  1. Giogio

    Huge Comparison of [almost] all the Best Bluetooth Headphones - post your own comparisons here

    Hello everybody. If you are in a hurry you find the lists of Best BT Headphones on the second half of this post CHANGE OF DIRECTION. As you may know, I am organising what will probably be the biggest side-by-side Comparison of Bluetooth Headphones ever made. More than 100 models, basically all...
  2. halehaler

    Sony MDR1RBT vs Philips Fidelio M1BTBL/00 vs Sony MDR10RBT Wireless Headphones Comparison?

    Mods are welcome to delete/lock my other thread. I feel I have streamlined my question now and can provide a clearer thread title, in which I'd love some direct comparisons.  Prices I can get them for: >MDR1RBT: £220/$355~ I feel these are proportionately overpriced? >M1BTBL/00: £155/$250...
  3. Philips Fidelio M1BT

    Philips Fidelio M1BT

    The Philips Fidelio M1BT headphones have been crafted for durability and long-lasting comfort, meaning you can enjoy your music for hours on end. Easy access controls are right on the ear cans allowing you to adjust the volume with just a touch.