Sennheiser PX 360?
Hey, I'm buying a new pair of headphones, and I went to best buy. I previously though my 518's were amazing, however, I went to best buy and tried on a pair of PX 360's. Needless to say, I was surprised by their sound. I guess I've gotten too used to open back headphones. Anyways, what's...- FlyingPigman
- Thread
- fiio-e11 sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Please Help Me Choose Between. . . . . . . .
These 4 Headphones which will be driven by Ipod Touch 2g which in turn will be connected to a CMOYbb Altoids with updated carbon circuit catering for Rock,Pop music.The 4 headphones in question are:- 1.Ultrasone HFI 680. 2.German Maestro GMP 8.35D. 3.Beyerdynamic DT770. 4.Sennheiser PX 360...- Boeing777
- Thread
- beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-80-closed-studio-headphones german-maestro-gmp-8-35-d-monitor-headphone sennheiser-amperior-on-ear-headphones sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass ultrasone-hfi-680
- Replies: 9
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Looking to upgrade my Sennheiser PX360s
Hey all, Looking to upgrade my Sennheiser PX360s for no other reason than to justify buying a new set of headphones. I actually like my 360s very much, they do an admirable job of providing me with a quality sound when I am away from home and my Sennheiser HD650s. But the wife always wants...- BruinAnteater
- Thread
- sennheiser-momentum sennheiser-amperior-on-ear-headphones sennheiser-hd-25-1-ii-professional-headphone sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Sennheiser HD360 Pro = PX360?
So, I went to a local Best Buy today and just purchased the Sennheiser HD360 Pro on sale for $100. Right next to them were the identically spec'ed and looking PX360. No one at the store could tell me what the differences between the two were in terms of SQ, and they didn't have any extra to open...- battleaxe
- Thread
- sennheiser-hd-380-pro-headphones sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 94
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Sennheiser PX360 vs AKG 451 or something else?
I purchased some Sennheiser HD360 Pro(which maybe just rebranded PX360) today and after letting is burn if for about 8 hours, I wanted to see how it initially sounded. For the most part it is pretty nice, but the bass is a bit fatiguing, and muddying for my taste. The balance is nice and sound...- battleaxe
- Thread
- sennheiser-hd-465-headphones sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass sennheiser-px-360-bt
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Need help chosing the best headphones
I am new to head fi and I am going to be getting my first good pair of headphones. i listen to all kinds of music from rap to dubstep and some metal. i have 4 headphones in mind i just dont know which ones would be best. i was looking at the hd360pro, hd380pro, hd429 and the px 360. i was trying...- crivellima
- Thread
- sennheiser-hd-380-pro-headphones audio-technica-ath-a700x-art-monitor-headphones audio-technica-ath-a900x-art-monitor-headphones-japan-import sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass sennheiser-hd-429-headphones-black
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Buying new headphones, Help!
