
  1. flargosa

    How bad is sound leakage of Grados?

    I want to get a SR225 for work use, but I'm worried it will leak too much sound and bother everybody in the other cubicles. Anyway, how far away can you hear the music of someone using Grado's at medium to low volumes? And how is sound leakage compared to Senn 580/600. Thanks.
  2. BirdManOfCT

    Sennheiser HD 800 : Sennheiser HDVD800 or Woo Audio WA7 ?

    What's your preferred pairing for Sennheiser HD 800: Sennheiser HDVD800 or Woo Audio WA7 ?

    balanced amp for lcd3

    solid state, not a fan of tubes with the lcd3     options I'm looking at:   mjolnir (mjolnir 2) bryston bha1     anyone else have any suggestions?
  4. arnesto

    Do you know what happened to the HDVA 600?

    The HDVA 600 amplifer used to be listed on the Sennheiser website as a recommended product for the HD800, but now only the HDVD 800 is recommended.   I also see that retailers are listing the HDVA 600 discounted from the original MSRP of $1600.   Does anyone know if the amplifier has been...
  5. Halitosis

    DAC to combine with my HDVA600 to drive an HD800

    Hey Head-Fi   I'm looking into a new DAC to combine with my HDVA600 to drive an HD800 or sometimes an HD650.   I'm currently using a CA DM+ running balanced through the amp to the phones.   I listen to a lot of different music and do switch between the phones though spend most of my time...
  6. thievesarmy

    Synergy between first-party amps & headphones

    When it comes to computers, I have a theory that there will always be advantages between first party hardware & software. So for example, using an Apple computer, I prefer to use Safari as my browser as I feel Apple, having built both the computer and the OS, will know best how to optimize their...
  7. xerojin

    HELP! Suggestions for Sennheiser HD800 - HDVD800 or WA22?

    Hey guys,   So I'm planning to buy a Sennheiser HD800 in the future and was looking for an amp. I've seen the HDVD800 as being a good match but I heard many accolades given to the WA22.   I'm looking to not replace or buy new equipment after my first and only purchase unless something breaks...
  8. jdandy

    Sennheiser HD800 and HDVA 600 Review

          It is not unusual for me to get carried away with audio upgrades. What starts out as a simple change to one thing often leads to two, three, or four additional changes before the dust settles on a particular upgrade. So it was with my decision to upgrade from my trusted Sennheiser HD600...
  9. jepebee

    Sennheiser HDVA 600 headphone amp

    Had someone the opportunity to listen to the new Senn HDVA 600 headphone amp with the HD800?
  10. MoonAudio

    *NEW* Sennheiser HDVA 600 Headphone Amp Guarantees an Absolutely Precise Sound

              NOW PREORDERING...   *New* Sennheiser HDVA 600 Headphone Amp   Guarantees an Absolutely Precise Sound.   Only $1599.95, plus...    Free Shipping in The U.S.     Sound can be perfected with Sennheiser’s HDVA 600.   Delivering authentic sound in...
  11. Dennis SK

    HDVA 600 or tube amp for HD800?

    Hello all!   The few reviews that are out on HDVA600 state that the amp is a "perfect match" for HD800. I listened to a HDVD600/HD800 setup and it was very good. But, I haven't been able to try out tube amps like WA2 or balanced WA22 or any good tube amp for that matter.   So my question...
  12. jude

    CanJam at RMAF 2013 Preview (And Exclusive Early Reveals!) - Head-Fi TV

    NOTE:  If you can't see the embedded video above, please CLICK HERE to see the video.     Check out this sneak preview of what you can hear and see at 2013 CanJam @ RMAF, including some exclusive first reveals of some exciting new products! Come join us on October 11-13, 2013, to hear and see...
  13. project86

    Review: Effect Audio Thor cables for IEMs and full sized headphones (in both Silver and SPC form)

          Effect Audio started in 2009, making aftermarket cables for enthusiasts. They went international in 2011, selling their custom creations via eBay as well as their own website. By 2013 they are one of the more well known options and have amassed a collection of positive reviews around...
  14. jude

    Summer 2013 Head-Fi Buying Guide - Head-Fi TV

      NOTE:  If you can't see the embedded video above, please CLICK HERE to see the video.       In this episode of Head-Fi TV, we cover some highlights from the Summer 2013 update of the Head-Fi Buying Guide, including the Sennheiser HDVD 800 DAC/amplifier, the Abyss Headphones...
  15. Sennheiser HDVA600

    Sennheiser HDVA600

    The sound of your favourite headphones can be perfected with the Sennheiser HDVA600 headphone amplifier. With a stunning circuit design and beautiful casework, the HDVA600 is made for the discerning listener who wants the most enjoyment from listening to music through headphones.