PRO customers. Looks great, better build and might have larger soundstage. What do you think?
  11. username643827

    HD600 Balanced cable

    Hello everybody. Iam looking for a balanced cable for my HD600. Lenght: 2-3meters Connenctor: 4.4mm / XLR Or making a cable for myself is better?
  12. username643827

    Sennheiser HD280 PRO VS Sony MDR-7506

    Hello :dt880smile: I currently own the HD280 PRO that i bougth for 70$. I was thinkink about returning them for and replacing them for the sony mdr-7506. - cost 100$ Should i doit or keep the sennheiser? What i liked about HD280 PROs. - price/performance - avaibility - the cable - adapter...
  13. username643827

    HD600 VS HD650

    Hello. I currently own an Sennheiser HD600 and i was wondering about the HD650. Are the HD650 better in quality, comfort, stability? Are they any different in sound quality or the same? Are they "worse" than the HD600?
  14. username643827

    Different Sennheiser HD600 models

    Hello. I would like the know the different HD600 models beucase its kinda confusing. My HD600 looks a lot like a HD650 same headband, same colour also made in ireland. There is the "blue" show right here.
  15. username643827

    Best DAC or AMP for HD600

    Hello everybody :) I will appreciate your advice about which amps and dacs would be best for my Sennheiser HD600. I was thinking about the FiiO E10K, around a 100 euros for me. My budget is around 200 euros.
  16. Sennheiser

    Save the date: a Sennheiser CES debut

    Hello Head-Fi, The Consumer Electronics Show ("CES") is nearly upon us, and we have a few technology-leaning announcements to make. We know most of you will not be able to attend CES, so we'll be livestreaming the our media event on January 8th at 12:30pm Pacific Time, live from Las Vegas. You...
  17. bombadilio

    Sennheiser 800s for gaming / Sub $150 / $200 dac/amp setup help

    Happy New Year! I made an order for the Sennheiser 800S and plan to use it primarily for PC gaming and music. I oddly thought that my motherboard (Rampage V Extreme) with a 600ohm amp internally would be able to power these..... Understanding I only have a 3.5mm jack, I was wondering whats the...
  18. D

    History of Sennheiser hd 4xx series?

    I'm shocked when I receive a vintage hd 480i and listen to symphonies and electronic dance music. It gives me a feeling that this little headphones can handle all the music types. Unluckily, it is difficult to search the history of hd 4xx series, like hd 4x1, 4x0, 4x5, 4x4, etc. So are there any...
  19. Sennheiser

    Feeling lucky? A tour of our audiophile factory awaits

    Season's Greetings, Head-Fi! ICYMI: A few months ago, we opened the Audiophile Experience Center (AEC) in our Tullamore, Ireland factory 🍀 Well, to celebrate the opening, we’re sending THREE lucky people AND their +1 to Tullamore for the audiophile experience of a lifetime. You’ll get to: Tour...
  20. silvermuse

    Exploring options in a $500-1000 system, fairly new to mid-fi

    Hi there! Been reading Head-Fi and following classifieds for a while, but never made an account (well, I had an old one under another email that I never used). I thought I'd test the waters and see if anyone had good advice for me! Thank you SO MUCH in advance if you read this and offer...
  21. MoonAudio

    Super Saver Deal: Sennheiser HD650 Headphones Now - $329.95

    Sennheiser HD650 Headphones $499.95 Now: 329.95 Save $170 Learn More The HD 650 has all of the perks of a high-performance sports car and none of the quirks. This open-back headphone is beloved by audiophiles for its musical, non-fatiguing sound while still offering intimate levels of detail...
  22. MoonAudio

    Super Saver Deal: Sennheiser HD650 Headphones Now - $329.95

    Sennheiser HD650 Headphones $499.95 Now: 329.95 Save $170 Learn More The HD 650 has all of the perks of a high-performance sports car and none of the quirks. This open-back headphone is beloved by audiophiles for its musical, non-fatiguing sound while still offering intimate levels of detail...
  23. L

    Sennheiser HD800/HD800S Earpad Dimensions

    I'm looking for some headsets, and I realized that not many sites post the earpad size/dimensions. I did want to know this information for a few headphones, especially the Sennheiser HD800 and HD800S. This being said, would anyone have access to both the external and internal dimensions for the...
  24. Slazyel

    Which one should i get?

    Hi guys, which of those seems to be the better for the price paid? Sadly where i live the prices are huge so i will have to choose between one of those. I will mainly use it for music listening (rock, metal, pop) and gaming. Brand New Products (2 year warranty): Sennheiser HD 660S: $560...
  25. defrsh

    Sennheiser Support

    Just curious to ask the community, and more specific to my case, the US community how their experience with Sennheiser support has gone. I recently experienced my right channel of my IE600 is failing. It still fell under warranty so I decided to reach out to support to file a claim. I made an...