Hi, This is my first post here at Head-Fi. I've been looking for some time to buy a new pair of headphones. Been reading here on the forum a lot and can't make up my mind. I'm interested in the Sennheiser PX 360. They seem good for portable use and I was thinking of using...- SFixic
- Thread
- fiio-e11 jds-labs-cmoybb beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-80-closed-studio-headphones audio-technica-ath-a900x-art-monitor-headphones-japan-import astro-mixamp brainwavz-hm5-studio-monitor-headphones shure-srh840 sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass ultrasone-pro-750
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Hello, I made the mistake of inadvertently going to to full-size headphone forum. I want something that is easy to travel with for daily commuting on the train; they need not be perfect in the isolation, I don't like the pressure I feel from noise cancelers, Desires: 1...- Angular Mo
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones beyerdynamic-dt250 beyerdynamic-t50p bose-ae2-audio-headphones headphones jvc-ha-s600 jvc-victor-head-band-portable-headphones-ha-s500-b-black-japanese-import krk-kns8400-studio-headphones panasonic-rp-htx7pp-w-retro-style-monitor-headphones-white sennheiser-momentum sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass sony-mdr-1r sony-mdr-v6-monitor-series-headphones sony-mdr-zx700
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Sennheiser PX360 - disappointing. :-(
I picked these up two weeks ago. I was using IEMs for portable use since 2004. Shure E3c, Etymotic ER6i, Etymotic ER4P, Shure SE325, etc. I take them in and out a lot, and after eight years, it was taking a toll on my ears. Just them moving a little bit would cause the pressure change to hurt my...- larossmann
- Thread
- etymotic-er-4p-portable-in-ear-earphones headphones sennheiser-px-360-bt sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
modding PX360
hi, i have PX360 and HD448(modded for more bass and sounds great!!!) HD448 modded as PX360: cant find how to mod :((((((((((( i would like to know how to mod the PX360 so it has more bass because it sucks for bass from...- hernan604
- Thread
- headphones sennheiser-hd-448 sennheiser-px-360-bt sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 14
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
AKG Q460 or Sennheiser PX360
i listen to music from my ipod touch. i presently have a beats tour and i'm looking forward to buy an over-ear or on-ear headphone.. pls help me out... i'm thinking of AKG Q460 or Sennheiser PX360. thanks in advance- Lonelykid
- Thread
- akg-q460-mini-on-ear-headphones-quincy-jones-signature-line headphones on-ear sennheiser-px-210-bt-bluetooth sennheiser-px-360-bt sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Mid-range headphones. ATH-M50, Sennheiser PX-360, Shure SRH840, what to buy?
Hey, I've been browsing for about two years now, particularly when I'm buying a new pair of headphones. I started off with a pair of Sennheiser eh350s (which I am currently using), graduated to a beautiful pair of Denon AH-D1100s which have since broken :( I'm looking for a pair...- Arnolox
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones audio-technica-ath-m50s headphones over-ear sennheiser-hd-25-studio-monitor-headphones sennheiser-px-360-bt sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass shure-srh840
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Enter in Poll for your vote on my future headphones.
For the 10th time my preference is mid/vocals forward and clear. Good deep bass(not overpowering and doesn't have to be alot of it. I like quality over quantity unless there is almost non in terms of quantity.) Non sibilant or fatiguing highs. most songs 320kbps and some 256-192kbps. ...- Player1josh46
- Thread
- fischer-audio-fa-003 headphones over-ear sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass shure-srh-940 shure-srh840
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
IEMs vs. closed headphones
I would need some new headphones for use in the office. Because of the office use they have to be closed or IEMs. Portability is not an issue here. I will probably only use them at work. What do you think should I go with for example Shure 215 IEMs or start to look for some closed...- Ande2
- Thread
- akg-k272hd-k-272-hd-high-definition-headphones beyerdynamic-dt-235-headphone-white headphones in-ear over-ear sennheiser-hd-448 sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass shure-srh-440-professional-studio-headphones
- Replies: 14
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Sennheiser px360 80 bucks with employee discount how good are they ?
Owner of Grados MS-1, Sennheiser hd 238, Ultimate ears, I'm curious how the Sennheiser px360 are for about 78$ with my employee discount since they retail for 150. I'm thinking of seeing if I can get the Sennheiser hd 25 with my employee discount. If so how do the px360 and hd 25 compare to each...- Chrisrod01
- Thread
- headphones over-ear sennheiser-pc-360-headset-for-pro-gaming sennheiser-px-360-bt sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Good portable cans for under $200
Hi. I need a good pair of cans for under $200. -Rock/Metal -Over-the-ear -Portable-ish -Closed -Comfy -iPod and PC I think that's it for now. Any suggestions? Thanks.- stewieg
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones denon-ah-d1100 fiio-e11 grado headphones kicker-09hp541-dj-style-over-the-ear-stereo-headphone koss-prodj100 over-ear sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass shure-srh-940
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
HD 448 + FiiO e11 or PX 360 for portable use?
Hi, Ive recently purchased a FiiO e11 portable amp but im still looking for a full size portable headphone. Ive been looking at the HD 448 and the PX 360 both from Sennheiser. My questions are... How will the HD 448's respond to an amp? How will the PX 360's respond to an...- P0st-R0cks
- Thread
- fiio-e11 headphone-amplifiers headphones sennheiser-hd-448 sennheiser-px-360-bt sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Headphones for work and home listening: Alessandro MS1 or Sennheiser PX 360 ?
Hello Head-Fi, my first post here and sadly a question is all I have to share with you. Please forgive me for that and try to help if you can. I know the options I am giving are totally contradicting. The MS1 being all open supra-aural and PX 360 being closed circumaural. But open...- HzArduous
- Thread
- alessandro-ms-1 alessandro-ms1i fiio-e7-usb-dac-and-portable-headphone-amplifier headphones over-ear sennheiser-px-360-bt sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Wondering which headphones to buy
My budget is 300 or lower and I previously thought about buying the Beats Studios (I was pushing my budget) for its stylish looks. However, I seen a lot of reviews and they discouraged me from buying them. I researched some more and found these ugly looking headphones. I looked up review...- jamesoh
- Thread
- alessandro-ms-1 audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones beyerdynamic-dt-770-stereo-headphones beyerdynamic-tesla-dt-1350 fischer-audio-fa-003 fischer-audio-fa-011 grado-sr-80 headphones over-ear sennheiser-hd-25-1-ii-professional-headphone sennheiser-hd-558 sennheiser-hd-598 sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass ultrasone-hfi-580
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
<200$ shortlist : Senn, Audio Technica, Ultrasone & Shure - Need Advices.
Hey everybody, I am new to these forum, write from France and would like to replace my Senn HD238, which were OK for me but way to fragile (broke two in 18months, bent the plug). So I decided to go for a slightly higher tier, with a budget of $100-$200. These are my criteria Has to be...- ytzelf
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-es-55 grado-sr125i-headphones headphones sennheiser-hd-238-stereo-open-aire-headphone sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass shure-srh840
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Closed headphones for quiet office use,recommendation?
My current set up is Foobar(Flac/CD) + Asus essence STX + Denon D2000, I listen to pop and jazz and little bit classics. I want to repalce the Denon d2000 because I feel its sound is a bit cold for me, especially human vocal, sounds like they are too far away from you. and the D2000 is too...- shingo43
- Thread
- asus-xonar-essence-stx audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones headphones over-ear sennheiser-hd-280-headphones sennheiser-hd-380-pro-headphones sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Choosing between Bose AE2 or Sennheiser PX 360 (or others sennheiser headphones)
Hi, I'm looking to buy my first headphones for listening on my iphone and on my computer. I'm having an hard time choosing between Bose AE2, Sennheiser PX 360 or others Sennheiser headphones. My budget is around 150€ Can you help me with my choice ? Thanks by advance Edit : I'm...- non092
- Thread
- bose-ae2-audio-headphones headphones over-ear sennheiser-hd-25-1-ii-professional-headphone sennheiser-px-360-bt sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Help with choosing headphones for my ipod?
Ive recently joined head-fi but ive been using the forum for about a year now. After tons and tons of research i still am unsure about which headphones to get, heres my criteria: -under $150 -good for ipod use -on or around ear headphones -closed-back -i am a bass head, but i dont...- Sam9797
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones audio-technica-ath-ws70 denon-ah-d1100 denon-ahd2000-high-performance-over-ear-headphones headphones over-ear sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Sennheiser PX 360 Collapsible Wired Headphone with Clear Natural Sound and Punchy Bass
The PX 360 offers incredible sound in a pocket sized package. The collapsible around the ear headphone look and perform like traditional headphones.- R-Audiohead
- Head Gear item
- sennheiser-px-360-collapsible-wired-headphone-with-clear-natural-sound-and-punchy-bass
- Reviews: 3
- Category: Over-Ear